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' The one that got away. ' || BIOGRAPHY : XION KIM-MIN || WHOTFAREYOU_


Level 51
[Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ]

[Xion Kim-Min]
The character belongs to [ WHOTFAREYOU_ || OOFLUFFYDREAMSOO || _IMHERE4U_ ] All the information here aside from the looks, is only to be found ICly or through OOCly consent.

JOKER - A card representing all and nothing. Two-faced depending on the situation. A wild card with uncounted possibilities. Useful to have in your hand.

H E I G H T | 5’10FT
B I R T H D A T E | he has no idea..
Z O D I A C • S I G N | ??
S E X U A L I T Y | Pansexual
O C C U P A T I O N S | certified whore

“ How does he look like? “

v - You’d be captivated by his soft straight hair.. it would reach the back of his shins, dyed in neon-colouring that always seemed to glow a little. . Moving a little, his eyes are sharper than a cat. The vibrant colour of his eye contacts never shying from view .. framed by thick-natural lashes and topped with thin but sharp eyebrows.

[ PIERCINGS ] - Both ears have around three piercings in them. X-shaped and black. L-eyebrow piercing, L-nose piercing, Tongue piercing !

[TATTOOS] - A tattoo flower tattoo lined his spine, it's worth noting that each flower in there resembled a real life poisonous or dangerous flower .. along with carnivorous plants.. They reach all the way to the base of his neck, where it bloomed into devil-like wings. The tattoo of a pair of snakes circling his waist, then wrapping around his torso - meeting on his collarbone. The tattoo of an Orchid on his [R]-thigh.. Although it seemed to bloom out of a cracked old skull.

[EXTRA] - He has a metal heart shocker around his neck, attached to it is a heavy chain that he goes around with . . hehe.

A button nose with a small tint of pink! His general face shape resembled a heart. With thin lips, the upper one being just a little bit more plump. Xion’s body would be slim.. maybe a little too slim. He has long legs and a very, very weirdly flexible body. His waist was narrow, with a very oddly shaped snake-tattoo wrapping around it, then hiding underneath whatever cloth he wore.

His right hand never leaves his pocket.

“ What is he like!? “

v - Xion’s personality would be a little hard to get a grasp at. He always seems to be changing in little ways. . However, some things are persistent for sure!

He’s always giggly, laughing in the wrong times with no ability whatsoever to hold back! His concept of what's worth it and not is seriously screwed south. He moves with an air of elegance - yet somehow he tends to come off as intimidating!! is it because of his looks? .. A good amount of people regard him as nothing but an emo-slut and he takes no offence to that! Instead, he uses it as an advantage.. He embraces it .. After all., you don’t expect much from a whore.

His has a strange ability to [REDACTED] !! which places him in an advantage during [REDACTED] situations! .. Xion is a polar-opposite of the host of the body, Yeong-Ji! .. They two function like the ying and yang.

O - Silly fun facts <3

v - Xion has two holes on his upper lip due to him having angel bites previously !

v - He does have a Korean accent, but it's hardly noticeable that it doesn’t even count.

v - Xion has concealer put underneath both of his eyes and covering that cheek area.. wonder why!

v - Unlike his good friend, Glai , Xion is very good with feelings and emotions generally. He can see the emotional-point and, if you ask me, he can totally fuck with someone only using that.

v - He resembles the card JOKER! - A good alias for him is ‘NEON-JOKER’

v - His right hand never leaves his pocket. . it is literally padlocked there.

v - Xion is part of a DID system! He is an alter.

v - He has a list on his phone for all the names and insults people called him.

“ He’s the prettiest poison you’ll ever see~ “

Xion Kim-Min’s trust is truly a challenge to earn. He holds such tremendous worry and anxiety towards letting people into his circle. So much so, that even during the time he spent in Karakura, very few managed to gain his trust. First of them, and truly the reason he gave relationships a second chance- Glai DeLocrica.

v - Glai DeLocrica ⧫
Growing a liking to Glai was definitely something he did not see coming. At the start– he viewed him as some new boy-toy he was going for,, that is until he started speaking to the gentlemen. What drew him to Glai was that manic smile. Glai struck him as an odd one out , despite how easily the man can blend in with the crowd. Soon enough, he realised they have so much in common than what he had initially thought! day by day, he’d grow more interested in him. He has a decent- no, a very good idea of what type of person Glai is. Yet- he’s greedy . He wants to know more. Crawl into that man’s skin if he has too. Glai not only interests him- he intrigues Xion. Poking at the everlasting curiosity - dropping small hints of his background or maybe Xion noticing small things about Glai.. -

Glai was the first person to ever defend Xion.. Even if Xion himself knows he can handle himself just fine. To know that someone was willing to take a stand for him- He will forever be grateful and honoured.

“ .... i don’t know if its mutual, but Glai officially has my loyalty. he WILL be my priority to keep safe.. [PAUSE] If he’s the brain of any situation, i’ll be the muscles. i don’t mean to brag, but i can endure a whole lot of shit. ”

“ Come back to me, Glai.. Please, - I'll .. I'll always wait for the day you come back. ”

v - Mako Akage ⇭⧪⧫

He .. met this man in an odd way, he’d say! Mako used to Xion, call him pretty, and whenever Xion turned- the man was gone. It took a couple of tries before he finally caught him! .. and that's how they started talking. At first, as per usual.. He didn’t think much of Mako.. honestly, he found him amusing. Him and his purity ring.. Someone who is so inexperienced. For a moment, Mako was simply a source of entertainment for Xion. . until Mako showed him another silly side.. Even if it was a joke- he grew interest in Mako.. however only for him to force that aside, since mako had interest in Katniss instead. SO, Mako wanted to impress Katniss, . . and that was himself practising his seducing skills on Xion. . something that xion later told him to not do because his feelings will get tied in a knot.. Mako was such a kind- caring soul. Someone who knew where he stood and wouldn’t let anything happen to his loved once. Jumping into action- although, he could use some

Everything seemed to come naturally with Mako. Someone he was both safe and comfortable with.
Someone who offered him the chance to do what he always longed to do- dance. An unexpected, simple thing.. That always meant so much to Xion himself. - With Mako, Xion feels like himself. Able to just exist - and not worry that h’ell get hurt. . Mako was there when Xion was at his lowest and refused to leave him alone. There’s no one Xion can ever appreciate like this man. They two just click together. They were there to help each other up in the time of hardship when no one was there.

v - Mizu Misuna ⧭
At the start- Xion honestly viewed him as his next fling. Someone to pass time with.. He wasn;t interested in knowing more about this Mizu in truth.. He saw as Katniss worked her way towards Mizu.. he saw that change, from simply having Xion’s same goal- to wanting to genuinely be closer to Mizu. and that- has inspired him to change his attitude as well… unknowingly, he had made his .. ally. Someone who has Xion’s Full trust.. Although Mizu was often quiet , never speaking much and resulting in staring as Xion went about his antics- he never felt judged or hated for what he does.

Although the time he spends with Mizu is very little, he appreciates it. He’s grateful to have someone who is willing to protect him from everything- and promised to do so.

Mizu is also the first person Xion had actually wanted to be friends with! He feels rather safe with Mizu. Mostly- assisted by how he can put a finger on Mizu’s morals that happened to align with his own!! <3.

“ .. Mizu’s honestly .. amazing. He’s the type to do for action, not wait around until soemthing goes wrong. I admire that. If anything, i want to learn how to do that. I want to jump into action, not wait for it to call for me. “

v - Jubasim Helvate-Jett
He met her through a mutual friend- or, really, at random. She did run by him before that, however, he didn’t give her much attention . .or noticed her really.. but oh boy was he mistaken. .It only took one-on-one for him to be absolutely .. what even. She was everything he did not expect. Even if he doubts his ability to ever truly love someone, to give his everything- not after Min.. She makes him want to be better. To him, she gave him a second chance he thought he’d never have. – … Until she left and never came back.

v - Soushi Aoki-Yamada
Although they met under less than ideal circumstances .. Xion never really tolerated Soushi. He never cared enough and frankly- wanted him dead.. However, what was this man’s saving grace is the fact that Glai happened to spend time with him.. huh. . weird. Xion never tried to do anything outwardly harmful to Soushi- and after that cute surprise that Soushi knew Russian all along .. and evidently heard every single time Xion had insulted him . . It was surprising that Soushi even considered wanting to be Xion’s friend.. it – shocked Xion truly. He actually thought Soushi was dumb> . which he was proven opposite. Time passed and Xion found himself being more comfortable around Soushi- he views him as nothing short of an amazing human being- how could he ever have deserved meeting Soushi? …

However, this had also led to Soushi becoming Xion’s safe-place.. Although Xion is very much capable of hurting Soushi- his fondness towards the other renders that useless.. he’s not sure if he’ll be able to defend himself if Soushi ever turned against him.. What happens when he realizes that Soushi is nothing but a [STATIS] Person? Hm? Wonder about that..

“ never underestimate an enemy huh!! you reeaallly nailed that point, cutie! .. respect.. though i won’t forget it! ”
“ .. what if he decides that I am a shit human. Which- yes. I am.. any moment, he can attack me. Beat me senseless and I won’t be able to do anything. ”

“ Fuck you, Soushi. “

v - Sachiko Casellati

Although he is wary as hell from her .. she unsettles him. Making his insecurities arise- HER presence is the one bringing fourth all his troubles.. Anyhow.. It took sometime.. But now he can exist without panicking around her. If anything, it seems like there is a silent agreement between them to simply ignore the other’s existence.. However, Xion took small steps to make sure she knows that he isn’t going to do anything wrong towards her- not again. If anything, he came to trust her better!! <33 Especially after he took the stpe forward to help her and understand her point of view during a low point. !!

v - Katniss ‘K’ Amorosa-Casellati
He finds her just like him! .. in a way. Xion is very unsure on where to put her.. however , at the end of the day- He views her as his sister. She is closest to him personality wise. Unafraid and unapologetic. Two traits Xion adores. . yet, yet- it never feels like home with her. He would do what he can to protect her, but his worries- insecurities and anxieties make him wonder .. would she do the same to him?

They spend a good deal of time Together. He has his own notes on Katniss, the things she does that often bothers him.. but oh well, no one is perfect.

v - Ayumu Taro
A very ordinary man! .. - Or so Xion’s first impression was. He’s yet to know and figure out who Aymu is.. However, he found himself approaching the other with a an air of ease. Testing the waters if he should allow himself to relax and quit hyper-****ysing everyone’s everything all the time! .. So far, so good.. Unexpectedly so, he found some bravery in the other. As they were doing some ‘fun’ activities- It amused him to see someone who didn’t hesitate to walk that thin thread between amusement and disapproval.

v - River Aoki-Amorosa

They don’t spend much time together- However, Xion is there for her if she ever needed him. If she came bloody and wounded, he’ll stitch her right up without question. He doesn't know why he cares to begin with.. Perhaps it's a payback for the time she didn’t take advantage of him that one time he fainted ..

v - Jiro Isamu
He just hates him!!! After all, he did think he is capable of nothing but for him to pull that card on him revealed the opposite!! he certainly won't be regarded the same! .. He made a mistake.. He made a severe fucking mistake towards Soushi. And god help him if Xion gets his hands on him.. because he won’t.

” I will finish what he started Jiro. He may have left you alive- but I won’t. Come on, show your face. ”

After a careless one-night stand, - Xion soon despised her. how fucking dare she. She did not heed to his statement. no strings attached. no shit is attached. stalking him ? she’ll regret that. he doesn't only have himself- but also a trusty friend . She’ll regret the moment she decided to follow him. the moment she didn't let go. every breath she takes. He will end her.


  • C H A R I S M A -.. Apparently, it's there. Who knew./10
  • S T R E N G T H – 7/10
  • P E R C E P T I O N – 8.5/10
  • E N D U R A N C E- 10/10
  • I N T E L L I G E N C E - 8.9/10
  • A G I L I T Y - 9/10
  • L U C K - 3/10
  • H E A L T H - 9/10
  • M O R A L I T Y - skewed far south /10
  • P R I V I L E D G E - 3/10
  • O B J E C T I V I T Y - 8/10
  • S A N I T Y - [ who's that? Don’t know ‘er./10]
  • S O C I A L – 9/10

Credit: @Totoro_Sam

O - Silly fun facts <3

v - He takes offence to things very easily and WILL hold grudges.

v - Xion ironically enjoys slow-dancing, and hopes to one day dance with someone who is special to him.

v - He tends to poke at his canine-teeth whenever he is bored, stressed, or bored! or stressed.. or excited! or hyper?!

v - His favourite song EVER is ‘JUST THE TWO OF US’ .. it holds a special place in his heart.

v - He has three ‘go to’ hobbies to make himself feel better!

v - He is the excitement overload .. personified.

v - He has undiagnosed Dyslexia and DID!

v - His favourite place is the beach, and his favourite sight is the ocean.
v - His curiosity can double for a toxic trait.

X - ‘ those are a list of things that stuck to my head! over the years, that is.’

=> “ .. ” - Mother DearEsT

Noted, mama.

=> “ People are a combination of everything. you want to get in someone’s brain? observe them. study what is around them. relationships, family, struggles.” - Father DearEsT

Thats so easy to do. So easy. I’m a sweet talker, dad. have more faith in your son

=> “ My goodness. He looks as if someone has bleached his brains out. ” - Aunt Joulie

I suppose yes!!! I think you are not happy with my creativity with your hair, right? it looks so good burnt off. I bet you didn’t need it anyways!!!

=> “ Hey there~ good to see you again, Ji.” - Min-Yeng

[!] The words that were written here were washed out. covered in dried blood and rotten blueberries.. the smell was sickeningly sweet.. like honey times ten.. it makes you feel nauseous .. [!]

=> “ Thank you, Xion~ It’s very nice” || “ I’m fond of you, Xion. “ || “ it’s cute, this whole thing- “ || “ I think you’ve done enough here buddy! How ‘bout you leave Xion alone? ” - Glai

.. this sentence should not have this much affect on me. . but it does. and FUCK if i don’t love it. . It’s so weird, to suddenly lose this person - the one you spent all your days with, learned how to trust and care again with..

I miss you. So much. When will you come back..?.

=> anything this man can say is quoted here.- Mako

*noises of glee and excitement*

=> “ I promise I'll protect you. ” || “ You are valued, safe and protected. ” || “ If you touch Xion without consent I will rip that chunk out of you. “ - Mizu

.. I . . he said those words so easily, .. i didn’t know i needed to hear them. I am.. So happy I heard them from you, Mizu.. i- know.. We didn’t know each other … at that point.. But- your willingness to help me, listening to what I had to say when a misunderstanding occurred- .. its… heartwarming. You’re one of the few people who jumped to defend me.

=> “ Puppy ~ ” - Jubasim

This woman might be the one thing in this world that both scares and fascinates me. She radiates warmth, love- affection.. Somehow, it’s directed to me. Me, .. me. Trying- to .. open myself up , for the chance of loving her. For her. I want to be able to learn how to love - for her.., so I can be the best man I can- for her. She will always deserve someone who is far better than me. But I strive to be the best. The man she ‘s happy and comfortable with. . . why did you leave ..

=> “ My Beautiful Orchid. ” - Soushi

It might just be my favourite nickname ever.. It sounds so beautiful.. It makes me feel so- at peace.. Loved.. Appreciated .. How can a few words do that? Effortlessly flowing from someone’s lips, place this much effect on me .. -

I got blinded so easily.

[!] HIS WILL .. to be added soon. He’s not dead yet, guys. [!]


Y’ello people!! <3 This is the Biography for my character Xion! It will definitely get updated over time! .. It’s okay if you found your character not included in this! .. The order of the characters, who got included and who wasn't, - they all speak something about Xion! .. Everything in this document is not only here to tell, but it’s also for show. Have fun dissecting this biography! Every world is riddled with puzzles, hints, and insight into Xion.
~ Glowing Regards,

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Level 51
Thread starter
(this took an embarrassingly long time to post)
( it will get edited and some people will be added to it soon. . more like one person, but who knows?)
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