This suggestion has been denied at least 4 times, but I'll summarize why this wouldn't exactly be a good idea
- Rolling amounts are not only based on strength. Although it may seem like it, the rolling system is based on many features aside from strength (dexterity, speed, flexibility, resistance, etc.). Even if a bear is indeed much stronger and faster than a human, humans also have specific features, as well as training to make up for that lack of strength.
- Realism is not the best goal. SchoolRP's main attractive is that it is a Slice-of-Life roleplay that doesn't require understanding much about its system. While it's true that many of the aspects of SchoolRP are based on realism, we prefer to avoid it if this realism causes the community to undergo problems (e.g.- GangRP members using this roll advantage to target new players, among other problems)
- Pay-to-Win. The only roll that goes above 150 is the police role, which can be accessed by anyone regardless of their OOC financial status. While rolling 150 wouldn't really apply to this, you'd still be paying to skip your progression, which can be interpreted as a Pay-to-win method.
- P2L. If you really want to fight a bear for whatever reason (even if you shouldn't due to FearRP guidelines), you should instead use P2L if you're interested in keeping roleplay as interesting as possible. I'm sure the bear player would be willing to agree to P2L-ing as long as your actions aren't unrealistic
- FearRP. As mentioned above, bears have the same FearRP capabilities as holding out a lethal weapon. People shouldn't actively approach a bear unless they either outnumber it / have a lethal weapon on them, as well as a valid In-Character motive (e.g.- Their friend is trapped inside the bear cave). Even in this situation, players should actively try to use other methods to avoid direct contact with a bear, due to the implied risks this action carries.
To summarise, the benefits from changing bear rolls don't outweight the potential risks that it comes with.