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kams AMA [like no limit]


Level 101
Thread starter
give me 8 reasons why u suck
1. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
2. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
3. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
4. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
5.because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
6.because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
7.because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
8. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend


Level 35
1. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
2. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
3. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
4. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
5.because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
6.because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
7.because i have saltyfollicles as a friend
8. because i have saltyfollicles as a friend


Level 140
Do you believe in objective reality or is it irrelevant since we are completely limited to our subjective sensual experiences?


Level 101
Thread starter
Do you believe in objective reality or is it irrelevant since we are completely limited to our subjective sensual experiences?
i believe that without an object reality there cannot be a sensual experience, and vice versa.
you see in order for one to have senses they must have something to base said sense off from. for exanple; touch, you must touch an object in order to have a sense of it.

but to conclude, if i was to pick one. i believe a more scientific approach would be an object reality as everything is made of something


Level 63
what is your favorite roleplay moment that's happened to your character?
(i ask this on everyones ama)


Level 140
If you could wish for a custom item, furniture. vehicle, but there is a 50% chance that SaltyFollicles would get it instead, what would you wish for?


Level 101
Thread starter
If you could wish for a custom item, furniture. vehicle, but there is a 50% chance that SaltyFollicles would get it instead, what would you wish for?
if i could get a custom item regardless of if it goes to me or salty [this guy would beg for a copy anyway]. id get vessel from sleep tokens mask or the drummer from sleep tokens mask

below is an example of vessels, insteaf of it being open at the teeth id simply close it off eith a gas mask sort of look


below is the drummers.


Level 101
Thread starter
what is your favorite roleplay moment that's happened to your character?
(i ask this on everyones ama)
ive had quite a few charactees so ill just run down the wholesomeness.

Jeong: meeting his sister Kat and always being there to protect her.
Jun: wandering into powerplant to find a grade-9 [not an actual like noob greenie] and taking it out of powerplant in order for it to be safe, then taking her back to her apt, dropping her off and jst being nice.
Pyotr: Meeting midomi and going round bullying siblings and mates [itts affectionate i swear]
Otis: Meetig Denji and his friend group [genuinely put me back into SRP]


Level 101
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Which animal whitelist is the best, based on your opinion experience?
ill have to say its the bird or the dog. the bird can be one of the best for accessibility and the amount that you csn do with it. and the dog is just fun to play as alot of people on srp want a dog. if not, ill have to say bear

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