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WhiteSnowy1737 | Reporter Application


Level 30


OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:


Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

Raisipta#7531 | And yes i have microphone, but is really bad my mic, because the sound is really low, and i need do some configurations to use a better.

List your timezone and country:

Country - Brazil

Time zone - GMT -3:00 Brasilia

Describe your activity:

In 0-10 i would put 7 or 8, mondays is the only day i join really late, and sometimes i need be afk due study for irl school exams, but it will end in this month on November 27

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Akiko Nakamura Nurse application [Denied]
Niki Nakamura Council application [Denied]

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

So, my motivation was as soon as I posted a news about my character, I saw that many people liked it, and I decided to give it a chance. However, since most of my characters are still children, I decided to choose one that is supposed to be an adult. So, I'm going to use him to be part of the News Faction. And it's also something interesting to work on this server, because I rarely see the profession of reporter on the server, as if it didn't even exist, but when it appears I'm surprised, and I want to be able to increase this void present in this profession, which is a place good to work with.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

Yes, despite not being perfect, I have some experience. I've been practicing a lot during these periods of school exams in real life, but it's not perfect. My hobby is more focused on drawing, but I find writing things, especially stories about characters, interesting. The real challenge is generating ideas, right? I try to formulate them and make them make sense. Not to mention, I have a grandfather who is a book writer, and there was also a great-grandfather, and I have an aunt as well. I've had a lot of exposure to it, so it runs in the family. I remembered that when I was younger, I had a school project to write a type of book, not very big, so it was my first big experience with writing.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:


Why should we accept you over others?:

I usually don't focus too much on why I would stand out, but I will use my creativity to my advantage. I'll do everything to create a very interesting piece of news, even if it's just about something specific. I'll strive to make it enjoyable. However, when the moment calls for it, in a more serious situation, I'll craft a more serious piece of news about something. I can also rely on my drawings to create an interesting news piece, constructing it as if it were a newspaper page, and I could make a beautiful story about a particular thing. Furthermore, I want this to help me with my creativity, and for me to improve especially in writing something, or help me to improve my drawings, if I need to make a retraction.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)


Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Yes, i will try my best, well is ending my school year so, the school tests and exams make little hard, but i always will log in

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:

A general reporter typically covers everything happening in the city or country, whether it's good or bad news. It's their duty to ensure that the population is informed about all possible matters. These pieces of information are extremely necessary, as they can cover anything from an incredible event in the city to the dangers threatening it, such as gangs, weather events (typhoons and earthquakes), and more.
Furthermore, reporting involves capturing the essence of life in Karakura, showcasing how the population feels, and highlighting the latest happenings around us. This helps keep everyone informed, ensuring their safety or alertness in the case of news related to gangs, earthquakes, or typhoons. It can also serve to encourage the population to participate in an ongoing city event.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:

Akiko Nakamura

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

Miss Nakamura

Current Age (25+):

44 years old

Past job/work experience:



Bachelor of News Network from city university

Nationality and born location:

Brazillian | Passos MG - Brazil

Phone Number:


How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

Hello, I'm Akiko Nakamura. I'm a 42 years old and mother of 2 incredible daughters, and I enjoy providing a good life for them. I'm quite cheerful and fun-loving, but serious when necessary. I don't tend to get stressed about things, except when I'm going through a tough phase in my life.. Generally i extremely gentile, and always try make everyone happy, but when i need be mad, i became mad.
Also i like do hard works for guarantee my family have a great, and excellent life. Also i like help others, i f i need help someone that is trustable, i will help it!

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

I am interested in writing news in newspaper format, showcasing mainly the everyday news of Karakura. I would indeed step out of my comfort zone to do a good job and provide a good life for my family.
Also, I want to adapt to different styles and try at least one new thing, for things to be extremely interesting, because sometimes it gets a little empty, and I want something that can really give me a bit of a challenge

What are your expectations for the job?:

My expectations are to do a good job and to be able to support my family with it, enabling them to have an amazing life, and that everyone in Karakura knows all the news possible, whether good or bad, but it is necessary, as we have to receive information, as it can be vital, like news of an earthquake on the way, it could help prevent the person from getting trapped somewhere, or from a typhoon she hides

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:


Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, English


#1 - General report
. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

November 11, 2023
A tragedy is unfolding in Karakura as crime levels are sharply on the rise, resulting in many people being seriously injured or losing loved ones. Gangs are taking control of Karakura, making it challenging to lead a peaceful life. It has become dangerous to let your child roam the streets alone.

The Karakura Police Department is already aware of these issues and is committed to doing everything possible to reduce crime in the city. We strongly advise against staying out late alone and attempting to confront these challenges. Parents, please protect your children. Do not let them wander the streets alone at night; always ensure they are accompanied.

We need everyone to stay safe as the level of crimes has reached an alarming state. Numerous individuals are losing their limbs, being robbed, or harmed by members of various gangs. Often, we don't know who committed the crime and why, but we are here and will stay vigilant. -Akiko Nakamura

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.
Akiko Nakamura: Officer, what is your name

Officer Jones: Jones
Akiko Nakamura: Officer Jones, what do you think about that increase of criminality?

Officer Jones: Well miss, it's a concerning situation, given the safety of our residents. I suggest that everyone stay vigilant at all times and avoid being out late on the streets, especially in isolated areas.

Akiko Nakamura: Yeah, it's a concerning situation. Do you know of anything that might be influencing this rise in criminal activity?

Officer Jones: We are unsure of these criminal increase origin, but we can relate it to the challenges these people are facing, which is concerning because it could genuinely attract more individuals to a life of crime

Akiko Nakamura: What should people also do to prevent this from happening?

Officer Jones: They should at least go out without many valuables or avoid getting into trouble, as many people end up hiring others to retaliate against those who instigate conflicts. This could lead to robberies. If you witness something, especially at school, keep your phone safely at home during that time to prevent it from being stolen.

Akiko Nakamura: What are you, as police officers, going to do regarding these criminals?

Officer Jones: We will stay vigilant and apprehend those reported to the KPD. We will do everything in our power to keep the city safe.

Akiko Nakamura: "If a criminal escapes or ends up injuring another police officer, what will you do?

Officer Jones: We may increase their penalty for not complying with governmental authorities and harming someone from the Karakura government.

Akiko Nakamura: Do you also plan to take measures to try to prevent more incidents like these, to avoid innocent people getting hurt, or to prevent an increase in crime?

Officer Jones: Absolutely, we also plan to take measures to try to prevent more incidents like these, to avoid innocent people getting hurt, and to prevent further escalation of crime.

Akiko Nakamura: That's incredible to know. We count on you, and do you promise to continue providing good service?

Officer Jones: Of course, ma'am. I will continue to provide good service and keep our beautiful city safe.

Akiko Nakamura: And what about the KPD? Will you continue investigating the reason for this sudden increase in crimes and maintain good service as well?

Officer Jones: Yes, the KPD is committed to investigating the reason for this sudden increase in crimes and will continue to provide good service to maintain the city's security.

Akiko Nakamura: What do you have to say to the parents?

Officer Jones: To the parents, I would like to emphasize the importance of maintaining open communication with your children, being aware of their activities, and ensuring they follow safety guidelines. Additionally, I encourage cooperation with the community and authorities to create a safer environment for everyone.

Akiko Nakamura: Can you assure us that Karakura will be safe again?

Officer Jones: We cannot be certain, ma'am, but we will do our best. We are saddened by these tragedies, and we need the population to be cautious.

Akiko Nakamura: Ok! Thanks mr Jones

Officer Jones: Of course ma'am


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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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