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A staff member was being very rude and disrepectful


Level 0
My friend was on and was about to leave to another server but someone asked to go with her. She told them the ip and she was perm banned. I know she did something wrong and it was against the rules but she didnt know. Later when my friend and I asked if she could have another chance cause she honestly didnt know it was against the rules and the user by MunchoBurrito said they didnt care. When we asked again they banned my friend and went up to me and said 'Are you dumb'. I think this was very rude and they had no reason to treat us like that.


Level 0
Thread starter
I thank you for responding and i understand your side of the story. I dont want to get into a fight online about advertising or something. You are right there is a lack of proof about what happened. I dont want to make any other claims other then i didnt lie or make false claims, i may have left out some details but that is also what i was told. Also i dont appreciate what you about me or my friend and i will not be visiting your server anymore. Thank you for your time.


Level 1
I have proof this happened. She was new to the server and didn't know the rules. She's very sorry for what she did she wishes so much that she never did that. I know she shouldn't have done that, and I understand she was doing it against the rules. Please may you give her one more chance she loves that server so much and she's very, very sorry about what she did.


Level 25
I have proof this happened. She was new to the server and didn't know the rules. She's very sorry for what she did she wishes so much that she never did that. I know she shouldn't have done that, and I understand she was doing it against the rules. Please may you give her one more chance she loves that server so much and she's very, very sorry about what she did.
Just go and don't keep replying to this thread about you leaving the server for attention. It was your friend's fault that she advertised on the server which is a really dumb thing to do, by the way. She's not going to get another chance if you nag the admins to unban her; that is just going to make it even more unlikely for her to be unbanned. I was with Muncho the whole time when you started nagging him about your friend being banned. You asked him to unban her and give her another chance and he simply said "No". We then moved to the familystore and you followed and asked him again. He told you that she was not going to be unbanned and you just kept begging and nagging him. He then banned you for 2 hours for nagging, simple.

Basically, don't argue with us when we know our shit.


Level 1
I understand this and I'll stop we just wanted to try and get her unbanned we are sorry we will stop now. Thanks for you time..

i guess


Level 1
Okay, look my friend Sparklez672 (Dolphinating rn) has been banned for two weeks now. I think she learned her lesson to not disobey the rules again. She's very sorry and she will never do it again. She didn't know that what she did was against the rules. She will never do it again and if she ever does then we will never ever try to get her unbanned again. We promise, please understand how we feel and unban my friend. She's very missed and she misses the server a lot. Please..


Level 62
Okay, look my friend Sparklez672 (Dolphinating rn) has been banned for two weeks now. I think she learned her lesson to not disobey the rules again. She's very sorry and she will never do it again. She didn't know that what she did was against the rules. She will never do it again and if she ever does then we will never ever try to get her unbanned again. We promise, please understand how we feel and unban my friend. She's very missed and she misses the server a lot. Please..
She should wait out her 2 week ban and learn the rules.


Level 6
Okay, look my friend Sparklez672 (Dolphinating rn) has been banned for two weeks now. I think she learned her lesson to not disobey the rules again. She's very sorry and she will never do it again. She didn't know that what she did was against the rules. She will never do it again and if she ever does then we will never ever try to get her unbanned again. We promise, please understand how we feel and unban my friend. She's very missed and she misses the server a lot. Please..
Ok i know im not a part of this and all but did not you just say you just say 7 days ago you will stop trying to get her unbanned your sorry?


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Please respond to me..
Okay, look my friend Sparklez672 (Dolphinating rn) has been banned for two weeks now. I think she learned her lesson to not disobey the rules again. She's very sorry and she will never do it again. She didn't know that what she did was against the rules. She will never do it again and if she ever does then we will never ever try to get her unbanned again. We promise, please understand how we feel and unban my friend. She's very missed and she misses the server a lot. Please..
I dont understand how she dosent know that saying another servers IP Is against the rules, Its the biggest rule on most servers, Now stop nagging she broke a rule Simple thats why you read rules on servers, maybe You should to.


Level 90
If she wants to come on the server so badly tell her to make a ban request or you make one for her. It would be a lot easier than calling a staff member disrespectful for banning someone for doing something that IS bannable.


Level 21
I really hope you know that arguing is going to get nowhere. If your friend is banned, they can appeal themselves. Another thing, you said you had "proof" of what happened. But then again you're not showing it to anyone. I don't see any common sense in this thread. In my opinion, this thread should be deleted or locked. It has no point of staying open.

When you play a board game, the first thing you do if you're new to the game read the rules. Pretend the server is the board game and your banned friend is the player. What she really should've done is read the rules when she got onto the server, but she didn't.

One more thing, if your friend really loved this server so much, why would she talk about another server? It makes zero sense.


Level 90
1. You mean ban appeal? Not ban request.
2. You can't make ban appeals for someone else. You can only do that for yourself.
Yes, I meant ban appeal I get them mixed up a lot, and I believe you can you just need the answers and evidence from them.
I really hope you know that arguing is going to get nowhere. If your friend is banned, they can appeal themselves. Another thing, you said you had "proof" of what happened. But then again you're not showing it to anyone. I don't see any common sense in this thread. In my opinion, this thread should be deleted or locked. It has no point of staying open.

When you play a board game, the first thing you do if you're new to the game read the rules. Pretend the server is the board game and your banned friend is the player. What she really should've done is read the rules when she got onto the server, but she didn't.

One more thing, if your friend really loved this server so much, why would she talk about another server? It makes zero sense.
And exactly ^

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