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A in-character Wikipedia style website


Level 231
IGN: SchoolRP
DATE: 01/12/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I know you've just made a website and you probably want a bit of a break, but incase you don't... this is for you hard working devs.

My suggestion is a in-character Wikipedia clone where players can post lore that is meant to be considered in-universe, like wikipedia pages on famous or political karakura citizens, such as former mayors or publicly known incarcerated gang leaders & what not. This would work similar to the FRP forums in which was a in-depth fandom website basically where every event ever was written about as well as knowledge on lore-relevant player characters. An example page would be recreating this page but for Karakura Mayors, I myself would make dedicated pages to things that involved my characters or am the last remaining person who was knowledgeable about. Other examples could be Karakura companies, Herrington Holdings, Luxe Club, Sayonara Gift Shop, Nohara Towers, Visage Corporation etc and would all look something like this. Articles would be written by either the players who wrote the events or were involved or lore team on rare occasions where it concerns things that players don't have the authority to write about. For example, I can write pretty accurately as a first-person source for the majority of GangRP from 2015-2019, things like Wild Dogs & KAGE come easy to me as I was there to watch or conduct some of the largest scale events yet to happen on SRP.
This allows there to be an extended way to memorialise events & characters as well as catch the new folk up in a IC-permitted way. This might also prevent metagaming in a way as players will instantly know all public information about a person without assuming what the status quo is. For example, the high majority of bmd leads & gang leads were not arrested for their crimes but either through metagame by association or misinformation, random people seem to know this information, without learning it in-character.
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Level 10

while this could also be done in the roleplay documents section, i feel this would make stuff more organized and easier to read instead of scouring the pages just to find ONE piece of information.

besides the form of news articles and reports, this feels more realistically accessible icly (plus i know like, 2 people in my entire life who actually read physical copies of newspapers)

likely unrelated, but i also find this to be great for people who have written lore for their characters that does not directly impact the timeline of karakura, for example organizations and incidents, but need someplace besides biographies and ic interactions to share said information.


Level 123
Community Team
Lore Team
This sounds like an awesome idea, and I agree, players should be able to post their own documents/threads in a Wikipedia style forum.


Not ICly written by a character. Players can gain IC knowledge about it, but I do not think the characters themselves should be the ones to post such content. It can be taken as an IC-like Wikipedia, but having characters be the ones to write is something I personally disagree with. In addition to that, rather than creating a whole new website to tire out the devs, why not include a new section of it in the forums.


Level 197
This sounds like an awesome idea, and I agree, players should be able to post their own documents/threads in a Wikipedia style forum.


Not ICly written by a character. Players can gain IC knowledge about it, but I do not think the characters themselves should be the ones to post such content. It can be taken as an IC-like Wikipedia, but having characters be the ones to write is something I personally disagree with. In addition to that, rather than creating a whole new website to tire out the devs, why not include a new section of it in the forums.
Same as to players who well don't play anymore. I mean, you could try to reach out to those who created these things but if they quit they probably don't want to make it. Perhaps those who have helped out with these things and are known to have a higher knowledge on it who are still playing, and yes this could be the owner. I'm just sayin, if a person proves that they were involved (you kinda touched on this saying on occasion this could happen) they could help out with the page

Although, I like the thought alot! +1


Level 9
I don't think it's needed, the lore is already available to be known icly (except the ones about project HARRP) and there is already people in charge of writing about events, reporters, and businesses can write about their company/shops on onrain.


Level 87
I hope it will be detailed enough to include an index, dictionary, and specified titles for each section. This sounds like a cool project to work on for the lore team. Rip to the devs tho


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team

but having characters be the ones to write is something I personally disagree with.

Only people who run the website can write things. It'd be a thing where you have to apply (probably in a discord server- much like ikigai)


Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team
I feel like instead of making an entire other we should just do it on onrain instead, or just the forums themselves


Level 231
Thread starter
I feel like instead of making an entire other we should just do it on onrain instead, or just the forums themselves
Only issue with that is that I would want it to be it's own space and like @RandomlyAccepted said, "detailed enough to include an index, dictionary, and specified titles for each section.". I would ideally want there to be character infoboxs (example link attached) and nice table of contents (example link attacched) that are currently mostly impossible under Xenforos (The forums software we use)

I have attempted in the past, to create character infoboxes via canva, but to mixed results (Example Links, 1, 2.)
The best scenario would be a alternative site that is away from all of the fluff on the forums.


Level 108
+1 btw, you can make IC websites yourself. I've done that before, and I know others have too. If you want to make an IC website about notable people or history that people know about ICLY you can totally do that. (At least, from what I've heard before, you can.) (correct me if I'm wrong)

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