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New application thread format


Level 195
What's your Minecraft Username?: LocalHamburger
What's the title of your suggestion?: New application thread format

What's your suggestion?:
I’d like to suggest adding the newer format given in certain sections (like suggestions or staff apps) into almost all other types of applications. This is mainly narrowed down to character applications but not ones that require large/an extensive amount of pictures. When trying to post a suggestion thread you are given questions with text boxes right beneath them rather than copy and pasting all questions from scratch.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will overall boost the understanding for newer players on how to properly format their applications and which questions are actually answered. There have been many instances where applications don’t follow formats, don’t answer certain questions, or questions aren’t bolder, making it more difficult to read to the ones reviewing them. Also, when copying and pasting the format onto google docs, it doesn’t automatically bold, underline or size text which will have to be done manually, and adding the text from the google doc into a plain thread does the same, you have to manually bold or size texts, adding the newer type makes it a lot easier and you only have to plan out the answers on a google doc, therefore less things to do manually. It overall helps staff and the applicants when doing their applications so they know how to do them correctly and to make the process easier in general.
(I typed this all on a phone so sorry if there’s mistakes or bad grammar.)
If something like this is already being worked on or planned, apologies.


Level 136
Not gonna lie this could be very useful that way you don’t have to copy the questions then make a thread and then paste those questions into the thread and start answering it. Or if you make it in docs first beforehand. Either way this could be useful and convenient just like the staff applications are. If not all faction applications being like this then at least the community team applications be like this.


Level 167
Community Team
Lore Team

I don't think all apps need the newer format, you are always going to have people who don't follow the format and that is just that


Level 29
This suggestion seems alright on paper, but would be difficult to keep in practice.

Application questions are prone to changes -- pretty often a question which appeared one month can disappear the next wave. Different faction leaders have different expectations from applicants. Having it be this way would essentially make it more difficult for faction leaders to change the format, as only the owner can edit forums at this scale (to my knowledge).


Level 195
Thread starter
This suggestion seems alright on paper, but would be difficult to keep in practice.

Application questions are prone to changes -- pretty often a question which appeared one month can disappear the next wave. Different faction leaders have different expectations from applicants. Having it be this way would essentially make it more difficult for faction leaders to change the format, as only the owner can edit forums at this scale (to my knowledge).
I’m not entirely sure how the whole format editing process goes in the first place as I was never staff, but I think staff can be more than free to maybe edit certain application formats, depending on what faction they lead, or they can request format edits to the owner to ensure the format still follows the basic idea of what the applicant is applying for.
And though it may be more difficult for staff on formats, they aren’t updated too much, so there’s not really going to be too much of a problem with that. It still helps staff regardless since when the application is posted, questions are automatically bolded and the applicant doesn’t need to worry about fixing how it looks on their end.


Level 62
Seems like a quality of life update but it would kill the detail people are able to put into suggestions.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We don't currently see this necessary as they're difficult to maintain with constant format changes​

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