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School Uniform Suggestion


Level 12
-1 certainly a cool idea but...

as realistic as having students wear uniforms may be, this rule would be impossible to enforce, especially because of the large amount of players who do not yet have tailored skins. seeing as councillors and school staff would now have to enforce this rule in addition to everything else they need to do, it is an unnecessary added element of difficulty because of the high amount of people who would not be able to wear the uniform.
in addition, a lot of people who do have tailored skins like to use the outfits they make/order as a means to express their character's personality. in an environment like SchoolRP, it is one of the few additional details people can add to present their character to others. this essentially eliminates this as many people tend to have their first interactions with each other while within school grounds


Level 40
Above reasons express it well.
Yes it would be cool.
I think it is nice that it isn't required because it makes seeing those that DO wear it all the more special. I infact dedicate my wardrobe slots to uniform, gym uniform, and swim uniform. I have omega kid so I am supposed to have extra (currently have a help ticket on it cause I only have 5 ;-;) anyway I find it fun myself to use the school stuff, but not every one enjoys that. At most with this make it encouraged.


Level 68
-1 No, keeping it optional is way better off. Think about this, many players are new to the server; have entirely no idea what "SRP" Skins are let alone how to apply or create one themselves. They may not even know they are discord servers made for such. Making them forced or applied upon stepping on school grounds is just not ideal. It is also very known that this isn't something that would be added; even previously suggested.

I would prefer to wear skins that I've had specially made for me, having utmost freedom.

TD;LR: I believe this is one of those ideas that are well thought out in mind, though whilst being executed end in total disaster.


Level 134

As much as I'd love to upvote this, it'd be impossible to enforce. About 90% of the player base are school students IC, and with the 200+ player average player count and tons of new players joining each day, staff would never be able to keep up with it. Also, what if newer players don't know how to add the uniform to their skin?


Level 231
-1. Writing from an informed opinion.

So, this ACTUALLY. Happened once. Back in 2016 during the middle days of the 2nd Map, Ducks introduced uniforms, they were fairly ugly but then again.. it was 2016 (we had either skindex or namemc skins then) Eventually Ducks felt the need to make them mandatory. . . and it sucked... and it was hard to police so they furthered it and made it so there was only 'pre-set' skins (about 30 different heads applied onto the same uniform skin), with two options, one for girls and one for boys.

It lasted a couple months and was one of the worse server updates & staff decisions ever made and it has been left to rot and to be mostly forgotten about.

This idea was once implemented, it didn't work. They enforced it even more and that was bad for the community and then they finally removed it.

This idea will hopefully never make it to fruition once again.


Level 211
As much as I'd love to see everyone on uniforms (and faculty not being needed to deal with students in gang attire on school grounds) it would be way too hard to manage + not every player has tailoring skills, skin bases, knowledge on how put an outfit on their skin... between amongst other problems


Level 130
As much as I'd love to see everyone on uniforms (and faculty not being needed to deal with students in gang attire on school grounds) it would be way too hard to manage + not every player has tailoring skills, skin bases, knowledge on how put an outfit on their skin... between amongst other problems
Can we just outlaw gang uniforms in school or something. I can't tell you how many times I've had to yell at someone in looc to take theirs off because it had an integrated mask tbh


Level 134
Can we just outlaw gang uniforms in school or something. I can't tell you how many times I've had to yell at someone in looc to take theirs off because it had an integrated mask tbh
This is probably best for a different suggestion.


Level 72
Community Team
Media Team
Event Team
IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE: 12/25/2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Require school attires to be worn on school grounds during school time. This rule can go deeper than you think, of course, players can re shade the attire to their fitting or style if they want to, they could also add modifications but cannot change the original look or colors. For example, This is an example of school unis (by me) modified to fit the style of the wearer along with additions.

I suggested this once before but it was denied due to wardrobe still being a problem, but now that the resetting issue has been fixed (hopefully) for good so it wouldn't be a problem to change in time, this is not only limited to the provided attire but can be official sports team approved once as well.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Karakur is based in Japan, and in Japan, school attire is a must wear a uniform to school, since the server is based around School Roleplay I don't see why this wouldn't be a thing in the first place and would just make it a bit more satisfying to see on the server too..

Not: I do have more to add to this I think, I am writing this at 11 pm and need to refresh my brain for a bit before I add anything else.
+1 I think the uniforms made for Karakura are under appreciated and I would love to see more people use their uniforms during school hours. Teams could wear their uniforms instead and all that good stuff!


Level 53

After reading over what everyone has to say about this everyone does make a good point on this, I agree it would cause more problems then to fix anything and on top of that staff already get flooded with reports as it is due to the amount of players on every day so it would cause more issues for both sides of the server, and like someone has said it can take a while to join the server after putting on a new skin on the server and some may prefer not to use wardrobe like I don't prefer to use that either. What if the person can't put a head onto the skin because maybe their computer doesn't work with it, maybe the screen is too small to even do such a thing or what if they are unsure how to even use a skin editor that would yet again come back to another issue, another issue is sometimes tailors are not even open to do put the head onto the skin or anything for someone like me that doesn't know how to make skins or to reshade them it causes some issues because no tailor is even open normally and I actually have to ask a friend to help me with this issue which causes another issue, so three issues total so far it would cause, plus with the constant rule breaking that would occur it would cause stress for a lot of people which is not needed for anyone.

So with this my opinion is no it would not be a good idea to implant this.


Level 347
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback, however after discussing this with the rest of the staff team we have come to the decision to partially deny this.

- Whilst this is a great idea in theory, it sadly would be too much for our staff team to moderate (as stated in some of the replies)​
- Once our main bulk of development has been completed, we'll be working on a way for ALL players to access & apply the school uniform to their skin in-game via the wardrobe system (without using your slots). This'll make it far easier for players to apply the school uniform, as well as encourage others to wear them​

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