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Removal of the NAGINATA


Level 104
What's your Minecraft Username?: kamcold
What's the title of your suggestion?: Removal of the NAGINATA

What's your suggestion?:
Now im just going to make this as simple yet detailed as i can:

Most of us are aware of the weapon NAGINATA. This weapon, to put it simply is just a longer katana. This weapons is:
A. Barely used
B. Not worth more than the spiked bat as it is just a slightly elongated Katana.

My suggestion? To remove this weapon and add in another weapon to assist with KO'ing or Majoring/KPS as the NAGINATA isn't used as much as everything else. Or perhaps take in these suggestions of things like acid bottles or temporary immobilizers

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It gives the server a wider variety of weaponry and stuff to use in criminal activity, hence making everything more unpredictable


Level 312
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-1 to its removal. I agree with lowering its price or adding some other kind of buff to it. However, I don't think we need any more weapons for KOs as there are already a lot.


Level 104
Thread starter
-1 to its removal. I agree with lowering its price or adding some other kind of buff to it. However, I don't think we need any more weapons for KOs as there are already a lot.
whilst i agree with you, i just believe that some form of change to it to make it buffed or better, would help alot as its just kinda there rn


Level 312
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
whilst i agree with you, i just believe that some form of change to it to make it buffed or better, would help alot as its just kinda there rn
I agree too, just not with removing it. It's been a less popular weapon for a while now. I've been trying to think of buffs for it since around a couple months ago, so I'm always open to suggestions on that


Level 104
Thread starter
I agree too, just not with removing it. It's been a less popular weapon for a while now. I've been trying to think of buffs for it since around a couple months ago, so I'm always open to suggestions on that
thats fair! perhaps a change so you can do KO points? as in you can hit whilst it is in your hand e.t.c


Level 109
Community Team
Lore Team
-1, though I'm all for adding something new to it

Which, I have suggested something multiple times but never gotten feedback on it. But, now there is this thread so I'll bring it up one last time:

STAT: Mask Cuttable
- In short: If a player actioned to get anywhere that is not in front of the opposing player, the player wielding the Naginata can action to cut through the straps of any (Plastic, Gas, Ballistic & Custom) mask; Unmasking the player if the action goes through.

- If the action succeeds, this would unmask the player and render the mask unusable until fixed (Which can be done via actions, similar to how players act to wash blood off their weapons and clothes.) This wouldn't further harm the player in any way (KO-Points, Wounds, etc.)

It's nothing major, nothing too special nor though out. But hey, it's something.


Level 108
-1, though I'm all for adding something new to it

Which, I have suggested something multiple times but never gotten feedback on it. But, now there is this thread so I'll bring it up one last time:

STAT: Mask Cuttable
- In short: If a player actioned to get anywhere that is not in front of the opposing player, the player wielding the Naginata can action to cut through the straps of any (Plastic, Gas, Ballistic & Custom) mask; Unmasking the player if the action goes through.

- If the action succeeds, this would unmask the player and render the mask unusable until fixed (Which can be done via actions, similar to how players act to wash blood off their weapons and clothes.) This wouldn't further harm the player in any way (KO-Points, Wounds, etc.)

It's nothing major, nothing too special nor though out. But hey, it's something.
i'm down for anything that facilitates new actions
patching up a gang mask could be a really cool activity/ conversation starter!


Level 143
Government Lead
-1, doesn’t even need any buffs. You stand 4 blocks away from someone and you can do whatever you want in the range of major/KPS limb slicing/cutting/stabbing. You can’t even take the weapon unless you’re in a 3 block range, and you can’t retaliate physically without getting in range with any weapons. That’s why it’s so expensive.

The ability for it to destroy masks is also way too OP.


Level 108
-1, doesn’t even need any buffs. You stand 4 blocks away from someone and you can do whatever you want in the range of major/KPS limb slicing/cutting/stabbing. You can’t even take the weapon unless you’re in a 3 block range, and you can’t retaliate physically without getting in range with any weapons. That’s why it’s so expensive.

The ability for it to destroy masks is also way too OP.
The whole point is that they're fixable
So naginata gets a boost to viability,
and victims get a conversation starter


Level 143
Government Lead
The whole point is that they're fixable
So naginata gets a boost to viability,
and victims get a conversation starter
The only thing keeping nagis from being massively to OP is its price and the fact that it can be mugged from the hand. Anything else added like mask cutting or a KO ability would just warrant it being way too op and require another price change. It’s a weapon that’s not supposed to be commonly used like a bat or pocket knife.

Note that it is THE ONLY weapon in the game with a 4 block range, which in itself makes it incredibly overpowered in most scenarios. The only thing I can see happening as a reasonable change to the naginata is a price change from 450k to 400k.


Level 119
I agree too, just not with removing it. It's been a less popular weapon for a while now. I've been trying to think of buffs for it since around a couple months ago, so I'm always open to suggestions on that
The reason is because its really only usable in KPS situtations, which happen really rarely.
I suggest keeping the price for it while giving it the ability to cut limbs, whether the victim has to be awake or not is up to you to decide. (I think they shouldnt have to be knocked out though but its simply my opinion)
I think the naginata should simply be a more expensive yet useful katana.
I'd like to hear your opinions on this though


Level 119
-1, though I'm all for adding something new to it

Which, I have suggested something multiple times but never gotten feedback on it. But, now there is this thread so I'll bring it up one last time:

STAT: Mask Cuttable
- In short: If a player actioned to get anywhere that is not in front of the opposing player, the player wielding the Naginata can action to cut through the straps of any (Plastic, Gas, Ballistic & Custom) mask; Unmasking the player if the action goes through.

- If the action succeeds, this would unmask the player and render the mask unusable until fixed (Which can be done via actions, similar to how players act to wash blood off their weapons and clothes.) This wouldn't further harm the player in any way (KO-Points, Wounds, etc.)

It's nothing major, nothing too special nor though out. But hey, it's something.
While I do like your suggestion & ideas alot of the times, I disagree on this one, if Naginata can action to cut through the straps of any masks, then so should the knives & katanas.
If anything though, I think fireaxes being able to damage/break masks would be a cool idea!


Level 15
Community Team
Event Team

A well used nagitana is very very very powerful, especially with the addition of the no limb-taking rule. In my opinion, it's one of the best weapons in the game. A possible buff would make it unmuggable unless KO


Level 119
A well used nagitana is very very very powerful, especially with the addition of the no limb-taking rule. In my opinion, it's one of the best weapons in the game
I agree but I think a buff should be made so it can take limbs & be used in majors instead of being a weapon only usable for KPS

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