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Amaya Omori's Corruption Explained


Level 63
Amaya Omori O'Sullivan's Corruption Arc Explained

Before we begin I should mention this post CANNOT be taken ICLY. Overall though I hope you guys enjoy reading and learning about Amaya and how/why she went corrupt! Love you all!

Amaya's Personality/Life Before Her Corruption:
Amaya Omori O'Sullivan was a Sergeant for KPD for 2.6 years or 8+ months OOCLY time. Amaya was a very happy and social person, being a major extrovert. She always loved to meet new people, learn about new people and their lives, talk to others, and overall just enjoy social interaction. Amaya was also a major animal person, often interacting and treating all animals with respect and care even if they were potentially dangerous like a bear. She even helped protect the bears from being put down and fought against it.
She had a very kind heart too really everyone, even if they were rude and mean back. She understood that most often there are underlying issues with someone that result in them being rude, and that oftentimes times because of these issues its the reason they can be rude or harsh or snappy towards others. But at the end of the day, she always followed the law. Even if she was to be sympathetic to a situation, if a law was broken she still arrested them as at the end of the day it was her job

Amaya wasn't the smartest basic skills-wise, though she was smart KPD-wise when it came to normal life and everyday things she struggled and it's what made her, well, her. Amaya would often goof off when she could, hanging out with her friends and texting or calling them and running around. She had a very 'stupid' personality which resulted in funny moments.
Overall Amaya was known for her outgoing and sweet behavior towards the citizens, she cared for a lot of people and looked out for others, and would sometimes even go out of her way to help someone out!

KPD wise she was extremely loyal and hardworking. She constantly tried her best and even was able to take her cadet exams early and pass and get OFTM within her first month of joining KPD. She always met quota incredibly fast, getting max quota sometimes within the first two days of the start of the month. She interacted with every officer and cared for all of them. She was always cheerful or tried to be while on duty, joking with friends, going for patrols, and more. She was known and called one of the nicest officers by multiple people. Amaya took time to do extra training with cadets (mainly Angel) to help them with their training, even doing extra training with them and writing things up for their training and more.
Overall she was sweet and kind to officers and had a good personality on duty, the only times this somewhat changed was under high-stress situations where she would become a bit annoyed and exhausted later but even then that didn't change much

Amaya with her friends was no different. She cared for all of her friends and when off duty she would get drunk with them and have fun. Often partying with them if given the chance. She didn't have too many friends that she could spend time with outside of KPD, though even so when she had the chance she took it!

Overall, Amaya was truly a very sweet and kindhearted person. She loved to interact with people and meet new people, she loved animals and always had a smile and a happy attitude. But, that would change as her corruption arc began, and sadly people only noticed it and chose to take action about it when it was too late

Amaya's Personality During Her Corruption:
Amaya became aggressive and rude. She was on a constant short fuse and didn't take shit from any criminals either. If they talked back, she talked back to them. Etc etc. She was only nice and calm to certain people, such as Yong, Yeager, Mi, Saeko, and Callista. Everyone else she was either neutral with, or she was rude and cold to others. Mainly to the others who were involved in her corruption and making her corrupt.

If anyone mentioned the fact that Amaya wasn't able to protect Saeko, she would get highly defensive and rude back, she didn't care who she told off either.

She also slowly became psychotic towards some people, at the very end of it during her final fight she wanted Daiki to go corrupt, she wanted Daiki to stab her, she laughed at Daiki and smiled during the fight pretty much the entire time. She was aggressive towards anyone who posed a threat to getting her caught, and would often yell or tell others off now. Her personality changed so much, going from a happy little ball of sunshine to someone rude and aggressive to most people

Her Corruption:
Her corruption all started due to KPD and her friends neglecting her after a very traumatic situation involving a gang

Amaya's corruption attire consisted of blackout attire that she bought off a gang member during her corruption arc. As for the mask, it was a black and green Kitsune mask it was taken to better hide her identity as well as give a better look to her overall attire (yes she still cared about looks even when corrupt). She also wore a red hairband instead of her normal blue one. The reason for this was so that KPD couldn't identify her behind the mask
Within 13 days Amaya racked up an INSANE amount of charges. Enough to put her behind bars for a very long time. Below is a list of all of those charges and how she got them
Amaya's Charges If She Was Caught For All Her Corrupt Moments

**Government Misconduct x2 [12 months] **
Deleted Mi Akihito's wanted log and CCTV footage so that she wouldn't be arrested
2: Tranqed two animals in the sewers cause they were following her (they didn't do anything wrong or even show any sign of aggression)

**Government Corruption x10 [200 months]**
Took a 50k bribe from a criminal so that he could have his mask back (the criminal was arrested for assault with a weapon)
2: Paid a criminal 250k who admitted he was a spy/associated with the gang for information on a gang for a case
2.1: Paided the same criminal an additional 50k for more information and photos on the gang
2.2: Paided the SAME criminal AGAIN for blackout attire and to gather information and find out which member in the gang hurt Saeko
2.3: Met with *** and his gang members (knowing it was his gang members) in the bear cave paid him and offered corruption for intel
3: Caught *** (a member of *** gang) and someone else assaulting someone with a bat. Pretended to arrest them then let them go later
4: Hired a gang to help her kidnap and torture ****
5: Used her tranq to tranq another cop to prevent them from getting bodycam footage of her yelling at them and deleted Sada's bodycam
6: Tranqed and tased Asha, then once when Amaya woke she TRANQED HER AGAIN. And then WHILE ASHA WAS ASLEEP Amaya beat her with a crowbar and knocked her out more, then broke her bodycam
7: Told a mysterious figure, Akuma, where the KPD blueprints were located. In return, he would help her out of being stuck in the sewers
8: Snuck into Ems and Tranqed Tsubasa and then tased another EMS worker then kidnapped Tsubasa for information
9: Told BMD information on what KPD is doing so that she could meet up and buy a katana
10: Attacking Daiki Saiky

**Attempted Capital Murder x1 [40 months]**
- Attempted to kill and stab Daiki in the heart multiple times during her fight

**Assault with a Deadly Weapon x3: [36 months]**
Used her crowbar to KO Asha despite her being tranqed
2: Used her spiked bat to KO Tsubasa when she was already tranqed
3: used a katana to slash and stab Daiki

**Assault on a Government Official x2 [12 months]: **
Assaulted Asha with a crowbar while she was already tranqed
2: Assaulted Daiki in the final battle

**Kidnapping x1: [4 months]**
- Kidnapped Tsubasa for information on Dr Jones

**Conspiracy To Commit Major Harm/Murder x1: [10 months]**
- Hired and planned *** and his gang to kidnap and torture ****

**Possession of Illegal Weaponry x2: [6 months]**
- Owned/used a spiked bat
- Owned/used a katana

**Tampering with Government Equipment x5 [15 months]**
Shut off her bodycam when talking to Mi in the shrine so that KPD wouldn't know her plan for erasing her from Wanted, deleted CCTV footage of Mi assaulting someone, deleted the wanted log, and turned off her bodycam again to talk to Mi about a backup plan
2: Broke her bodycam on purpose when going into the sewers to meet with **** and Deleted CCTV footage of *** and his gang breaking into an apartment
2.1 Broke her bodycam again when she met with **** and his gang members to discuss more information
2.2 Pretended to ‘trip’ and broke her bodycam again when she was meeting with **** again in the Aibys hole for the flag
3: Deleted Sada's bodycam footage
4: Broke Asha's bodycam
5: Destroyed Daiki’s bodycam with the katana mid-fight

**Animal Abuse x1 [4 months]**
- Tased a duck for just following her around

**Obstruction of Justice x4 [8 months]**
Lied to Rei about her reasoning for going back to the station. Told her she was 'dropping something off' when in reality she was deleting wanted logs and CCTV
2: Lied to Rei again about there being a fight at the plaza so that she could take the bribe
3: Lied in her casefile about the money being fake
4: Didnt inform KPD regarding her whereabouts despite knowing they were looking for her

**Theft x1: [2 months]**
- Stole tranq darts from KPD

**Total Arrest Information:**
349 months - 29 years OOCLY - 116 Years ICLY
33 Total Charges [28 Felonies, 5 Misdemeanors]
17,450,000 million bail

*If you want screenshots of the situations you can ask! I can't fit them all in this forum post sadly*
CHAPTER #1: The Attack

Date this occurred:


One dying during a patrol, Officer Amaya Omori O’Sullivan was patting someone who was masked down by a power plant. While patting them down, she would get jumped and attacked by two others. Amaya was KO'D before she could press code 0

Amaya was taken to apartment F2, 305 where she would have the words “PROPERTY OF BD’ carved into her forehead while she was still knocked out. She would also be tied up and have tape placed on her mouth during this time. Once she woke up, they began to press her for information on KPD. When she refused to give information, they broke her nose with the bottom of their shoe, followed by them using a katana to slash Amaya’s left cheek.
During this time, only 1 ⁄ 3 officers were making an effort to locate Amaya’s whereabouts, Yong was able to use CCTV to track where they had taken Amaya, this is when she and other officers went to the apartment. Once they arrived, the members retaped Amaya’s mouth and slammed a bat into her gut to shut her up

Officers entered the apartment where sadly Yong got stabbed in the leg. She was treated with a medkit and rushed to EMS. Meanwhile, Aamaya remained on the bed, still tied up, her mouth duct taped, covered in fresh and dried blood from her open wounds. No officer took care of her during this time. Officers at the scene DID NOT remove the tape or ropes, nor did they apply a medkit to her wounds. They instead arrested everyone and took Amaya to EMS afterward where she was treated

Amaya instantly went back on duty where no one would go about asking if she was okay or alright. Right after they finished reading the charges too the attackers, everyone went to visit Yong in recovery, while they ignored Amaya

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
This very moment was the start of Amaya’s feelings towards KPD. She felt as if no one cared for her because A. only 1 ⁄ 3 officers were making an effort to locate her, B. No one even applied a medkit to her or removed the tape or ropes, C. She was never asked if she was ok or anything. She felt as if people only cared about Yong because she got stabbed, despite Amaya being the victim of the entire torture. This would slowly start her corrupted mindset as she slowly began to feel that KPD didn't care about her
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CHAPTER #2: The Failed Protection

Date this occurred:

Ever since Amaya’s Attack, that occurred 4 days prior, Amaya was protecting Saeko as she had an IC suspicion the same people who attacked HER were going after Saeko next. Amaya would spend her time with Saeko, patrolling with her, escorting her in and out of school, hanging out in apartments with her, etc. Overall being by her side

However on the 6th, Amaya wasn't there and Saeko got attacked, kidnapped, and tortured. Amaya would later find out about this and she would kick start her casefile against [insert gang name]

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya felt like a failure because she wasn't able to protect Saeko. She felt as if if she did a better job she could have saved her. From here, Amaya decided she would do anything to make sure she caught and arrested the people who attacked them for what they did to her and Saeko
This would start her “whatever it takes” mindset. All while during the 4 days that passed no one again checked in on Amaya. During this time, Rei would go about saying to Amaya ‘I hope you get jumped’ and stuff like that whenever she went on patrol. Sada also said ‘Womp Womp’ when Amaya said she got kidnapped over the radio. These small moments only influenced her more and led her down a path of corruption as she thought “If KPD doesn't care about me, why should I care about myself and them?

CHAPTER #3: The Interrogation
(Her First Corruption)

Date this occurred:

A bit after Saeko’s attack, Amaya was working on the [Insert gang name] case when she got a 110 call. It was from a mysterious unknown figure who offered Amaya information. A deal was made between the two. Amaya would let him keep his mask on in the interrogation room, have a friend there, and Amaya would pay him 250k for information

They met up where they exchanged information, and Amaya chose to stay in contact with the figure in case more information could be provided. This would be caught on the interrogation room CCTV

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
As stated before, Amaya already started to gain a “whatever it takes” sort of mindset for solving and taking down [insert gang name]. Upon realizing that this corruption could get her more information than legal, she chose that it was best to stay on this more corrupted path. This was the first instance of Amaya being corrupt and it's what started her ability to be corrupt, as overtime she felt it became easier and easier

At this point as well, Geonmon reached out to Amaya regarding working together on figuring out who Saeko’s attackers were. This only enraged Amaya more as she felt he didn't care about the fact that Amaya was their first main victim, and instead, he just cared about Saeko and wanted to USE Amaya to get information. It didn't help that Rei also approached Amaya about starting a case against Saeko’s attackers. These two situations made Amaya feel like no one else cared about her being attacked and only cared when someone else got attacked. It made her not trust others with the case, making it so Amaya refused to work with anyone else on it

CHAPTER #4: Meetings, Meetings, MEETINGS!

Date this occurred:
12-07-23 to 12-09-2023

Throughout the next few days, Amaya slowly became more comfortable with the corruption she was committing. She met up with the masked figure twice, one time in the bear cave where she exchanged 50k for more information, and another time in the sewer train station
The bear cave meeting was more simple, it was a simple money and information exchange. Still corruption, but still nothing too bad
The next meeting took place in the train station, this is where Amaya became more desperate for information. She wanted more and knew to get more, she needed to become more corrupt as money wasn't doing it anymore. Amaya spent 75k on blackout attire and also offered to delete the CCTV footage of the gang breaking into the apartment so that they wouldn't be caught

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya was slowly becoming more and more corrupt as her urge to gain more information grew. Amaya wanted to take down the gang so badly because she still felt like a total failure for letting Saeko down and she was willing to become more corrupt for any sort of lead. She refused to get help from others as she didn't trust them enough to help. As well as her hatred for KPD began, so she even refused to let people help cause she started to not like them
Her mental health was still declining as again, no officers checked in with her or anything regarding her attack and it was still affecting her. Making her more aggressive towards others

CHAPTER #5: Amaya Teaming Up With a Gang!

Date this occurred:
12-10-2023 to 12/11/2023

Amaya met up with **** and his gang members AGAIN in the bear cave. This time she arranged a better and more corrupt deal. **** found out who hurt Saeko, and Amaya made a deal with them that for 100k and for Amaya to let them go if she caught them doing any crimes, they would tell her who did it and so they did
This situation was not caught on bodycam, and it's another example of Amaya getting comfortable breaking her bodycam

On the 11th, Amaya ended up catching one of **** gang members, ***, taking part in an assault situation where it was *** and another masked person (armed with a bat) attempting to break someone's knees!
Upon Amaya figuring out it was ***, she sent the two into custody pretending to arrest them, only to release them later
This was caught on bodycam and Plaza Park and CCTV

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya was becoming more and more comfortable with the thought of being corrupt. Her corruption only grew and grew from here. And her mental health declined only more and more. With KPD still not caring her mindset officially changed. She now thought “Why should I care about KPD or my job when they don't even care about me? All that matters is figuring out who hurt Saeko and punishing them, no matter the cost”
Amaya officially didn't care what would happen to her as a result of her corruption, all she cared about was taking down this gang and getting revenge against the people who hurt Saeko

CHAPTER #6: The Hired Hitman and the Glass House

Date this occurred:

Amaya realized that arresting the person who hurt Saeko wouldn't do anything. With her corrupted mindset, she chose to approach *** and hire him to attack kidnap, and torture the person who hurt Saeko. Amaya already stopped caring about the punishments she may face, as she stopped caring about herself and KPD in general. All she cared about was getting revenge against the [insert gang name] for hurting Saeko, and she knew hurting their leader would be one of the best ways to do it
This situation wouldn't be caught on bodycam as she broke her bodycam

Amaya also became overall more rude and aggressive towards certain people. Anyone who got in her way or could get in her way of the case she became more aggressive towards, and anyone who pissed her off she didn't hesitate to threaten them back. Shoji and Geomon were her victims of this aggression, she yelled at both of them

Geomon found out about Amaya's attack and confronted her about it in a way that made her feel like he didn't care. The way he approached it was more aggressive and rude, instead of being caring and supportive. He also threatened to report Amaya for not doing anything, despite her working on the entire cause though he didn't know of that
Amaya got aggressive back at him, defensive and rageful
As for Shoji, Amaya was going to meet up with Saeko and Shoji was there. When Amaya approached them, Shoji instantly said “Why didn't you protect my niece?”. This threw Amaya into a rage. She already felt so guilty and like a failure for not protecting Saeko hard enough, and now Shoji only made that wound harder. She called him out on the fact that he wasn't there for any of it, and insulted him, and sent an angry text later

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya had officially gone almost completely corrupt at this point. As stated she didn't care about herself anymore, her job, or the other officers as they didn't care for her. She only cared about getting revenge for Saeko, finishing her case, and taking down [insert gang name]
Shoji and Gemon added fuel to the fire. Because of how they approached and handled Amaya, didn't make Amaya feel loved. She felt betrayed by Geomon and it only influenced her corrupted mindset, and Shoji only angered her more and made her feel like she had to keep doing what she was doing
This day was the day that Amaya Omori O’Sullivan was officially dangerously corrupt. Not towards EMS or KPD yet, but towards anyone who hurt Saeko and as for KPD she had become salty and hateful to those officers who didn't care about her

CHAPTER #7: Dr Jones Mistake
(The Start of her Pure Corruption against KPD)

Date this occurred:

Amaya was patrolling around when Sada made a radio message that he was with Jager and Skylar and they were injured and unconscious in the sewers. Amaya arrived at the scene and found Skylar bleeding, injured, malnourished, and more and Yeager passed out. Sklyar was on top of Yeager
Sada wasn't doing much at the time, while Amaya was applying a medkit to Skyklar’s wounds. Amaya already didn't like Sada from the ‘Womp Womp’ situation a while ago, and her now corrupted and hateful mindset, that only made her hatred for him MUCH worse
She lashed out at him, yelling at him before finishing up on Skylar and taking her to EMS
Amaya’s body cam was off during this, but Sada’s was not
Once they got back to EMS and they finished treating everyone's wounds, this is when Amaya overheard a conversation between Dr Jones and Sada. A conversation that would result in her corruption
She overheard Dr Jones telling Sada that he should grab bodycam footage of Amaya being aggressive, and report it to higher-ups. Normally, this wouldn't be too much of an issue and result in a strike. But her behavior would result in higher-ups investigating her, meaning they would find her corrupt. If she was caught, she wouldn't be able to finish the casefile and get revenger for Saeko, which was still her entire goal
Dr Jones then approached Amaya and asked about the behavior and what she said. It's here where she realized Dr Jones was taking matters into his own hands, and she had to quickly wipe Sada’s bodycam footage before it was too late, and before she could be reported
She rushed out of EMS and ran to KPD, where she found Sada entering the CCTV room. Without thinking, she put on her mask tranqed him, and deleted the bodycam footage while he was knocked out

Amaya then waited sometime before she ran into the sewers, destroyed her bodycam, swapped into a blackout, and snuck back into KPD. She would then erase the CCTV footage that the camera in KPD would have caught of her training sada. At this point she knew there was no turning back, she knew she didn't have an option anymore

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya only cared about the case and taking down the [insert gang name], she didn't care about herself, the crimes she was committing, who she was hurting in the process, etc. She only cared about that one thing and with her mental health at such a decline due to KPD’s neglect early on and still going on, she went full corrupt. Not Hiroto level, but she went full corrupt and had to tranq Sada
Dr. Jones was the reason behind her going fully corrupt. Instead of him approaching Amaya differently and asking her why she may have been so aggressive, he instantly resulted in reporting her which is what made her choose to tranq Sada.
At this point, Amaya knew there was no turning back, and knew that KPD would figure out what was going on and that she would become a suspect and they would look into her and find the corruption. However, at this point, she didn't care

CHAPTER #7: On The Run

Date this occurred:


Amaya would later get a text from Geomon saying he was going to report her to KPD no matter what. She knew that at this point, it was over for her. She only had one option and that was to run away and hide. Once that report was made and higher-ups instigated her, they would see her corruption
Amaya went on one final patrol before she ran into the sewers. It's here where she broke her body cam, one final time
Amaya then ran around the sewers till she found a pit of lava, it's here where she destroyed and burnt her SGT uniform. It's where she officially went corrupt. Once the uniform was burnt and destroyed she lost care for KPD, her love for KPD instead covered with rage because of their neglect towards her, and her mental health. KPD and a few of her friends were the reasons behind her mental health becoming so bad, which is the reason she lost herself and became corrupt. So, she destroyed her uniform and officially quit KPD at that moment, and officially went against KPD

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
With her destroying the uniform, she officially disconnected herself as an officer from KPD. She didn't see herself nor wanted to be a part of KPD anymore. Amaya was fully corrupted at this point, her hatred for KPD neglecting her made it easier for her to become corrupt against KPD
It's here where her viewpoint changed again. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep doing her [insert gang name] case, she knew she would get caught. So, with her heart and mind filled with rage and corruption, a new goal was formed
A goal to show the world how horrible KPD was, and how they neglected their officers’ mental health. She wanted to teach KPD a lesson and hoped that what she was doing would make KPD change their ways and care more about their officers. She also wanted the city to know how KPD treated her, and that this was KPD's fault

CHAPTER #8: The Video Messages

Date this occurred:

Amaya knew that she would be arrested and caught at some point, it was all of KPD against her and she knew that the moment that report was made and they figured out she was corrupt, a manhunt would begin. She chose to make video messages for KPD, Mi, and Calico

The KPD one was first, it's here where she confessed to the current crimes that she had committed so far, and it's also here where she admitted and explained her corruption. But more importantly, it's here where she called out KPD and certain officers for being the reason her hatred and corruption were formed

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
This only influenced her rage towards KPD. Reliving and talking about the way KPD neglected her fueled the fire and hatred towards KPD. Very little of her still cared and wanted to surrender partly. But the main part of her was corrupted and filled with hatred, she didn't care about KPD anymore. She didn't care about any of them besides those who were supportive

CHAPTER #9: The Sewer Hunt

Date this occurred:


Amaya was hiding out in the sewers officially. She knew KPD was in the sewers due to a hunt, but not for her. On her way through the sewers, she would come upon 2 animals who refused to stop following her. She would go about tranqing them and tasting the animals. But this would result in KPD finding the animals, and realizing that someone who had a tranq gun was in the sewers and attacking animals

LINK TO THE CLIP (my gasp at the end when I saw KPD >>>)

Amaya was then running around on call with Callista, attempting to meet up with her when Asha found her. Sadly, Asha attempted to fire a tranq at Amaya, and in return, Amaya knew what she had to do. Amaya reloaded her tranq. Asha was able to tranq her but before Amaya passed out, she tried AND tased Asha. Once she woke up, Amaya transformed Asha again and then beat her with a crowbar, knocking her out even more. Amaya liked Asha, so she pressed code 0 for Asha and ran deeper into the sewers to find Callista
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KPD began a manhunt for Amaya in the sewers

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Once Amaya KO'D Asha she realized there was officially no going back. She went from a few corruption charges to working with a gang, to officially assaulting her ex-friend. At this point, she realized that there was no going back and that the only way to keep moving forward was to harm anyone who got in her way. She fully became corrupt, almost at Hiroto's level at this point. She at this point didn't care who she had to hurt if they got in her way. She would ensure they understood not to mess with her again, and to keep them out of her way of exposing KPD for their neglect
At this point, all Amaya wanted to do was finish her video messages, find Callista, and expose KPD and she was willing to hurt anyone who got in her way of those goals, no matter what

CHAPTER #10: Akuma

Date this occurred:


Amaya was able to meet up with Callista and find her in the sewers. Though as she did so Mai and Niklas found Amaya masked and told her to get against the wall. She refused at first, saying she had already been patted down but once Yeager arrived, she faced the wall
As Yeager approached Amaya, suddenly the sewer collapsed and trapped Amaya in a box, separating her from the other officers


Suddenly, a tunnel appeared behind Amaya where a masked figure would appear. He remained unnamed and organized a deal with Amaya. He stated he was part of some organization, and made it clear he too wanted to take down KPD. The figure offered Amaya a deal. The KPD blueprints in exchange for freedom and help out of the boxed-in sewers. Amaya hated KPD at this point, Amaya hated pretty much all members, she wanted to get revenge on KPD for what they had done to her, and their neglect so she agreed

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How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya already hated KPD now, she wanted to get revenge on them for how they treated her. Or in a sense, didn't treat her. This only helped throw her down that path

CHAPTER #10: Goodbye, my Sunset

Date this occurred:

Amaya ran to the apartment once the cops stopped looking for her and relaxed. She needed to see Callista one last time. Callitsa was the only person who brought back that light in Amaya during this hard time. That brought back the Amaya KPD truly knew
She ran into the apartment and found Callista, instantly she hugged her and sobbed, confessing what she had done while sobbing in Callista’s arms. They held each other, then Amaya confessed that she liked Callista, and Callista confessed to having feelings back. They then shared, their final kiss
Amaya and Callista shared a moment, where Callista gave Amaya a golden locket, one Callista also has. They shared their final moment before Amaya ran off, leaving her forever soulmate and Sunset, behind

Callista used to be referred to as "Sunrise" because, in Amaya's mind, Callista was like the sunrise. A gorgeous light and warmth shining over the darkness of night. Just like how Callista would bring that light and warmth and comfort to Amaya's life despite her being in such a dark place
However, in this interaction, she was referred to as "Sunset" because this would be the last time Amaya saw Callista, meaning there would be no Sunrise anymore. Once Callista was gone, once that warmth and comfort set, Amaya's corruption fully faded in and her life became shrouded in darkness with no return
Only when Amaya was dying did she call Callista sunrise again, cause she knew she would be at peace and she would wait for Callista to join her in the afterlife, and once she would the sun would rise over Amaya's world once again

CHAPTER #11: The Video

Date this occurred:

Now that Amaya was truly corrupt, that she had nothing holding her back, she chose to make fun of KPD. She chose to warn them of her crimes and what she would do. So she posted a video message to KPD where she admitted to all her crimes, and told them what would happen if any officer or EMS worker came after her

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
At this point, Amaya had already become fully corrupt. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care who she would physically or mentally hurt in the process, she didn't care what happened to her, she didn't care about her co-workers or anything. All she cared about was exposing KPD and that was exactly what she was going to do

CHAPTER #12: The Sneak Attack

Date this occurred:


Amaya talked to EMS and KPD over the radio for a bit, mainly two EMS workers and Jiefang. She talked to Jiefang about her true feelings, and why she was doing this, and what she hoped to gain from it all. Though that's when Amaya had an idea
She remembered how Dr. Jones was the one who told Sada to report it, and that he was the one to start it all. If it wasn't for him, she could have kept doing her case and may have never gone down this path. So, she came up with an idea. Kidnap and EMS worker, and get information and Dr. Jones
And so she did. She warned them though, she warned EMS she may visit them soon and made EMS paranoid just for fun. She snuck in through the ambulance bay during school time and waited in the trauma rooms. Amaya opened and closed the doors so that the two workers would come closer and once they did She jumped out and attacked
Amaya first tranqed Dr. Ikemori and attempted to tranq Dr. Tomoshiro. She missed them at first but tased him right after. Amaya knocked Ikemori out with a spiked bat and kidnapped her into the powerplant sewers
LINK TO THE KIDNAPPING (coldest kidnapping in SRP history)

She questions Tsubasa regarding if she knew any information on Dr. Jones. She didn't sadly, but in a last hope attempt she attempted to Mido Amaya. Amaya caught the attempt and tranqed Tsubasa in the throat. She almost broke her legs with the bat but chose to run off instead
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She sent EMS into a panic after this, making them fear if they were next

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya’s corruption isn't getting any worse at this point. She shows she's armed and dangerous and will hurt anyone for her reason. Whether it be information, them finding her, or even getting close. Etc This does still show though, that she still does respect EMS enough to not hurt Dr Ikemori

CHAPTER #13: The News Report

Date this occurred:


It was time for Amaya’s goal to come true, to expose KPD for how they treated her. She waited till KPD and EMS were done searching for her after she kidnapped EMS. She went into an opening, where she started a video message. It's here where she confessed her crimes and KPD’s neglect and such to the camera
Amaya then sent that footage to Sky Edgeworth, a news reporter for Karakura

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
This was her finishing goal, her final mission, now all she wanted to do now was wait it out to see the article get published

CHAPTER #14: EM Level 5

Date this occurred:

With Amaya’s chaos taking a break, officers, and EMS had time to react to the situation at hand. Yeager raised the EM level to a never-before-seen EM level, EM level 5. This made it so all officers had to wear riot gear wherever they went. As well as be armed with a tac knife for self-defense at all times, carry a riot shield, and more.
Yeager then broadcasted KPD, stating that the EM would be lifted once Amaya was caught, dead or alive. She had become a threat to all government workers and citizens alike, making her the most wanted person in Karakura at the time to the point where Yeager put a legal bounty on her head.
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EMS was than put into ‘lockdown’. They were not allowed to go off duty or anything like that for their safety. Aswell whenever KPD was out they had to wear riot gear and be armed with tac knives and riot shields

How did this play a part in Amaya’s corruption?:
Amaya had officially become the most wanted criminal in Karakura at the time. She made all officers and EMS fear for their lives and safety despite them knowing she was probably hiding in the sewers. There was no doubt about it, Amaya had become the new gen Hiroto Akihito

CHAPTER #15: The End

Date this occurred:

Amaya was patrolling the sewers when she found an unmasked Daiki hidden out in there. Amaya confronted Daiki which led to them fighting a fight to the death. Daiki is armed with a tac knife while Amaya is armed with a katana. Amaya and Daiki clashed, Daiki refusing to use his Tac knife against Amaya despite the injuries Daiki was taking from the katana and Amaya. He kept kicking her in the same spot in the ribs, which would eventually be the end factor of the fight. Daiki was able to break Amaya's ribs and have them puncture her lung, which slowly began to kill Amaya. But before she died, she stabbed Daiki in the intestines attempting to kill him as well but luckily he would live

Daiki faced major injuries, these are the following scars he got from the fight
- A slash down Daiki’s Right side of his face
- A deep cut down the middle of his right shoulder
- A slash across his chest, going from the bottom left corner of his waist to the start of his right shoulder
- A cut at the base of his wrist
- A deep cut in between the middle of his fingers
- A stab wound directly to his left lower intestines
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Little did Amaya know, that Daiki would ensure this promise remained.

CHAPTER #16: The Death of Amaya Omori O’Sullivan

Date this occurred:

Amaya would sadly bleed out due to her injuries caused by her fight with Daiki. Amaya died in the KPD cells, saying her last words before dying. Those words are about Callista

CHAPTER #17: The Aftermatch

Date this occurred:

After Amaya's death, a news story was posted exposing KPD for their neglect towards Amaya


KPD has been facing some backlash from the attack itself, Sada was attacked and jumped and the person who KOED him said 'womp womp' after. As well as Callista and other EMS workers have felt the effects of Amaya's death. She will be getting a grave in the KPD courtyard in honor of her. Despite her corruption, she was a prime example of what may happen to officers when their mental health isn't taken care of. And for that, she will be given a grave to be a reminder that officers' mental health always comes first

CHAPTER #18: The Grave

Date this occurred:

On December 17th, a total of 2 days after Amaya's official death, KPD put in a grave for her in their graveyard to honor her in a sense
Due to her corruption, she was able to get many changes implemented into KPD regarding safety and corruption protocol as well as bring more attention to the mental health of officers, though most don't agree with the fact she has a grave due to her approach and how the situation went down


CHAPTER #19: The Debate

Date this occurred:

On 12-20-2023, the next news report came out regarding Amaya Omori’s corruption. This time, the news talked about whether Amaya should be idolized for bringing more attention to officers’ mental health too the city, or treated as a criminal and not given the fame she has for the many acts of corruption she committed

Many officers agree that Amaya shouldn't be idolized, and state that Amaya doesn't deserve the fame that this situation has brought her, instead, she should be looked down upon as a criminal

CHAPTER #20: The Protest Gone Wrong

Date this occurred:


A protest was arranged where Daiki Saiky, the Captain of KPD and Amaya’s killer, would speak to the public regarding the changes that would be made to KPD’s system to better help prevent corruption, Like Amaya, in the future
The city, of course, responded badly to this protest. They yelled at the officers calling them corrupt and wanted KPD to fall and such, very little of them cared for the changes that were being made, instead they mainly cared about KPD being punished for their actions

Daiki did well addressing the public’s questions, they asked other basic questions as well regarding reports and how cops don't often pick up 110 calls. But, it was interrupted when KPD began to crumble from the inside and out

Yeager was trapped inside and ended up getting injured due to the situation, the inside of KPD was wrecked and destroyed due to this situation. The cause of it is unknown, though it's suspected that Akuma was behind it. It suspected that Akuma had some sort of plan to take down KPD, and due to Amaya giving them the location of KPD's blueprints, they might just have been able to do it

As of right now, the station is in ruins. Many rooms have been blocked off due to the rubble, the entire basement was flooded, and more.

I hope you all enjoyed reading about Amaya's corruption and why it did happen! I should mention truthfully it was never supposed to go this way. Her corruption was supposed to only be for the gang she was working with so that she could gather information but it turned into something much more when I irrationally shot Sada (YES THAT WASNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN I KINDA JUST DID IT AND IT WAS TOO LATE TO GO BACK)
This was very fun to overall RP out with KPD and EMS, I have had Amaya for 2 years so it was sad to see her die but I'm glad she died like this. Overall I love you all, and

R.I.P. Amaya Omori O'Sullivan
April 29th 2022 - December 15th 2023
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Level 66
It was very fun to see the broadcasts, messages, and etc. of Amaya's shena****ns. Suddenly waking up to see that so much had occurred over a period of a couple of hours. This was such a significant storyline, and Amaya will forever be remembered among us.

Although, Chiyami "hated" Amaya, we will not talk about the part where she continuously mourns her death as she passes by the KPD. Chiyami's originally horrible treatment against Callista had improved after Amaya essentially. "choked" to death, knowing that they were both in love. It's the little things that put much significance in roleplay.

As always? o7 Amaya Omori O'Sullivan.


Level 63
Thread starter

I've added new chapters, those being chapters 17 (sky's news report), chapter 18 (Amaya's grave), chapter 19 (Allen's news report/blog post), and chapter 20 (The KPD protest)

Ill keep updating if things happen due to Amaya's corruption! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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