Karakura Church Updates
Hey, Karakura! My name’s Ahiro Nakatani Akori; I’m a new reporter here at KaNews. I’m 26 years old, so I’m super hip and stuff. Today, I’ll be reporting on a topic that I typically wouldn’t: the church.As some citizens may have noticed, the church, found nearby Ochiba Forest, has changed its look entirely. The old church was plainly shaped, but colourful. Now, the church stands as a white steeple structure. I got a chance to take a look inside and have noticed new amenities within, including: a classroom, balcony seating, updated confessional booth, an organ, a podium, an altar, and a staff meeting room.
Currently, the amount of crosses at our church has doubled. Beforehand, there was one cross inside, and one outside. Post-redesign, there’s three outside and one, insanely enlarged, inside. Most of the outdoor crosses have also increased severely in size. The reason for this? It could be the growing archdiocese community in Karakura, with the rise of the organisation AoK (Archdiocese of Karakura). However, it may just be for symmetricality reasons, and to make the church more appealing to the eyes. Given that the church has been described as “open religion” (meaning that citizens are welcome to use the church to practise whatever religion they’d like within it), the crosses could have been added and increased to help more people feel more welcome. Whatever the reason, it seems to not be making much of a difference, at least to the citizens.
Before | After |
With the revamp of the church, there’s a possibility that we, the community, will be given more events taking place at the church. Currently, the main events that are held here are weddings and funerals, perhaps now we will have a church social, or a congregation of the sorts. How could this new look bring more people to be in touch with their own spirituality? I believe that with this new and breathtaking exterior, many will want to at least take a look inside, just like myself. However, I find it strange that there was no grand re-opening if this was the goal.In all, the church and graveyard’s updates were definitely needed, and there’s always room for improvement, but it’s still all pretty good!
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