what we do here is go back back back back
as I write this, I don't consider how much a character is liked, but how well a character is known
1. 'Axel' as in the dog, he was famous and even got (and still has) his own dog toy (played by YeeterFamGang)
2. Graziani Foncesa was the town's rich idiot and made himself known, aside from the fact that he owned one of the now longest-running businesses in Karakura
3. Mr. Clean threw the sickest parties in the city and was notorious for being himself.
4. Yasmin Ambrosio somehow managed to make 99% of Karakura's population detest her.
5. Erove Pazpex. Bald and local Kamige troll.
also jj prince because like everyone knows and loves them