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A farewell, for now. kind of?


Level 106
Hey guys, I've been dreading doing this for a while and felt stress and a bit of resistance to saying goodbye, but I think that time has come.

For a while now I feel like my attention and activity on SRP has been rapidly declining as SRP has felt more like homework and a job to stay active and participate in factions and teams, making me lose interest.

Ever since I joined SRP I knew it was an amazing community (mostly), and I met a lot of amazing people along the way. I won't be truly gone, and you'll see me around sometimes, but I know as time goes on my responsibilities in real life and other online communities will grow and I will be unable to be part of the SRP community.

I've had an amazing time with all of you and I'm going to say my goodbyes now:

God, where to start, there are so many people. I'll try my best though I don't know if I'll be able to get to everyone. If I don't get to you, know that I appreciate and love you anyway.

First off, staff. All of you guys are amazing and have done so much for our community. For the staff I know and who I don't know, thank you. Rex, you are funny and nice and I think you're an amazing lore team lead. Diving, you're amazing to talk to and I appreciate the advice you've given me. Sak, I enjoyed any little antics we had and just talking to you in DMs.
Cloud, you're just super chill. Tippie, I appreciate you as the event team lead and as a person in general, especially with how much you've done for the server, even if I may have been critical of you in the past.

Event team. I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! I don't know all of you well, but I appreciate all of you. Sora, Ary, and Bheom, I can't wait to see where you go in the future and I appreciate you guys because you are all so kind. It was so enjoyable to play the Babadook with Jeff, bheom. yBonnu, I didn't know you well but from what I've seen you are a very nice person and I'm glad to have met you on the team. Buvet and Moe, while Buvet might not be here now, I think both of you were so nice and I've spent a lot of time on the event team with you guys. Kyle, I didn't know you very well but you were super kind and funny when I did communicate with you and it was awesome to see you grow as an event team member. Jayla, I appreciate you for all the things you've done for the event team, acting as a leader in some sense, similar to Tippie. Bun, you are an OG, like Jayla and Bonnu, and I respect you for your devotion, kindness, and how welcoming you were to me. Others who I might have not known as well and any in the future, thank you for your time on the team, and I hope you members in the future keep on growing.

Shrine. It's been a while. You guys are so awesome and cool, that's all I can say! I met so many amazing people. I met Arkkwolf, Lozzy, Diving, Naishoten, Randomly, and so many more people. You are all SO amazing and genuine and I love you all.

Professor Faction. I wasn't in the faction for a long time but you were all super cool. I met a lot of friends, although I haven't exactly stayed in touch with them, you were all super nice! (mostly)

Reporter Faction. That was really fun! I got to meet the one and only Aania who is super duper cool, and I got to write!

Government Faction was a real short run, but I was glad to be welcomed into the faction for a while

The Asogi Family and all my friends (Rios, Tay, Donut, etc) in it are so cool. I am and always will be dedicated to the Asogi cause.

Puggy. You're awesome and really nice and I'm glad to be able to say I was a member of your gang and your ICly mother!

Ash. You're so awesome, and I'm glad to have been able to connect with you and just chat about stuff with you.

Lozzy. You're chill and cool, and I'm happy to have met you through Shrine!

Xuander and Faith. You're awesome and I'm glad to have connected with you guys and held a somewhat lasting friendship.

Grim. You're a recent friend, but you're fun to RP with and you're funny!

Tay. I haven't known you very long, but you're such a wonderful person. You're chill and funny and I'm so glad we became friends through our RPs.

Mia / Arkk. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. You're so sweet and nice!!! I love talking to you and it's so nice to have someone like you to chat with. I'm so happy that you got onto a community team too.

If I didn't mention you, don't worry, I still love you!

If you want to stay in contact, don't worry. I won't be offline all the time, and besides, I'm only a discord message away. (wethecreature)

<3 ;-;


Level 42
Community Team
Lore Team
FINNA MAKE MY SOB. Everyone wish Weeeee the best. BRO DESERVES IT FOR REAL. You have some of the most amazing writing this community has to offer. And so many more fantastic ideas. You will be sorely missed, won't forget you ever <3 If you come back we will be here! ILYSM take care ok?


Level 106
Thread starter
FINNA MAKE MY SOB. Everyone wish Weeeee the best. BRO DESERVES IT FOR REAL. You have some of the most amazing writing this community has to offer. And so many more fantastic ideas. You will be sorely missed, won't forget you ever <3 If you come back we will be here! ILYSM take care ok?


Level 71
Shrine Lead
NOOOOOOOO WETHHHH I LOVE YOU TOO. AWWW ITS MAKING ME CRY SEE YOU GO… have a wonderful life! Stay strong and keep your amazing chaotic ideas flowing. My dms are always open for you and forever will be I’d love to continue the chaotic chats and have so so so much fun. When you do return I hope to stay in touch. Live a wonderful life, dream big and strive to meet those dreams, keep being awesome. And most of all. Be weth. <3


Level 22
Fairwell Wethe
We'll miss you :((
My dm's are also always open if you ever need someone. <333


Level 80
Community Team
Media Team
o7 we may have not talked much, but I do wish you well in your future! Remember to take care of yourself yeah?


Level 174
o7. we didnt talk much but you seemed like an amazing person and a great event team member! take care!!!!!

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