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what would you do if you and your character switched lives for a day?


Level 50
Community Team
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im personally more concerned about what he would do as me

but i wanna play his froggy ukulele :>

layla !

Level 6
i have a few characters actually !! heres my thoughts on this

ahh my baybay Kiyomi : i'd love to live in her shoes, she has so much hello kitty stuff and she's got such cute clothes, shes also spoiled by her older brother.

my awesome russian ginger guy Zhenya : Zhen is pretty cool !! his trauma isn't fun though, but his girlfriend is a cutie so yes.

my poor forgotten Ichika : she's super cool, i really need to play her more fr, she's pretty cool idk it'd be fun i guesss


Level 5
if i switched lives with jaehyeon...since he's a psychiatrist i'd probably try my best not to get him charged with medical mispractice. . .? i'd trust him with my life, but i don't think jaehyeon would exactly trust me with his-
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Level 50
Community Team
Media Team
Thread starter
if i switched lives with jaehyeon...since he's a psychiatrist i'd probably try my best not to get him charged with medical mispractice. . .? i'd trust him with my life, but i don't think jaehyeon would exactly trust me with his-
THATS SO FUNNY i love how urs contradict mine


Level 11
i would NOT want to live any of my character's lives...

khoa, my silly college student? they've got hella issues.

jiefang, my silly cop? no thanks, i'd like to live.

minhe, my surgeon? not trying to kill people today.


Level 13
  • Ava would probably get a lot done in my life. She'd be way more active and productive than me. I don't know what she'd do about suddenly having parents though. She's been so independent, they might butt heads about how much she's out and about.
  • If I had Ava's life for a day, I'd have to take the a day off, not only because she desperately needs one, but I'm sure I'd ruin all her work. I'm pretty sure I'd run around town and just enjoy being cute. Spend money on some awesome food, and spend all day with friends.

  • If Scarlet had my life, she'd piss off everyone. She'd hate living with her family, being that she came to Karakura to avoid that, and try to skate by on as much solitude in her room as possible.
  • As Scarlet, I'd be on top of all the bull crap she claimed she wanted to do: I think along the course of the day I'll have done more research for her goals than she bothered to do in the months she's been in Karakura. I'd definitely do some work on her relationships too which, I'm sure she'd be very annoyed to come back and find she has several social obligations that she didn't before.


Level 17
anita; i would probably hide and not come out.
santino; ... no comment, except shop owner!
deruta; i would enjoy their life at least
dakota; ......... again, no comment. he'd probably terrify the life out of me
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Well two of them I’d literally be walking dead apparitions.
The other I’d be walking alive and gay with too much head trauma to cope with.
The other I would be living a rich life whilst also expelling students from the school.
And the other I would just be rich and an absolute dick head.

safe to say, I would curl up and cry to becoming any of them


Level 60
Marilyn Tominaga: "Ah, fuck." - Both of us.

Jason Anderson:
"Uh... this is... ugh..." - Jason Anderson
"Cool! I got to skip college!" - Me

Mishiro Kuragaka:
"Well... better than before..." - Mishiro
"It's always been my dream to be a depressed goth girl!" - Me


Level 3
That would be horrible, I'd be so embarrased to return back in my body after Rachy does her whole chunnibyou thing in front of everybody I know.

She would bascially just become a normal person and I would be a weirdo screaming cringe stuff to randos on the street.
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Level 60
Well depending on which character the outcomes would be diffrent

For Amaya I would just hide in the station all day. She may have the balls to run up to a masked gangrper BUT I SURE DONT

Takano is based off of me irl expect he’s more stronger and a fighter and such but his dumbass personality is more based off of mine and seeing how he doesn’t have a job or anything nothing would really change


Level 34
Damian Gaylord
- He would be really annoyed with being shorter, lamer, less fashionable, EMO version of himself. He would dump and change my whole wardrobe with his style of clothing and get half way through with rearranging my room before getting sick of all the anime figures and giving up.
- I would be stoked! I would try to use (and mostly break) every instrument he owns, raid his fridge, prank call all his contacts, generally ruin his life.
Lucien L'amour
- Attempt and fail to flirt with everyone of my friends, because now he’s ugly. Would waste my entire life savings on Hello Kitty then burn down the store when my card declines.
- I would be considered with the amount of Hello Kitty paraphernalia i would suddenly be surrounded by. Would mostly sell it all to make millions.

Soda Kanno
- He would be a bit stressed being set so far back in his transition again, but glad to not be called old anymore! He would be disappointed by the lack of greenery in my life and sets out to change that, to make himself feel like he's improving my life! He would be stressed half way through and just end up hanging out with my cats.
- I’d simply be happy to be an adult, but then get bored when I realize how lame it is.
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Level 118
Kuga Väli
For me:
I'd be fine with it, I get the short hair, cool clothes. I get his fiance but if we were to all swap, nothing would really change except that I'd get taller and be Kuga, yknow? I'd chill with Hachiko, his SD, all day! I'd be nicer than Kuga is sooo!

For Kuga:
He'd go from 5'3 and a third to like 4'11 </3. Go ginger, longer hair. If we were all to swap, he'd have his fiance tho sooo.. He gets a parrot, two dogs and a snake! Pretty cool. They'd probably enjoy that a LOT! But be very VERY rude!

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