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Accepted womenloveAlux' Technician Application

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Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

In Game Name:

Do you have discord?
Yes I do: Alux#7777

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
Yes, I've been banned once for glitching items in 2018. I was a new player and didn't read the rules. I started glitching items, not knowing what I was doing. I was banned by Loooper but I appealed for an unban and I got accepted.

Describe your activity on the server & the forums?:
I'm active on the server on forums. I play +3 hours a day minimum on the server. I can't play all day long because of school and work in real life. I also browse around on the forums, reading applications and other things like suggestions.

School Employee Role you are Applying For:
I'm applying for the role: Technician.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
A school technician is a person that fixes all / most of the electrical things on the school grounds. They fix things like camera's, PCs and other stuff like lights in the school or when there is an error in things. They also repair other things like toilet pips or a furnace/stove at the school cafeteria. They are basically the 'Handymen' on the school grounds.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?:
Yes, I do, that makes the roleplay more realistic.

Do you understand how to seriously roleplay?:
I do, I started to seriously roleplay 2 months ago when I became really active.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started playing in 2018 after my ban appeal got accepted I started to read all the rules. I started playing and roleplaying again and I became more skilled in general roleplay. I love to explore new roleplay things like seriously RP.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?: - Denied - Denied - Denied - Denied - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted

I lost some of my applications because my other forum accounts password doesn't work anymore!


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I would stay serious and mature, walking up to the student and asking why he/she is cursing. If the student keeps cursing, I would explain that you can't just curse or insult someone and that cursing isn't the right option. I would make sure that the student is calm and I would also stay calm by myself. If the student doesn't listen to my advice, I would call for another employee or call a higherup like the vice principal.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
I would accept the job because the school principal is requesting me to do it. It could be a nice opportunity and I can learn from those hazardous jobs and situations. If it's to help other students or employee's, I would accept the job for 200%!

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
I would approach the other employee, asking what's wrong and why he/she is acting out of order. I would ask the employee why he/she would do that and ask what is wrong. If it's something that could be life-taking I would call a principal or vice-principal. I would also make sure that the employee is safe until the principal arrives. If the employee is doing a very dangerous job I would take the job on me and I would finish the job so the other employee won't get hurt or anything else.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:
I would walk in, being friendly and say "hey" to everyone. I would ask how they are doing and if they like the day. I would take a nice cup of coffee and ask if anyone else wants coffee or tea. If anyone else wants a cup of tea or coffee, I would pour the tea or coffee in a cup and bring it to the other employee's. If he has some time left, he would have a nice chit chat with the other employee's about his day and things he and others like.

Provide us with at least 3 detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
would walk into the restroom with a tool case in his left hand, he would put the tool case on the ground and take some tools out of it.

/me: would use the tools that he took out of the case to fix the toilet pipe, he would walk over to a sink to clean the tools and a towel to dry the tools.

/me: would kneel down, putting the tool case down onto the ground. He would grab some tape out of the case and start to wrap the tape around the cable, fixing it.

/me: would clean up the working space, using a shammy. He'd clean the rest of the tools using water and would put them back into the equipment box. (tool case)

/me: would place a ladder in front of a camera. He'd take a screwdriver out of his toolbox, unscrewing the screws that were used to hold the camera on its place. He'd get off the ladder, put his stuff back into the toolbox.

In-Character Section

Full Name:
Rein H. Janssen (Rein Hanasaki Janssen)

Age (Minimum age is 25):

Title (Mr,Mrs,Miss):
Mr Janssen

Academic Degree:
Bachelor of science HBO - UNI

Year of Graduation:
2008 (the age when graduated: 23)

Science, Dutch



Rein was born in Karakura, a Japanese male. His parents were both Japanese and raised Rein in Karakura until he became 9 years old. His parents met each other in Karakura and loved the place. They were traditional Japanese people. They were really warm people when you met them. Rein took over his father’s mature attitude. Rein also had an older sister, named Masami. She was 13 years old.

2 weeks after Rein’s 9th birthday, he went to Tokyo with his parents and sister. His parents thought that he would gain more experience and knowledge in Tokyo than in Karakura, so Rein moved with his siblings and parents to a nice environment in Tokyo. Rein and Masami both went to another school. Rein didn’t go to the special language school like Masami, he was jealous. Rein was getting more and more jealous by seeing Masami speak English. When he was 14 he started to learn other languages on his own, like English and French. At an age of 16, he was able to speak English and French fluently.

4-19-2004 – Rein finished his high school at the age of 18. After finishing he was able to take a plane on his own, and he took that opportunity. He said goodbye to his parents and siblings and he took a plane to the Netherlands. He wanted to keep studying, but not in Japan, he wanted to study all around the world. Rein was able to speak Dutch fluently so The Netherland was his first decision. He studied a lot for the entrance exam, after studying and making the exam he finally got accepted for the education. On the age of 19, he started the education “Bachelor of science HBO”. He finished his HBO education when he was 21 years old. After finishing his HBO education, he started to continue with studying and he started the education “Bachelor of science UNI”. On the age of 23, he finished his education and decides to go back to Karakura.

On his way back to his apartment, he met a girl named “Meike Janssen”. After Rein met her, he decided to stay in The Netherlands for 1 month longer. Rein and Meike fell in love with each other and started to date. After 2 weeks they decided to marry, so Rein’s name was now “Rein H. Janssen”. He decided to move to Karakura, back to the place were Rein grew up. After landing, he hired an apartment and lived a happy life. He facetimed every day with Meike (She was still in the Netherlands).

Rein didn’t have a job and it was hard for him to pay the bills for the apartment. He wanted a job that suits him well, so he decided to apply at KHS as Technician. He lived a happy life, he has a wife and a job that suits him well! He would work every day as hard as possible as Technician at KHS. He still knows how to speak Japanese, English, Dutch and French.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation for joining the KHS is quite simple! I want to help teachers and students with all the practical skills I have. I love to be around other people and I am social. I've already worked at another school with the same job, technician and I liked it. I also think that this job suits me well. That is my motivation for joining the KHS.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I think I would be very suited for this job, I am a hard worker and I really would like to do this. I would like to gain more experience and this is the perfect step for me. I am already experienced in this job and I learned much in the past about it. I believe I would be a good plus point for the school and I would do my best to get everything on the best. I also don't mind to do the less pleasant things, like clogged toilets.


Additional notes about your application (if any):
I am dyslexic OOC and IC.

Do you have any questions?:

(I edited my application due to the lack of information!)
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead

Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Technician, there's just a few steps left in order to get your role in discord and in-game.

- Ensure that you're in the Karakura Academics Discord
Make sure to @KimiNoUso#9999 in #roles to receive your role

- Request your role via forums [CLICK HERE]

If you have any other questions, feel free to DM me on Discord.
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