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[SUGGESTION] Disallow text-to-speech in roleplay.


Level 272
when you're stuck to just JSL
there're more options except TTS; Such holding a book and rp it out instead of doing TTS without phone or doing weird stuff with that. (as even ur char found a way to speak with his uncle without TTS (I love tatsuya so much where is he bring him back Cloud))


Level 22

While I understand the reason, it can be difficult for the ones who have had their vocal cords/whatever taken away from them to actually chat. They never wanted their character to be mute, so it makes sense why this is a good alternative. I do agree it can get annoying, however it is helpful to those who didn't wish their character to struggle to communicate.


Level 10

The TTS can defeat the purpose of being mute, i agree with this, however, i just don't think its viable not to use it. My main character is mute, not for a lore purpose or his choice (initially), but he became mute after having his throat slashed (so i didn't get to choose this). Note that i already knew JSL and some of my friends did too, as we used it to communicate in the gang, but it quickly became clear to me that it was impossible to continue playing just with JSL, as i literally had everyone in my circle of friends apply for JSL and its still not enough, any interactions you try to have with someone who doesn't know JSL just fails, you are basically severely limiting the quantity of people you can RP with, as a LOT of people don't know JSL, either because they don't want/don't know how to apply, or sometimes they already have THREE languages, in which they use all of.

Being mute does have its features/disadvantages, for example:

- You cannot make calls, only text

I literally had to ask someone to call the police to me when trying to get an officer to the counter, as i cannot make calls and 110 doesn't receive texts

- The use of TTS is limited in various occasions

If you're in a combat situation, having your phone out is very dangerous, so you end up beign forced to communicate in JSL, and those who don't understand it, are just unreachable.

- You cannot groan/scream/ask for help without your phone

Once again referring to a gangrp situation, but if you are caught off guard, not having your phone, your character simply does not have any way of screaming for help or even groaning in pain.

Overall, the muterp already has limitations enough, and i can see that the quantity of people rping mute is growing, but at the current state of how JSL works, its just not viable at all to force someone into having an optional language, that can only be aquired through an application, as their only source of communication.


Level 10

The TTS can defeat the purpose of being mute, i agree with this, however, i just don't think its viable not to use it. My main character is mute, not for a lore purpose or his choice (initially), but he became mute after having his throat slashed (so i didn't get to choose this). Note that i already knew JSL and some of my friends did too, as we used it to communicate in the gang, but it quickly became clear to me that it was impossible to continue playing just with JSL, as i literally had everyone in my circle of friends apply for JSL and its still not enough, any interactions you try to have with someone who doesn't know JSL just fails, you are basically severely limiting the quantity of people you can RP with, as a LOT of people don't know JSL, either because they don't want/don't know how to apply, or sometimes they already have THREE languages, in which they use all of.

Being mute does have its features/disadvantages, for example:

- You cannot make calls, only text

I literally had to ask someone to call the police to me when trying to get an officer to the counter, as i cannot make calls and 110 doesn't receive texts

- The use of TTS is limited in various occasions

If you're in a combat situation, having your phone out is very dangerous, so you end up beign forced to communicate in JSL, and those who don't understand it, are just unreachable.

- You cannot groan/scream/ask for help without your phone

Once again referring to a gangrp situation, but if you are caught off guard, not having your phone, your character simply does not have any way of screaming for help or even groaning in pain.

Overall, the muterp already has limitations enough, and i can see that the quantity of people rping mute is growing, but at the current state of how JSL works, its just not viable at all to force someone into having an optional language, that can only be aquired through an application, as their only source of communication.

Its important to say, that in my view, most of the comments of this thread are missing the issue that causes the TTS
Applying for your OWN CHARACTER to know JSL is not an issue at all, the problem is that for anyone to understand you, they ALSO NEED TO KNOW JSL, so you basically would be limited to only communicating with people who are willing to apply.

dão aula e olham tudo

Level 13
This is a "I could never expect that a suggestion that brings up a topic like this could ever receive a long response like this" moment.

I was writing this last night and ended up forgetting about it. There's a TL;dr at the bottom, but I recommend that those who are actually interested in the topic of this thread read the entire message. It brings up points that half of the people who have posted something here did not think about, but points that are actually important to be brought to your attention.

Before I bring up anything: 90% of the mute characters we have nowadays are result of an IC in-server reason; a.k.a. got their throat cut or something else of the kind. People who create mute characters, on the other hand, often put effort into them. There is no reason for you to willingly go through the IC limitations of a mute only to roleplay it poorly, unless, as I said, your character lost their ability to speak because of a major. It's common sense; if you made a mute character, it means you want to roleplay as a mute, naturally.

Most, if not all of the people would not put as much effort into a character who is mute because of an IC consequence, than they would if they wanted to develop a mute character from scratch. Therefore, the "people make mute characters and end up not putting much effort into them" argument is, at least 90% of the time, incorrect, for those who brought this argument up.

On the other hand, however, most of those who had lost their character's ability to speak through an IC mean do not, indeed, value and properly develop their character's muteness. Most will simply use TTS and ignore the fact that this tool isn't as reliable and effective as sign language, which, IRL, would be a must-learn for any person with verbal and/or hearing disabilities.

At the same time, another issue comes up; this change would make almost, if not all major perms be delivered in one single way: throat/tongue cutting. Imagine 80% of majors ending up in your character being mute, because, to half of the GangRP community, cutting your character's tongue would be the option that would make your character's life the most difficult. This would make the SRP environment more robotic and mechanical than it already is.

Knowing the current GangRP community that we well know, Kana, I'm more than sure that GangRPers would make this change a problem that would deteriorate the current state of SRP scenario in general, which already is very spoilt. Yes, a simple change like "let's disallow TTS to make things more realistic" would make things turn pretty fast.

At the end of the day, it's all the same thing. Bringing more limitations to a type of roleplay that's already very limited would: 1. make most people throw their characters away as soon as they suffer a major and 2. turn almost, if not every major into a tongue/throat slashing shitfest. As funny as this sounds, we all know the butterfly effect this would cause; , because we all know the kind of community we're part of. Players would start complaining about majors just as much as they complain about KPS. Tongue/voice box damage would become the number one option for GangRPers when it comes to applying majors, because it would also be the option that would bring more limitations to a character than just cutting a limb, or taking an eye, and the characters who loses their ability to speak would immediately seek a prosthetic voice box, since they'd have even more limitations which would make what's supposed to be fun, boring and extremely limited. The immersion, realism and coherence that most feedback threads demand will only go lower, because the already mechanic GangRPers we know would become even more mechanical as they make every major being a damage against someone's throat or tongue.

On the same note, the server is supposed to be fun. No one wants to play a restrictive mime. TTS is a way players can get over the fact that their character is mute, just like characters get prosthetic replacements for their lost lim, even though, IRL, prosthetic limbs are an expensive and hard-to-maintain state-of-the-art tool, being almost luxurious for one to acquire, and people who lose a limb don't immediately buy a prosthetic one.

"If you don't want to lose a limb or a tongue, simply don't get yourself major perms" should not be a valid statement when you remember that you're playing on a server composed, by its majority, of perm-thirsty players. This server's culture itself needs to be changed. Me and other players have been saying this; it's been spoken about in this thread: SUGGESTION/RANT | GANGRP IS RUINING THE SERVER. The toxic majority of the community that surrounds Criminal/GangRP made the criminal environment be the root of most of SRP's issues nowadays.

Yes, it's an actual butterfly effect. Although this suggestion has the intent of making the roleplay universe of SRP a more realistic and coherent environment, most players don't notice that, in order for the server to be more realistic, the community, and not from whether mutes can use TTS or not, because until those changes don't happen, small, generous suggestions like yours will be stomped by the toxic scenario that is nowadays SRP, because the community simply does not know how to role play.

In (not so short) short words, I agree that mutes using TTS 24/7 as if it was a normal way of communicating is not realistic. It's a very unrealistic way that players who roleplay mute characters adopted to communicate ICly (however, mute characters who find a way to balance their way of comunicating and not relying only on TTS deserve my respect), and yes, all mute characters should give JSL the importance it deserves, and recognize that, realistically, the sign language is a must-know to both mute and deaf people. But at the same time, this change would bring more limitations to mute characters, enough limitations that would make playing a mute character unfun and would certainly turn the direction of every single major.

From my point of view, TTS is not a big problem, and shouldn't be considered as so. Of all the mute characters I've met, most of them managed to balance between TTS, JSL and other ways of communication. I feel like there are more important areas that need much more attention than what this suggestion proposes, otherwise, minor changes in the roleplay environment such as this one will be crushed by the bigger problems the server currently faces.

SRP is in an almost paralyzing state, with complains regarding its roleplay dynamic coming from everywhere, where countless changes need to be made for the server to be a more organic and dynamic place to roleplay on. Whether TTS ir allowed or not, it won't change a lot of things, if anything. Overall, it's a -1 from me.

Important reminder: this is purely my opinion. GangRP should not become the point of this thread, because it's not what it proposes. My point is, it has come to a point that the real issues need to stop being ignored and worked on, so they don't become large enough to be the root of the server, leaving suggestions with the intention of making things more verosimilar like this one almost impossible to work because half of the community would simply ruin it.

The "I hate reading" people's tl;dr: 1. This would make a type of roleplay that's already extremely limited, even more limited, mostly because of server-side and cultural limitations that take place on SRP; 2. The toxic (majority) side of the GangRP community wouldn't react to this in a nice way. Majors would be about one thing and one thing only; the removal of your character's speech abilities; 3. Whether TTS is allowed or not should not be the focus of nowadays concerns regarding the server's dynamic and organicness (find a better word). The community should, instead, think and suggest other ways of fixing the server's majors problems that we daily face.


Level 129
This is a "I could never expect that a suggestion that brings up a topic like this could ever receive a long response like this" moment.

I was writing this last night and ended up forgetting about it. There's a TL;dr at the bottom, but I recommend that those who are actually interested in the topic of this thread read the entire message. It brings up points that half of the people who have posted something here did not think about, but points that are actually important to be brought to your attention.

Before I bring up anything: 90% of the mute characters we have nowadays are result of an IC in-server reason; a.k.a. got their throat cut or something else of the kind. People who create mute characters, on the other hand, often put effort into them. There is no reason for you to willingly go through the IC limitations of a mute only to roleplay it poorly, unless, as I said, your character lost their ability to speak because of a major. It's common sense; if you made a mute character, it means you want to roleplay as a mute, naturally.

Most, if not all of the people would not put as much effort into a character who is mute because of an IC consequence, than they would if they wanted to develop a mute character from scratch. Therefore, the "people make mute characters and end up not putting much effort into them" argument is, at least 90% of the time, incorrect, for those who brought this argument up.

On the other hand, however, most of those who had lost their character's ability to speak through an IC mean do not, indeed, value and properly develop their character's muteness. Most will simply use TTS and ignore the fact that this tool isn't as reliable and effective as sign language, which, IRL, would be a must-learn for any person with verbal and/or hearing disabilities.

At the same time, another issue comes up; this change would make almost, if not all major perms be delivered in one single way: throat/tongue cutting. Imagine 80% of majors ending up in your character being mute, because, to half of the GangRP community, cutting your character's tongue would be the option that would make your character's life the most difficult. This would make the SRP environment more robotic and mechanical than it already is.

Knowing the current GangRP community that we well know, Kana, I'm more than sure that GangRPers would make this change a problem that would deteriorate the current state of SRP scenario in general, which already is very spoilt. Yes, a simple change like "let's disallow TTS to make things more realistic" would make things turn pretty fast.

At the end of the day, it's all the same thing. Bringing more limitations to a type of roleplay that's already very limited would: 1. make most people throw their characters away as soon as they suffer a major and 2. turn almost, if not every major into a tongue/throat slashing shitfest. As funny as this sounds, we all know the butterfly effect this would cause; , because we all know the kind of community we're part of. Players would start complaining about majors just as much as they complain about KPS. Tongue/voice box damage would become the number one option for GangRPers when it comes to applying majors, because it would also be the option that would bring more limitations to a character than just cutting a limb, or taking an eye, and the characters who loses their ability to speak would immediately seek a prosthetic voice box, since they'd have even more limitations which would make what's supposed to be fun, boring and extremely limited. The immersion, realism and coherence that most feedback threads demand will only go lower, because the already mechanic GangRPers we know would become even more mechanical as they make every major being a damage against someone's throat or tongue.

On the same note, the server is supposed to be fun. No one wants to play a restrictive mime. TTS is a way players can get over the fact that their character is mute, just like characters get prosthetic replacements for their lost lim, even though, IRL, prosthetic limbs are an expensive and hard-to-maintain state-of-the-art tool, being almost luxurious for one to acquire, and people who lose a limb don't immediately buy a prosthetic one.

"If you don't want to lose a limb or a tongue, simply don't get yourself major perms" should not be a valid statement when you remember that you're playing on a server composed, by its majority, of perm-thirsty players. This server's culture itself needs to be changed. Me and other players have been saying this; it's been spoken about in this thread: SUGGESTION/RANT | GANGRP IS RUINING THE SERVER. The toxic majority of the community that surrounds Criminal/GangRP made the criminal environment be the root of most of SRP's issues nowadays.

Yes, it's an actual butterfly effect. Although this suggestion has the intent of making the roleplay universe of SRP a more realistic and coherent environment, most players don't notice that, in order for the server to be more realistic, the community, and not from whether mutes can use TTS or not, because until those changes don't happen, small, generous suggestions like yours will be stomped by the toxic scenario that is nowadays SRP, because the community simply does not know how to role play.

In (not so short) short words, I agree that mutes using TTS 24/7 as if it was a normal way of communicating is not realistic. It's a very unrealistic way that players who roleplay mute characters adopted to communicate ICly (however, mute characters who find a way to balance their way of comunicating and not relying only on TTS deserve my respect), and yes, all mute characters should give JSL the importance it deserves, and recognize that, realistically, the sign language is a must-know to both mute and deaf people. But at the same time, this change would bring more limitations to mute characters, enough limitations that would make playing a mute character unfun and would certainly turn the direction of every single major.

From my point of view, TTS is not a big problem, and shouldn't be considered as so. Of all the mute characters I've met, most of them managed to balance between TTS, JSL and other ways of communication. I feel like there are more important areas that need much more attention than what this suggestion proposes, otherwise, minor changes in the roleplay environment such as this one will be crushed by the bigger problems the server currently faces.

SRP is in an almost paralyzing state, with complains regarding its roleplay dynamic coming from everywhere, where countless changes need to be made for the server to be a more organic and dynamic place to roleplay on. Whether TTS ir allowed or not, it won't change a lot of things, if anything. Overall, it's a -1 from me.

Important reminder: this is purely my opinion. GangRP should not become the point of this thread, because it's not what it proposes. My point is, it has come to a point that the real issues need to stop being ignored and worked on, so they don't become large enough to be the root of the server, leaving suggestions with the intention of making things more verosimilar like this one almost impossible to work because half of the community would simply ruin it.

The "I hate reading" people's tl;dr: 1. This would make a type of roleplay that's already extremely limited, even more limited, mostly because of server-side and cultural limitations that take place on SRP; 2. The toxic (majority) side of the GangRP community wouldn't react to this in a nice way. Majors would be about one thing and one thing only; the removal of your character's speech abilities; 3. Whether TTS is allowed or not should not be the focus of nowadays concerns regarding the server's dynamic and organicness (find a better word). The community should, instead, think and suggest other ways of fixing the server's majors problems that we daily face.

Agree with this whole statement, +100000


Level 231
Its important to say, that in my view, most of the comments of this thread are missing the issue that causes the TTS
Applying for your OWN CHARACTER to know JSL is not an issue at all, the problem is that for anyone to understand you, they ALSO NEED TO KNOW JSL, so you basically would be limited to only communicating with people who are willing to apply.
If you want to play a character (if it was forced upon you, your always entitled to make a new character) who is deaf then I think it's important that you go into it being aware of that of the shortcomings and benefits of the quirk. Simply don't use said deaf characters if you aren't happy to also RP the negatives.

Example, one of my character uses a cane, it means I never run around on him or do any strenuous activity on that character (something I understand is a nessessary feature of the character quirk)

Another one of my characters has a firm political beliefs that are very black and white, he never breaks the law and to emphasis this I have never once jaywalked, even if just running around the map.

TLDR; for all of you complaining about the negatives this may bring to your character, I want you to understand why you have a character with this character quirk, either it be because it was forced upon you or not - hey maybe you just thought it was cool.

You should want to incorporate this innate weakness (language barrier) into your character and their growth (i.e maybe how their character is frustrated, maybe they used to be very social and now they feel like they are a burden who can't have friends anymore.)

Something to think about for the players who voted against. Think about how you can incorporate their shortcomings into better character driven stories instead of trying to fix 'solve' their condition with a phone.


Level 218
they even not holding phones when they doing it LOL
I literally can't stand it anymore, people don't understand how annoying TTS is. It completely ruins the rp. Everybody is super casual about it too.

"[TTS] Hey I just got my voice box cut out dad, anyways goodnight" ITS DRIVING ME NUTS
or when they do "[TTS] HAHHAHAHA"


Level 218
If you want to play a character (if it was forced upon you, your always entitled to make a new character) who is deaf then I think it's important that you go into it being aware of that of the shortcomings and benefits of the quirk. Simply don't use said deaf characters if you aren't happy to also RP the negatives.

Example, one of my character uses a cane, it means I never run around on him or do any strenuous activity on that character (something I understand is a nessessary feature of the character quirk)

Another one of my characters has a firm political beliefs that are very black and white, he never breaks the law and to emphasis this I have never once jaywalked, even if just running around the map.

TLDR; for all of you complaining about the negatives this may bring to your character, I want you to understand why you have a character with this character quirk, either it be because it was forced upon you or not - hey maybe you just thought it was cool.

You should want to incorporate this innate weakness (language barrier) into your character and their growth (i.e maybe how their character is frustrated, maybe they used to be very social and now they feel like they are a burden who can't have friends anymore.)

Something to think about for the players who voted against. Think about how you can incorporate their shortcomings into better character driven stories instead of trying to fix 'solve' their condition with a phone.


Level 10
If you want to play a character (if it was forced upon you, your always entitled to make a new character) who is deaf then I think it's important that you go into it being aware of that of the shortcomings and benefits of the quirk. Simply don't use said deaf characters if you aren't happy to also RP the negatives.

Example, one of my character uses a cane, it means I never run around on him or do any strenuous activity on that character (something I understand is a nessessary feature of the character quirk)

Another one of my characters has a firm political beliefs that are very black and white, he never breaks the law and to emphasis this I have never once jaywalked, even if just running around the map.

TLDR; for all of you complaining about the negatives this may bring to your character, I want you to understand why you have a character with this character quirk, either it be because it was forced upon you or not - hey maybe you just thought it was cool.

You should want to incorporate this innate weakness (language barrier) into your character and their growth (i.e maybe how their character is frustrated, maybe they used to be very social and now they feel like they are a burden who can't have friends anymore.)

Something to think about for the players who voted against. Think about how you can incorporate their shortcomings into better character driven stories instead of trying to fix 'solve' their condition with a phone.

None of the examples mentioned by you really amount to how severely limiting not being able to communicate at all with people is, and the start of your reply is basically "If it was forced on you, just give up on your character". In my situation, this happened to my main character, which i develop since i started playing and which i have a LOT of bonds formed into him, not wanting to give up just for this incident. As i said before, having JSL is not a problem, however, you depend on other people having it. Firstly, i don't understand what the big problem of using JSL even is, as its something 100% possible in real life, and it has its limitations as mentioned in my post above ^

Another thing, is what my dear friend Vroosi explained; regarding the already toxic gangrp community we have, a change like that would only further worsen the scene, basically causing muteness be forced into people way more common, as its common for them to look for a harm that's harder for you to recover from.

The server is focused on the interpersonal relationships between the characters, and simply taking one of the means of communications from someone, severely limiting their reach, is just a bad decision on my side, and i say this because i have over 200 hours played on my character after he became a mute, and i can assure you: TTS plays an ESSENTIAL role, which cannot be taken out without being replaced by something else.

For all of those who disagree with that, i deeply encourage you to play a whole month with a mute character, not using Text-to-speech, and even more, trying to befriend new people, outside from the friend group who's already used to you. The difficulties will be met quickly, and the viability of this suggestion is easily exposed. On the end, once again, i don't really think TTS brings any harm to the server, i dont understand why people are bothered by a simple [TTS] tag being in front of messages and a phone being held, if you do not agree with this kind of roleplay, i'd just suggest not doing it yourself, instead of trying to take this right away from those who find its use necessary.


Level 129
None of the examples mentioned by you really amount to how severely limiting not being able to communicate at all with people is, and the start of your reply is basically "If it was forced on you, just give up on your character". In my situation, this happened to my main character, which i develop since i started playing and which i have a LOT of bonds formed into him, not wanting to give up just for this incident. As i said before, having JSL is not a problem, however, you depend on other people having it. Firstly, i don't understand what the big problem of using JSL even is, as its something 100% possible in real life, and it has its limitations as mentioned in my post above ^

Another thing, is what my dear friend Vroosi explained; regarding the already toxic gangrp community we have, a change like that would only further worsen the scene, basically causing muteness be forced into people way more common, as its common for them to look for a harm that's harder for you to recover from.

The server is focused on the interpersonal relationships between the characters, and simply taking one of the means of communications from someone, severely limiting their reach, is just a bad decision on my side, and i say this because i have over 200 hours played on my character after he became a mute, and i can assure you: TTS plays an ESSENTIAL role, which cannot be taken out without being replaced by something else.

For all of those who disagree with that, i deeply encourage you to play a whole month with a mute character, not using Text-to-speech, and even more, trying to befriend new people, outside from the friend group who's already used to you. The difficulties will be met quickly, and the viability of this suggestion is easily exposed. On the end, once again, i don't really think TTS brings any harm to the server, i dont understand why people are bothered by a simple [TTS] tag being in front of messages and a phone being held, if you do not agree with this kind of roleplay, i'd just suggest not doing it yourself, instead of trying to take this right away from those who find its use necessary.
I didn't know [TTS] could infuriate minecraft players dang

It's really simple honestly. If you want to roleplay a mute character and not use TTS, just dont use it. And if you feel that someone who is using TTS is doing it wrong, call it out lol.

It's not something that should be restricted because it's "lazy". If you think about it, texting someone instead walking up to them and talking to them is also incredibly lazy. It should be outlawed right?

And to everyone who says TTS isn't realistic.... there are people who literally use it to communicate irl and through VC. . .


Level 73
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
Event Team
IGN: ImKana
DATE: 12/28/21
I don't know if this has been suggested before or if it's even thought about at all really in the community, but it's something that has bothered me for the longest time. Text-to-speech is what a lot of RPers with characters that can't speak use as a method of communication. While it was creative at first, It defeats the point of your character not being able to speak. I believe it should be encouraged that people put effort into writing a sign-language application if they'd like to communicate.

While I don't believe this is a huge issue, it could help make the server a more roleplay-minded environment. Disallowing text-to-speech would finally encourage proper mute characters and stop quickly making characters with no thought into their story/lore. If you're going to make a mute character, you shouldn't cut corners, apply for sign-language or roleplay not being able to speak at all. TTS makes things a lot more boring, and when people send TTS messages through IC, nobody reads them off as an actual TTS message, and they read it as a standard message being sent, which again defeats a mute character's purpose.

Of course, I am open to any opinions regarding the topic and would love to hear anyone's thoughts.

Please remember that I am writing this at 2:30 AM; if the grammar sucks, don't blame me :sob.


Level 73
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
Event Team
I didn't know [TTS] could infuriate minecraft players dang

It's really simple honestly. If you want to roleplay a mute character and not use TTS, just dont use it. And if you feel that someone who is using TTS is doing it wrong, call it out lol.

It's not something that should be restricted because it's "lazy". If you think about it, texting someone instead walking up to them and talking to them is also incredibly lazy. It should be outlawed right?

And to everyone who says TTS isn't realistic.... there are people who literally use it to communicate irl and through VC. . .
I think it's more the point of getting more people to use JSL, which I think is fair. Instead of the use of TTS why not use the specific language that was put into the game to allow mute and deaf characters to communicate? The more using it who have mute or deaf characters the better too!


Level 10
I didn't know [TTS] could infuriate minecraft players dang

It's really simple honestly. If you want to roleplay a mute character and not use TTS, just dont use it. And if you feel that someone who is using TTS is doing it wrong, call it out lol.

It's not something that should be restricted because it's "lazy". If you think about it, texting someone instead walking up to them and talking to them is also incredibly lazy. It should be outlawed right?

And to everyone who says TTS isn't realistic.... there are people who literally use it to communicate irl and through VC. . .

Exactly, like i mentioned below on my previous comment: I dont understand why people are bothered by a simple [TTS] tag being in front of messages and a phone being held, if you do not agree with this kind of roleplay, i'd just suggest not doing it yourself, instead of trying to take this right away from those who find its use necessary.

I think it's more the point of getting more people to use JSL, which I think is fair. Instead of the use of TTS why not use the specific language that was put into the game to allow mute and deaf characters to communicate? The more using it who have mute or deaf characters the better too!

I believe this comment was made without reading the full thread, as i mentioned some problems with the JSL language being used as the only means of communication, it can be found here:

Its important to say, that in my view, most of the comments of this thread are missing the issue that causes the TTS
Applying for your OWN CHARACTER to know JSL is not an issue at all, the problem is that for anyone to understand you, they ALSO NEED TO KNOW JSL, so you basically would be limited to only communicating with people who are willing to apply.
None of the examples mentioned by you really amount to how severely limiting not being able to communicate at all with people is, and the start of your reply is basically "If it was forced on you, just give up on your character". In my situation, this happened to my main character, which i develop since i started playing and which i have a LOT of bonds formed into him, not wanting to give up just for this incident. As i said before, having JSL is not a problem, however, you depend on other people having it. Firstly, i don't understand what the big problem of using JSL even is, as its something 100% possible in real life, and it has its limitations as mentioned in my post above ^

Another thing, is what my dear friend Vroosi explained; regarding the already toxic gangrp community we have, a change like that would only further worsen the scene, basically causing muteness be forced into people way more common, as its common for them to look for a harm that's harder for you to recover from.

The server is focused on the interpersonal relationships between the characters, and simply taking one of the means of communications from someone, severely limiting their reach, is just a bad decision on my side, and i say this because i have over 200 hours played on my character after he became a mute, and i can assure you: TTS plays an ESSENTIAL role, which cannot be taken out without being replaced by something else.

For all of those who disagree with that, i deeply encourage you to play a whole month with a mute character, not using Text-to-speech, and even more, trying to befriend new people, outside from the friend group who's already used to you. The difficulties will be met quickly, and the viability of this suggestion is easily exposed. On the end, once again, i don't really think TTS brings any harm to the server, i dont understand why people are bothered by a simple [TTS] tag being in front of messages and a phone being held, if you do not agree with this kind of roleplay, i'd just suggest not doing it yourself, instead of trying to take this right away from those who find its use necessary.


Level 51
IGN: ImKana
DATE: 12/28/21
I don't know if this has been suggested before or if it's even thought about at all really in the community, but it's something that has bothered me for the longest time. Text-to-speech is what a lot of RPers with characters that can't speak use as a method of communication. While it was creative at first, It defeats the point of your character not being able to speak. I believe it should be encouraged that people put effort into writing a sign-language application if they'd like to communicate.

While I don't believe this is a huge issue, it could help make the server a more roleplay-minded environment. Disallowing text-to-speech would finally encourage proper mute characters and stop quickly making characters with no thought into their story/lore. If you're going to make a mute character, you shouldn't cut corners, apply for sign-language or roleplay not being able to speak at all. TTS makes things a lot more boring, and when people send TTS messages through IC, nobody reads them off as an actual TTS message, and they read it as a standard message being sent, which again defeats a mute character's purpose.

Of course, I am open to any opinions regarding the topic and would love to hear anyone's thoughts.

Please remember that I am writing this at 2:30 AM; if the grammar sucks, don't blame me :sob.

The reasoning on why people even use TTS is because half the server doesn't have JSL, or doesn't bother to get JSL because they don't have a purpose in needing it. So what mute people do to counter that is using Text-To-Speech by pulling out their phone, which makes it easier for both parties, but sometimes annoying cause gotta use /me :(. So really there isn't really any reasoning to get rid of Text-To-Speech cause a lot of people like using it, and some people hate it for some Odd reasoning, which is how life works.

Therefore I think Text-To-Speech should be permitted, since it helps mute people talk to people who don't know JSL, or that already have 3 languages that isn't JSL. But people have their differences in Opinions which is fine, but I don't think it would help the server at all just removing Text-To-Speech.
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Level 134
Thread starter

The reasoning on why people even use TTS is because half the server doesn't have JSL, or doesn't bother to get JSL because they don't have a purpose in needing it. So what mute people do to counter that is using Text-To-Speech by pulling out their phone, which makes it easier for both parties, but sometimes annoying cause gotta use /me :(. So really there isn't really any reasoning to get rid of Text-To-Speech cause a lot of people like using it, and some people hate it for some Odd reasoning, which is how life works.

Therefore I think Text-To-Speech should be permitted, since it helps mute people talk to people who don't know JSL, or that already have 3 languages that isn't JSL. But people have their differences in Opinions which is fine, but I don't think it would help the server at all just removing Text-To-Speech.
My point was that if you're playing a mute character, isn't the point to be mute? Why do you desperately need to communicate with people in the first place?


Level 10
My point was that if you're playing a mute character, isn't the point to be mute? Why do you desperately need to communicate with people in the first place?

The whole purpose of the server are the interpersonal relationships, not being able to communicate with a large group of people severely limits your roleplay possibilities.


Level 134
Thread starter
The whole purpose of the server are the interpersonal relationships, not being able to communicate with a large group of people severely limits your roleplay possibilities.
Being mute limits your communication possibilities, it's your choice when making a mute character. This suggestion wasn't just for staff, it was for the community.


Level 128
Shop Lead
Being mute limits your communication possibilities, it's your choice when making a mute character. This suggestion wasn't just for staff, it was for the community.
Not everyone chooses to have a mute character though. Sometimes it's forced by GangRP, in which people don't have a choice but to play a mute character.


Level 134
Thread starter
Not everyone chooses to have a mute character though. Sometimes it's forced by GangRP, in which people don't have a choice but to play a mute character.
I can see that, though as Toto wrote earlier, the option is always there to create another character. The whole point of roleplay is improv, and you go with whatever happens to your character.

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