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KPD and gangrp

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Level 21
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 13/11/22
That gangrp gets a minor powerup to be able to go against cops more
In my opinion, KPD overpowers Gangs in every aspect of combat. They have better weapons that don’t require roll to use such as guns and tasers, Automatic backup using the radio. Cctv and lastly they can gain perms really easily. Therefore it is really small chance to escape an officer and even smaller chance to fight them and win. So believe that gangrpers should get a small power up in certain ways and maybe form an anti-kpd era for gangrp. To begin with I believe the ballistic mask should be able to keep 2 bullets instead of one. The reason behind this is that kpd always fires for body shots when they want to eliminate and they always fire two bullets. In really rare occasions where they fire for the head it’s again two bullets that are fired with less than a second between each bullet. So the ballistic keeping only one round is useless. Secondly, since headshots are really rare, I believe gangrpers should have a bulletproof vest that will work like a bali. Therefore they might be able to stand against cops. Lastly I believe they should be able to gain killing permissions a bit easier. Because with the current rules, gangrpers may not ever gain kps on officers that don’t posses firearms. So maybe taser or arrest or repeated attempts to tase should grant kps. I believe that this would benefit the community because gangrp will be a bit more interesting and exciting, Maybe a bit more risky but also more serious. Secondly kpd will have more stuff to do and more interesting rp, and it would also bring opportunities for anti kpd events. I believe that it is clear that cops overpower gangrp by a lot and I don’t think it would be so bad to make them a bit closer to being equal forces.


Level 38
Stop trying to kill cops, they were trained to fight against criminals so of course they'll have more power than a 18 years old kid wielding a katana.


Level 267
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

I feel like this has been suggested way too many times so not gonna write whole paragraph. It makes 0 sense for getting tased to give KPS, it's not something lethal.
Stop trying to kill cops, they were trained to fight against criminals so of course they'll have more power than a 18 years old kid wielding a katana.
^ This is so real. KPD is meant to overpower gangrpers. There is very much ways to commit crimes without getting caught by KPD.


Level 328
KPD should be avoided, not targeted. So many characters have thrived in the KPD and so much lore has been developped thanks to the removal of KPS in situations where it's not reasonable to kill them. We don't want to discourage officers from roleplaying and developping their characters due to the faction they've chosen to be in. While it's true they have to face that risk, telling them that their characters will now have higher chances of dying is completely counterproductive.


Level 6
+1. Gangrp is a major aspect of the game. The issue with police is it overpowers gangrpers fully. Now it really doesn't seem fair because criminals are people that know how to commit crimes and they should probably have a chance against police.
Police have better weapons, rolls, quite big numbers, bodycams, cctv which basically allows them to be almost everywhere just because of it and on top of that they can have people log on and come instantly to a scene because they said it in the radio. Gangrp should have a small buff. My reply to suu is that yeah random 18 year olds with katanas should not have a buff so I'd suggest that for example bmd dealers and verified gang leaders or members should get the buff. Being a bmd dealer or a verified Gang leader is something that doesn't just require a katana. Characters like mine who lead such big gangs have had a whole ooc year in town where they constantly fight, do crimes and go against people with either katanas or hands. Such a role deserves dedication to gangrp that should probably be rewarded with a buff. But its not only the leader or in the bmd case the crime lead. Think about the founding members and higherups of a gang or the bmd dealers. All the roles I mentioned above have been dedicated to gangrp to the point that their characters have had experience maybe event greater than some cops of the roster. Why do they have the same power with a random 18 yr wielding a katana? Those roles are far superior and should probably have some small advantages. What I'd suggest is that bmd and the crime lead get a buff and when it comes to verified gangs, the leader along with 5 people of their choice can also get the buff . This way there will be gangrpers that due to long experience and dedication to it can have a small advantage. Same way it is with police higherups that usually have some more equipment compared to newer officers. Of course my idea is not perfect and it could be modified a lot but I'm just trying to brainstorm for a better, slightly more fair and a bit more interesting gangrp experience.
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Level 106
While it'd be awesome if GangRPers didn't get arrested all the time, what'd you think was gonna happen when you're running around the map with 2 katanas and 4 naginatas in your inventory and you're trying to assassinate the mayor?


Level 6
KPD should be avoided, not targeted. So many characters have thrived in the KPD and so much lore has been developped thanks to the removal of KPS in situations where it's not reasonable to kill them. We don't want to discourage officers from roleplaying and developping their characters due to the faction they've chosen to be in. While it's true they have to face that risk, telling them that their characters will now have higher chances of dying is completely counterproductive.
Yonio you have a point but I got a question for you, is it really fair for kpd to have such an advantage against all gangrpers or bmd dealers with no exception? I'll also add that so many characters have had up to 1 or even 2 years of lore written behind them and rp'd in gangrp. The removal of kps doesn't apply for cops though. Cops can simply shoot an character because he had a weapon out and even if the shoot is not fatal I've seen people dying just cause ems did not arrive in time. That's not really my point though. My point is that gangrp has a huge disadvantage compared to police even though some people dedicate their whole sro career to it. I'm not saying of course that all gangrpers should have a huge buff but some specific roles require months of dedication to gangrp that should probably be rewarded.


Level 6
While it'd be awesome if GangRPers didn't get arrested all the time, what'd you think was gonna happen when you're running around the map with 2 katanas and 4 naginatas in your inventory and you're trying to assassinate the mayor?
That's really not a valid argument.
1. Mayor won't give kps out of the blue if they don't want to die
2. While SapouT may have issues it is true that gangrp needs a buff.
3. Well his point was not that people that do foolish stuff randomly should not get arrested but sometime gangrpers have smart plans that really require effort and they end up being overpowered by cops without any chance of doing half of the plan they originally had.


Level 106
That's really not a valid argument.
1. Mayor won't give kps out of the blue if they don't want to die
2. While SapouT may have issues it is true that gangrp needs a buff.
3. Well his point was not that people that do foolish stuff randomly should not get arrested but sometime gangrpers have smart plans that really require effort and they end up being overpowered by cops without any chance of doing half of the plan they originally had.
That was mainly a joke, my actual opinion is that while there are some problems with this, it really isn't the same with GangRPers and Cops. Cops are meant to have a buff because if they didn't, they'd immediately be useless against the gang. But, in reality, the cops shouldn't be able to have KPS on your character just because they entered a chase or saw you with a weapon. I would say that I'd really give this-
-1 / Neutral


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Be patient and wait for the new update on KPS rules, cops don't need to be killed, just don't get caught.


Level 38
My reply to suu is that yeah random 18 year olds with katanas should not have a buff so I'd suggest that for example bmd dealers and verified gang leaders or members should get the buff.
Then let it be stay that way. Do you want to do crime? That's good, if you get away with it then good for you, but if cops caught you simply accept it, you don't need to kill a cop because they will always have a backup plan. Do whatever you want, just don't get caught.


Level 106
I think that the main idea that everybody is suggesting to criminals for getting away from the KPD's clutches is just to GET GOOD.


Level 9
what i don't understand about these "nerf kpd" suggestions is that gangrp isn't supposed to be this easy. the kpd is meant to be a challenge that requires calculated thinking to outsmart, which can easily be done if you focused less on kill perms/making the duality between the two factions "fair", and more on how your character will weasel through troubling situations.

tl;dr, commit smarter crimes


Level 47
You have to know that there are many more criminals on the server than the police.
The purpose of KPD's design is to unilaterally crush crime. If the police be killed easy, the balance will be broken.
I don't want Karakura to become Los Santos.


Level 130

The police are meant to be more powerful than the gangrpers, if you want power over the KPD, obtain it through in-character means. You don't need buffs to do it.
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