Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: mactatti
What's the title of your suggestion?: Role-play Tools.
What's your suggestion?:
Okay so I’m thinking of more roleplay tools that some factions could use! As such of theses would be more useful to some of theses factions. I will do a quick disclaimer though that everything is optional and I’d like positive feedback and not “We don’t need this.” Just say it in a politely manner and add why you think that. Futher oh I will now get into some of the things, that should be implanted for some roleplay features.
Teachers/Professor Faction
I think adding more to the teacher
/profferer well adding this one thing will greatly improve on what will the teacher will teach as it can be late/previous lesson plans and Evan an implanted homework?! :O That they can do for students. Which infact is adding google classroom for the students to actually complete some tasks than more than the actually papers, this can be an alternative way of learning things for them. But this is just an OPTIONAL way of teaching.
This will Make teachers and professors very happy! Why?
because some of the reasons are.
- More Lesson Planning they could do
- Homework can be a thing.
- Quizzes / Tests
- Classwork / Forms
- Videos
but to get members students will have the option to join the classroom if wanted to.
You will also find a classroom directory for all teachers/professes that you could find on in the discord of academics.
Hospital Faction
Here Ima say this once that you could make an appointment with a doctor online a computer and or phone line as it’s hard for some people to get checked out when they’re are 0 doctors online and so I suggest adding a system to add a Appointment system so people can schuale and appointment and if they are student they will get a special absence from a receptionist to be able to leave school for medical purposes. Disclaimer: This will be only a once in awhile thing and only 1-2 Students can be on leave at a time.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
How will this will benefit some of theses factions is that it will make roleplay more interactive with things outside of Minecraft but still correlating with Minecraft in someway or shape or form, as it can make RP more interesting and or more enjoyable for students to do.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Role-play Tools.
What's your suggestion?:
Okay so I’m thinking of more roleplay tools that some factions could use! As such of theses would be more useful to some of theses factions. I will do a quick disclaimer though that everything is optional and I’d like positive feedback and not “We don’t need this.” Just say it in a politely manner and add why you think that. Futher oh I will now get into some of the things, that should be implanted for some roleplay features.
Teachers/Professor Faction
I think adding more to the teacher
/profferer well adding this one thing will greatly improve on what will the teacher will teach as it can be late/previous lesson plans and Evan an implanted homework?! :O That they can do for students. Which infact is adding google classroom for the students to actually complete some tasks than more than the actually papers, this can be an alternative way of learning things for them. But this is just an OPTIONAL way of teaching.
This will Make teachers and professors very happy! Why?
because some of the reasons are.
- More Lesson Planning they could do
- Homework can be a thing.
- Quizzes / Tests
- Classwork / Forms
- Videos
but to get members students will have the option to join the classroom if wanted to.
You will also find a classroom directory for all teachers/professes that you could find on in the discord of academics.
Hospital Faction
Here Ima say this once that you could make an appointment with a doctor online a computer and or phone line as it’s hard for some people to get checked out when they’re are 0 doctors online and so I suggest adding a system to add a Appointment system so people can schuale and appointment and if they are student they will get a special absence from a receptionist to be able to leave school for medical purposes. Disclaimer: This will be only a once in awhile thing and only 1-2 Students can be on leave at a time.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
How will this will benefit some of theses factions is that it will make roleplay more interactive with things outside of Minecraft but still correlating with Minecraft in someway or shape or form, as it can make RP more interesting and or more enjoyable for students to do.