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ZackTimeKiller | [Reporter] Application


Level 14
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

The account that I'm applying for is ZackTimeKiller
My alternative account is zacksoshawtious

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
My discord is zacktimekiller, and yes I do possess a microphone, although fair warning, there are times that I am unable to speak due to an ailment that can affect my throat, rest assured, it doesn’t happen often although at this moment, my throat is very much sore.

List your timezone and country:
GMT+8, Philippines

Describe your activity:
I have been actively on for the past few weeks, I am at most present in-game for about 3-5 hours a day within the weekdays, and I’ve extended my time estimating around 4-7 hours during the weekends. And, despite my irritating timezone, I always bide time to get on when needed, and if I could not, I’d certainly notify the reason.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Lawyer Application Accepted:
[KPD Application Accepted]
[Surgeon Application Accepted]
[Psychiatrist Application Denied]
[Shopkeeper Application Denied]

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Whenever I think of formatting a report, I’ve been struck with a plethora of ideas that I’d like to try out, although I’m not quite sure if anyone else has done anything similar before, however I’d like to combine my artistic skills when making my report. Now, what do I mean by this? Well, I’d like to add immersion, combined with engagement by adding sketches of people’s heads in a chibi form with a dialogue box next to them, or better yet use a similar formatting style to Ace Attorney games by adding the half body of a character on top of the dialogue box to better convey character expression and body language, this also tests the limits of my artistic skills and hopefully better motivate me to draw again in the future, and improve in my art by also getting out of my comfort zone by trying out different themes and styles to have each report be more memorable, my goal with being a reporter is to not only write and captivate the viewer’s attention but to also add onto the pleasant experience by conveying the story more through imagery and hopefully bring the characters to life!

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have been writing for a very long time now ever since I was twelve years old to the present day which roughly piles up to about 8 years now. Roleplaying is the main factor as to why I have a strong interest in writing, and throughout the recent years, my skills have greatly improved. I personally have a strong tendency to write backstories, and focusing more on the depth of a character to make them more authentic, and engaging, however, I have a lot of experiences in writing short stories of the like, mostly falling under the category of dark fantasy, gore and horror with a mixture of comedic relief. Admittedly, I have not graduated from my emo phase, although I'm glad I didn’t, because there’s nothing wrong with being a little twisted and expressing eldritch horrors through writing. That’s what defines a writer’s specialty and character! Expression through words, followed by the theme they enjoy doing.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Of course, I will abide by and respect the rules provided to me at all, especially when I take on this role.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I’m a bundle of plans, and ideas. And I like to challenge the limits of my creativity and wits. I’d have a strong tendency to try out new things, and experiment while trying to exceed the boundaries of what I can, and cannot do. I have a basis of what I’d like to test out as a reporter, and it is already well-explained within the motivational question, and not only that, but currently I’m taking an educational program in real life that can help enhance my methods of research, and have a thorough understanding on how to write a report paper, (still learning). And I always aim to learn and adapt from my mistakes, to better improve myself. And, even if I lack experiences, everything is a learning opportunity that I'm willing to attain the skills for.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Absolutely, I will maintain a neutral mindset and remain truthful to the source.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, absolutely, if I wasn’t confident I wouldn’t have applied in the first place.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A reporter addresses topics of events that range from crime, charity programs, festivals, and so on that are relevant to Karakura. They bring a spotlight to any given topic or story as well as bringing awareness so that people can be more cautious, and knowledgeable of the occurrences taking place in this city. They also bring about the voice of the public’s concerns from political impact on the local residence, and so on.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

“Ophelia Montague, a face you’d never forget paired with the voice you’d fall for! At your service.”

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):
“Ophelia is swell! Easy to remember, and rolls off the tongue quite well! However, if you don't feel comfortable using my first name, hm, Mr. Montague will be right here if you ever need him!”

Current Age (25+):
“I’m 26 years old, yet I look strikingly younger, don’t I? Heh, you’ll have to wait two more decades until you spot a wrinkle!”

Past job/work experience:
“Ah, yes! I hold pride with my previous job, although I've always wanted something more.. Broad! But, nonetheless, I've worked 4 years as a radio host in a small station in Paris, however before that I was mostly a copy writer, or a part-time editor to strive about life while I'm in college."

“I possess a Master's degree in Mass Communications.”

Nationality and born location:
“I’m a French man from Nice, France. Lovely place isn’t it? The landscape there is oh, so, pleasantly nice.”

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
“Well, I am Ophelia Montague after all,” The well-dressed man let out a soft chuckle, “What is there not to like? I'm a dedicated and productive man with undeniable charm, I can achieve mostly anything of my caliber as long as I put my mind to it. To me, obstacles are just there for you to test the limits of your creativity, and challenge the endurance of your perseverance while the people around you assess your integrity to measure one's will to do or not to do” - “to break or follow one’s moral compass brings a great deal to one’s character, yes? Isn't that an interesting start? To throw my ball and shoot right through the hoop, the point that I’m trying to say is, If there's anything on my way, I'd dig myself a path, not around it, but through it until I get a hold of what needs to be done, and settled. Leave it to Ophelia Montague to handle things, no matter how difficult or tedious, I'll always take every measure to piece the puzzle together as many times as it needs, until it's solved.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“Anything that’ll perk ears whenever you hear about the title, or the inner workings and behind the curtains of how things operate around here. Such as recent housefires, riots, politics, corruption, and the like. Although, of course there’s positive topics that I could also talk about like… Like… Like…… I suppose charity? Well, if I have to really think about it, there’s also good things in addressing the efforts other government workers that had put into putting Karakura in a better place, like hospital staff ensuring that everyone is well-cared for, and putting into light of their hearty contribution, and unraveling more about the staff’s character and perspective into the job, so that it could potentially aspire more people and to further help them decide if the life of a medical professional is for them. I’m not at all about the negatives… I swear to my big giant loving heart that it stays warm for the good of everyone. But, of course there’s a theme to my silly dilly dally interests and that is something that’ll grab the public’s attention or even target a specific type of audience, whatever it is that’s trending nowadays.”

“To achieve, or to not achieve, that is a great question, I’d do whatever it takes, legally, to gather the information needed to put the report more into perspective, I have enough dedication to go through thorough investigations to garner intricate detail of the topic, and ensure that the source is of fact and objective to the given subject. And speaking of my comfort zone! Of course, that is the fun and challenge of it all! Doing things in a safe zone, and only following one beeline to your goals will get you nowhere! Because ahead of you will be a huge wall, and eventually you’ll need to pass through it to reach the top of the hill and be called the king of your craft! And I’m not afraid to trudge through swampy waters just to refine my blade.”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“It would be plain of me to just simply say write, and report, yes? But, I’d pour my heart out and be honest, when it comes to being a reporter, there’s more to it than just writing this or telling stories, it’s about discovery, and being the one to spread the tale, like a bard going through a journey and singing songs” - “But, all lyrics are unique to the writer, and the song is depandant on the delivery and resonance, and as someone upholding this job, I aim to not only report news, but to put in character that sets the mood and make each journey, the story a fun time to read! That’s where the thrill is, a journey, there is no gain information by just talking to one person, you’d have to really sink down into the plentiful depths of the ocean until you hit the tip of the iceberg so you can complete and truly fill in the empty pieces of the puzzles and get the broader picture. We reporters not only enlighten people, but to deliver knowledge that would further satisfy the public’s curiosities and make them aware of the recent, and ongoing news that could be a betterment to their safety, entertainment, to bring awareness, or to address the truth of the current state of Karakura.. There’s more layers to this job, and I’d always admired the idea of refining the rusts off the metal until you can see the intricate detail of the blacksmith’s design lying beneath.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“Squeaky clean with not a single drop of crumbs! I have stayed away from Santa’s naughty list ever since I’ve had my child-like innocence, I guarantee you that I won’t never ever break my record in my mama’s name.”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
French, English, German, Japanese.

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.


What is it that we don't know about the paramedics, yet?! Well, I've just received news that they have actually a smidge of change lately, although that change sounds like a deal breaker indeed especially to those that are interested in joining amongst the medical professionals within the Karakura Hospital.

Now, apparently they have recently turned into an obtainable sub-division that other roles such as doctors, or psychiatrist can part-take, while also not being limited to doing strictly paramedic work, which means they can do their prior role whether that'll be psychiatrist or doctor, and still attend to calls in their stunning uniforms, and privileges as a paramedic! Think of it as a DLC in a video game, but will require certification by passing the exams. Oh, yes, to many this is just a simple minor change, but to a lot of people this can greatly impact their time and decisions for the pursuits in the field.

But, of course, I don't like stopping here! So pop open your soda can, and settle back as we go over more of what these heroes in cool jumpsuits can do! Unlike, other hospital workers or, most, paramedics can have early access to the front seats and keys to the ambulance! Wow, this certainly saves up a lot of time. 'Although, upon further observations, I don't think any of them should ever be given the freedom to drive.'

And yes! This obviously speeds up the process of getting to certain destinations faster! After all, Paramedics answers 110 calls especially for medical emergencies! And they also conduct patrols just in case they spot anyone in the midst of danger. Does this also mean field trips around the city in the ambulance? Perhaps!

Did you know that Paramedics actually have a tool similar to the KPD's tranquilizer? Oh, yes! They have a sedative called 'Midozalam', which is one of the strongest sedatives available within our local hospital, and are typically injected through the meatiest part of your body, well onto a muscle or vein! The medication is capable of knocking out anyone who has taken the dosage, and are normally used on aggressive patients or other hostile individuals that put themselves or others in harm's way.

Fun fact of the day! While talking to Dr. Masuyo Hashimoto, she informed that there's actually three known sedatives used within the Karakura Hospital. which are Ativan, Haloperidol, and of course don't forget Midozalam!

And, did you also known that Morphine addictions can happen? And, can be quite common? The more you know!

Ophelia Montague out and about! I hope you all have a glamourous day folks!

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[OPHELIA]: "My, my, why bonjour everybody! This is Ophelia speaking, and today I am accompanied by the one and only, Doctor Masuyo Hashimoto! Now, Dr. Hashimoto, I'm quite invested with the inner workings of what you, and the other hospital staff do in the hospital. Can you give me some insight of what exactly that is that you do here?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "Oh! Oh I'm very honoured, you're incredibly formal and charming, Ophelia! Well, first and foremost your responsibilities as an EMS depends on the title you hold! There's the director and clinical manager, both act very similar and often have final say on the most significant decisions in the hospital! Such as.. implementing new systems, like the medical logs! Then there's the clinical lead, head of department, senior... oh wait, oh my what is it that you exactly wanted to know? I'm afraid I'll waste your time with every single thing about the hospital and we'll be here for hours otherwise.."

[OPHELIA]: "Why thank you, ma'am! I very much appreciate the credibility you give me, and no pressure, it's a-oh-okay! It sounds to me that you're quite passionate about your work, and that you have lots to say! That's quite the energy we need and would entrust our lives to someone who works in your field. Now, reeling back into the pond, can you proceed onto the topic you just left off? About the title and ranks? My, you have me well-intrigued."

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "Thank you so much for your kind words! It's true I put my best into my work, it's my passion to help others! To continue from before, the hospital roster is made of the director, clinical manager, heads of departments, seniors, attending, qualified workers who passed their exams and then resident. These titles are adjusted to the respective department, the main departments being doctors and psychiatrists! I'm a doctor, so as far as it concerns be, there's my clinical lead, the two heads of the doctor department, the senior doctors; of which there's four at the moment, attending doctors, doctors and finally residents! As of this moment, I am a senior doctor myself. There higher of a rank you have, the more responsibilities you may have!"

[DR. HASHIMOTO CONTINUED]: "For example... as a senior doctor one of my responsibilities is to hold training sessions for the residents! Attending doctors can also assist with training sessions, but they cannot hold it on their own. However, as a senior I cannot hold exams and that is a responsibility reserved for the heads of the department and the clinical lead!"

[OPHELIA]: "Oh, my! Dr. Hashimoto, that's certainly a mouthful, although fret not, you're certainly giving a lot of information that could be useful for the aspiring medical professionals out there! Can you speak more of your duties and responsibilities as one that can bring more spotlight for the future doctors of Karakura?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "Oh my, I certainly hope anyone who is interested in pursuing medical studies does so with their whole heart! I personally as a senior doctor help guide the residents, hold training sessions alongside other seniors and higher ups. I help whoever needs it and as someone with a paramedic certification, I respond to 110 calls when able to and can conduct patrols, provided I'm the highest ranking EMS that's currently clocked in! If I am then it means I could take the doctors and psychiatrists out on a patrol, as anyone with the paramedic certification is licensed and has access to the ambulances. If an EMS worker isn't paramedic certified, they cannot respond to 110 calls or conduct patrols."

[OPHELIA]: "Speaking of 110 calls, can you tell us more about proper protocol on how to respectfully use the 110 call for anyone out there that is unaware?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "Oh, of course I can! When calling 110, it should be noted that the emergency hotline goes to both KPD and EMS, meaning you should always specify which department's help you need, so we know who should respond! Many poor souls cry out for help over and over.. or try to call people into the lobby just to speak to someone.. and even then often we aren't fully sure which lobby they're referring to.....

... If we don't know where to help or what to be prepared for, we can't respond and send out people into unknown and potentially dangerous situations, where more EMS and in some cases, KPD assistance is required.

A good example of a 110 call that would get EMS attention might be "I need EMS for a bleeding, broken leg at the bottom of the hiking trail, there's three of us here, just one injured, please hurry!" It might also be beneficial to include who you are, though it's very optional, and in an emergency, which the 110 line is for.. emergencies.. you should prioritize who you need, the location, and the situation!"

[OPHELIA]: "Oh, wowie! Thanks so much about telling us how to properly use the number! I sure hope people will go on ahead and properly use the landline! Aaaaany-who! I've heard, and seen that the hospital has been on the rise of rush hours lately, are you all doing mentally well with the given tension of your workload?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "While rush hours are stressful and I do certainly hear this being voiced over the radios, we all still strive for our best and take care of ourselves, so we can continue on helping those who need it! Rush hours do eventually end, thankfully. I suppose more patience in rush hours would be greatly appreciated though! As well as an understanding that we treat dependent on the triage system; basically, we treat those who are most critical in condition first and foremost. If the lobby is full of injured people, we can't attend to say.. a prosthetic consultation or checkup at that time, so it's more helpful for those people to wait elsewhere before returning to the hospital, so that we can work through the people in the lobby.”

[OPHELIA]: "In your own words, what can you say about the work environment working in the Karakura Hospital is like? Have there been any difficulties dealing with any authority, staff or patients alike?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "Oh sometimes there's difficulty! Some patients can be impatient or unruly.. but in general most people are understanding and work is.. mostly smooth as a result!"

[OPHELIA]: "If there is one thing you'd like to change about your work as a doctor what would it be?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "Hm.. I can't think of much I'd want to change at all! I'm rather happy as I am! But if I must nitpick... hm.. I.. I suppose.. .... uhh.... perhaps.. maybe more bathrooms... We only have two in the hospital.."

[OPHELIA]: "Oh, that's quite interesting! Hm, moving on, I've heard that the hospital has experiences working with the KPD, what is it that you guys do together?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "Oh! Sometimes we aid each other, EMS can travel to the station to treat inmates, and KPD can accompany EMS on dangerous patrols! They also bring us victims of violence at times, which we of course help! We work together and support each other!"

[OPHELIA]: "Thank you so much for your contribution so far Dr. Hashimoto! I believe that'll be it for today's interview from me! If you have any closing statements you'd like to say, or anything in particular you'd like to address to the people of Karakura?"

[DR. HASHIMOTO]: "I only hope everyone stays safe out there and takes care of themselves! You included, Ophelia!"​
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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