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Role-play Tools.

What's your Minecraft Username?: mactatti
What's the title of your suggestion?: Role-play Tools.

What's your suggestion?:
Okay so I’m thinking of more roleplay tools that some factions could use! As such of theses would be more useful to some of theses factions. I will do a quick disclaimer though that everything is optional and I’d like positive feedback and not “We don’t need this.” Just say it in a politely manner and add why you think that. Futher oh I will now get into some of the things, that should be implanted for some roleplay features.

Teachers/Professor Faction
I think adding more to the teacher
/profferer well adding this one thing will greatly improve on what will the teacher will teach as it can be late/previous lesson plans and Evan an implanted homework?! :O That they can do for students. Which infact is adding google classroom for the students to actually complete some tasks than more than the actually papers, this can be an alternative way of learning things for them. But this is just an OPTIONAL way of teaching.

This will Make teachers and professors very happy! Why?
because some of the reasons are.

- More Lesson Planning they could do
- Homework can be a thing.
- Quizzes / Tests
- Classwork / Forms
- Videos

but to get members students will have the option to join the classroom if wanted to.
You will also find a classroom directory for all teachers/professes that you could find on in the discord of academics.


Hospital Faction

Here Ima say this once that you could make an appointment with a doctor online a computer and or phone line as it’s hard for some people to get checked out when they’re are 0 doctors online and so I suggest adding a system to add a Appointment system so people can schuale and appointment and if they are student they will get a special absence from a receptionist to be able to leave school for medical purposes. Disclaimer: This will be only a once in awhile thing and only 1-2 Students can be on leave at a time.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
How will this will benefit some of theses factions is that it will make roleplay more interactive with things outside of Minecraft but still correlating with Minecraft in someway or shape or form, as it can make RP more interesting and or more enjoyable for students to do.


Level 146
As somebody who has been on the teacher faction since 2019, I promise you, any feature or idea which turns the academic aspect of SRP into actual real schoolwork will only turn people away from the academic part of the server. Nobody wants to come home from a long day of work or school, only to log on to their favorite server and then continue doing more work; this goes from both angles, since doing this also puts more of a workload on our teachers, who really shouldn't be expected to take their role as seriously as they would if it were a real job.

Remember, the objective of this server is not education, but entertainment, and that the "School" in SRP holds less weight than "Roleplay" does.


Level 161
What Philbertman42 said. Even though this is a School Roleplay server, the server relies more on roleplay than actual school and education. If you want education and such you have the internet to educate yourself with and you have irl school if you aren't graduated yet. :)


Level 23
Community Team
Event Team
Here Ima say this once that you could make an appointment with a doctor online a computer and or phone line as it’s hard for some people to get checked out when they’re are 0 doctors online and so I suggest adding a system to add a Appointment system so people can schuale and appointment and if they are student they will get a special absence from a receptionist to be able to leave school for medical purposes. Disclaimer: This will be only a once in awhile thing and only 1-2 Students can be on leave at a time.
We did have an appointment system in EMS. When I joined it got us 2 quota and the appointments weren't guaranteed. However, an appointment system is too hard to make for an RP server for the fact of time zones. The chances of you and a doctor/psychiatrist making the same appointment at a time that is guaranteed is too unreliable. Hence, why the system was removed for us.

But!! You CAN schedule an appointment OCCLY with an EMS member if you ask, I do them sometimes when people really want to return for a therapy session! <---- This is a link to make a timestamp maker that changes to the person viewing it in relative time on discord.


Level 55
I'm tired of going to college every day, my degree in SRP is three levels higher than what I have in real life...


Level 199
Community Team
Lore Team
Teachers/Professor Faction
I will be breaking this section down as for someone in the teacher faction as to give others a better idea about the faction from my POV. You do have to remember that this is a ROLEPLAY server, so not everything is going to be like IRL classes. As it is our job to 'teach' but it is also our job to make sure the classroom is a fun place for players to have a good Roleplay in classrooms.

More Lesson Planning; For Teachers, you can teach ANYTHING that is for the department you applied for(I.E; Math, you can teach ANYTHING that is math related. Performing Arts, you can do anything that would be CLASSIFIED as Performing Arts as this could be drama, music, dance, etc) As long as it relates to your subject you can teach it. Now, I CANNOT speak for the Professor faction on this as I believe they have to teach for what they applied for ONLY(Any professor can correct me)

Homework; Homework is ALREADY a thing that is on SRP, not all teachers/professors offer it or don't like giving out homework for one reason or another. I, personally, like giving out homework and seeing people come back and turn in the homework, it sets up amazing roleplay between Teacher/Student but it isn't required. It would be terrible to make it something that would be REQUIRED.

Quizzes/Tests; We as Teachers/Professors are NOT allowed to host any type of test or quiz within our class as it doesn't give many roleplay opportunities within the classroom as an interactive lecture would give. This is also another factor as people don't like tests and staff cannot really judge what we have in the books so it mainly is reserved for Exams for College only.

Classwork/Forms; Classwork is something that you are already able to do!! Not all teachers/professors offer it but it is something that you can hand out. As for anything like forms related like Kahoot or anything that isn't ON SRP is not allowed as Staff cannot monitor what we have in those types of games or stuff along those routes. This includes Google classrooms, they are NOT allowed due to SRP not being able to monitor it while we are hosting.

Videos; W2G's are allowed within classes but the videos that you show HAVE to be related to your class type. For example, for PA you could show a video of a Musical and have them get ideas for their own performance or even with Music to have them listen to certain keys and notes in certain keys. As long as relates to your subject, but it cannot be what you do for ALL of your classes.

Textbooks; This is already a thing!! If someone wants to submit a textbook for their class, they will have to make it and inform their SLT lead about getting it submitted!!

Haneshii(Noah) had already explained the EMS part in this post, so I will not elaborate on it.


Level 19
Tests are not allowed. During my time as a teacher, you were only allowed to give graded assignments, not any form of tests or exams


Level 2
Peoples lives dont revolve around srp you baboon
imagine debating whether u should do ur irl homework or ur srp homework, couldnt be me. theres already BARELY a grade system icly


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Some of these features are already planned, the others we unfortunately won't be implementing.​

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