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GangRP Talk


Level 40
Featuring; __jeremylobo, Bald1, Chunk05
(Do not take this as an insult of any manner, this is all opinion-based)

Here's what we think. If you had to remove a faction, what would it be? What would the causes of the removal be? I'm going to give an example out to you all. It may be stressful to gang roleplay at times; however it is a necessary factor of the server

"Hypothetically, what would happen if you removed GangRP? From what we've heard, people have wanted to abolish any form of Gang Roleplay. But do they know the outcome of removing this? A lot of the current playerbase are Gang Roleplayers. So firstly, that would affect the SchoolRP playerbase, dropping by substantial amounts. Then, won't this remove factions? What about the Karakura Police Department. What would be the purpose? There would be no raids, no reason to patrol(No fighting calls, etc.) which brings this to another two factions being removed. EMS wouldn't exist, as there is no major injuries, and be entirely honest, who actually roleplays out falling off an edge? Would there just be psychiatrists? And what about Lawyers? Theres no reason to have a lawsuit, or verify a house raid, because none would exist. Crime/Gangs is an important factor of School Roleplay, aswell as a lot of the lore is based on gangs." - __jeremylobo

"Personal opinion, everyone hates on gangrp but most factions rely on gangrp for their faction to run. For example KPD, they wouldn't have many people to arrest if not for criminals no? EMS, who would they treat if nobody is really getting injured? Government, many lawsuits and trials come through gangrp, without that where does it leave them. In my opinion if gangrp was to fully die like many people on the server wish it to, the only factions that would survive this would be School faction (Both teachers and teams) and Shrine. Although people hate on gangrp and many of the players that do gangrp can be seen as toxic, which can be the cause to many players hate for gangrp. I believe that it is a necessary faction for the rest of the server to survive. So for everyone saying that gangrp shouldn't be focused on because its "SchoolRP". Keep in mind what factions would die along with it." - Chunk05

"So before i start this is my opinion, this is my rant posted along with the others so we dont spam the forums. I believe Alot of staff have decided to abandon Gangrp, recently i took a break from it and came back to see if it had improved and it has declined alot. There isnt any fun to gangrp apart from pwp brawls which still are brawling and the occasional gang fight when gangs are finally forced out of hiding to fight other gangs or do something to actualy make a difference. and im not saying there are gangs that arnt putting in work, ive seen gangs with 8 members putting alot of work in compared to certain other ones. i believe and hope that something can finally be done to increase the life of gangrp. i remember when i first started and i was in brawls with valhalla forelli bonten some of the greatest gangs there was. Now nothing happens no gangs try make effort to engage with gangs that are under the tag VERFIFIED or UNVERIFIED People say that gangrp is ruining the server or its a bad part of the server and for the most part i agree completely, there is a toxic and rule breaking side to gangrp that isnt fun to deal with at all, but the truth is alot of factions have to rely on Gangrp/CrimeRP to have fun. For example, EMS they wouldn't get a lot of patients with stab wounds severed limbs etc. so it doesn't seem like a lot of fun without it. Again, these are my opinions, and I don't mean any toxicity and this statement isn't targeted towards any person/group" -Bald1

Overall, these are our opinions, and there are people in the GangRP community that do agree with us. Do not take this to heart, as again it is only opinion based.


Level 10
I understand that gangrp can be stressful and the reason its got such a bad rep is due to the way gangrpers have been. But try to keep in mind the points we mentioned before pretending the faction doesn't exist


Level 63
As someone who has been in both the GangRp and KPD side, I’ll give my input on GangRp as well!

GangRP As a Concept:
As much as people may want to deny it, the concept of GangRP already creates a somewhat toxic environment. The concept of GangRP is based on engaging in roleplaying that involves crime with a large group or "gang". This sort of roleplay includes stuff ranging from robbing and stealing from someone to straight-up TORTURE and murder. These sorts of concepts are not healthy things to be actively thinking about and engaging in especially when the community consists more of 15-18+ year olds which makes it worse. Keep in mind that also how competitive GangRP is now a days. To even act on KPS you need to be a verified gang so of course gangs will try to get to the top before the slots fill up. You have competition to reach a good flow of activity consistently or else you will be looked down upon by other communities and your own. You have to be a certain type of way character wise to become popular, etc etc. It’s not just a unhealthy concept, it’s a very competitive concept too.
NOW while the concept of GangRP is not healthy, this doesn't mean the community around it can't be healthy too. In the end, the people make up the reputation of the community, though it has been confirmed that the concept of the communities or baseline of games does impact or attract certain types of people. Take COD, for example, a game based around shooting and killing. The game is an unhealthy idea and it encourages you to kill your opponents and it attracts a much more toxic and aggressive community around it. Than take Terria for example, a more peaceful single-player game where you are attacking mythical creatures. You don't see as much of a toxicity in the community. What I'm saying is that GangRP as a whole will ALWAYS attract toxic and competitive players, the concept of it is overall unhealthy and the rules set in place and competition between gangs creates that unhealthy environment. I mean you put a competitive person up against another competitive person in a type of rp that invovles loosing your characters limb or being called “weak” or being made fun of for loosing you are gonna get people who have a negative and toxic reaction and therefore it will cause more 'unhealthy' people or people who think its fun to RP this sort of stuff to attract towards this. I have been in SRP for years and the GangRP community has barely changed despite the rules changing and more so keep this in mind when you think about WHY the GangRP community can be so toxic. BUT OF COURSE IN THE END IT IS THE COMMUNITY FAULT and it is up to the community to give a good reputation

What Would Happen if GangRP Stopped?
A lot of factions do rely on GangRP for activity and roleplay. When I was in KPD we had what we called a 'drought' season where GangRp was dry due to other recent gangs disbanding and there being no major reason to push for activity. When this happened KPD was much less active, we got fewer and fewer arrests, and promotions weren't done for a while cause people couldn't prove themselves properly. Etc Etc. EMS has these times too where fewer people come in with broken bones and major injuries. While factions like facility, shrine, etc arent affected by GangRP really KPD, EMS, and sometimes even the government are heavily affected. GangRP also has a large part of the player base so removing it isn't an option. While Staff can make rule changes to help with the toxicity, make it more relativistic, and monitor it, they can't stop it without wiping half of the player base

Overall, as much as you may hate GangRP or the people who engage in it remember that there are always good people in GangRP too. While yes some of the community is toxicity and doesn't follow the rules, that doesn't mean ALL of the community is bad. Take people like Cap and Dark, for example, both great roleplayers who follow the rules and have wonderful reputations. And in the end, staff can't remove GangRP, it won't ever happen without loosing so much of their community and it isn't worth it. I hope the player base for GangRP does improve though it is hard when the concept of GangRP attracts these types of players.
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Level 66
Given that I was both a part of the Hospital faction, and actively partake in multiple forms of crime; i.e. GangRP, CrimeRP, etc.
I think it's only fair I give my own input in this, whilst being aware that this forum post will just drown eventually under the premise that no one would really want to converse about this.

It's a common misperception held by you three—JeremyLobo, Bald1, and Chunk01—that the Crime faction only engages in gang roleplay. GangRP does contribute significantly to the Crime faction, but that does not imply that the faction functions as a whole because of it. It's also important to look into Crime Roleplay, which has gained popularity recently as a result of GangRP's "downfall" or lack of innovation.

What is GangRP:
Given the current circumstances, the definition of GangRP is open for debate. However, here's how I personally define it. It's the involvement of two or more individuals who participate in Crime under solicited and equal grounds with the same basis; alliance, mutual benefits, or hailing from the same criminal organization. This also means that the black market dealers, and black market associates are GangRPers by technicality.

What is CrimeRP:
CrimeRP is a far more ambiguous and imprecise term. Anything could be the case, but one thing is certain to feel reassured. One person performs CrimeRP (more people in very specific situations; chances are, the people performing it would recognise it as GangRP instead). As a result, CrimeRP is separate from GangRP even though it uses the same principles but adds more complexity. For example, attacking a cop as a group is far simpler than doing so alone as a CrimeRPer.

Making this decision would be chaotic, to put it as simply as possible. I do agree with several of the problems raised in this thread; for example, both the Police and Hospital factions rely on GangRP (albeit they also rely on CrimeRP). Since we're merely eliminating the gang idea from the server, even though this would be a significant and detrimental contribution, the concept of crime would still exist. This means that the server would not lack crime, however, the crime rates within the server would fall a significant amount. Currently, this means that both the Karakura Police Department & the Hospital faction would face another 'drought' phase that could be prolonged.

However, on another note, this also gives the opportunity for more distinct and innovative roleplay. Albeit, removing GangRP but keeping Crime would simply be impossible. If you had to remove GangRP, then you are forced to remove the Crime faction altogether. Otherwise, this will result in people loopholing the rules. Simply said, removing the Crime faction then removes the function of the Police faction entirely (whilst keeping an insignificant amount of roleplay left for the Hospital faction).

Personally, I could never see Josh willingly decide to remove the Crime aspect from the server. Alas, there are also a lot of players who contribute to the Crime faction. However, this does not mean that they're a significant part of the playerbase. School, and all of its factions combined, contribute more to the player count than any other faction.

It's impossible to remove GangRP; as sacrificing the Crime faction entirely would need to be accommodated. In addition to that, just because GangRP is dry or simply unoriginal does not mean you are unable to innovate and improve it yourself. People need to stop encouraging or supporting cookie-cutter street organizations that have been done a million times over. In my own case, I built a character that developed from an egotistical individual that attacks for the sake of doing so— to a character that attacks government workers with a purpose. Although, some of these IC motives could be deemed as 'lackluster.' Regardless, as a participant of the Crime faction, you are always able to ask a person from the Police faction if they wish to roleplay with you. They aren't some scary human beings, and are more than willing to accept your offer dependent on what you have to offer in the first place.

~ Dark


Level 40
Thread starter
Given that I was both a part of the Hospital faction, and actively partake in multiple forms of crime; i.e. GangRP, CrimeRP, etc.
I think it's only fair I give my own input in this, whilst being aware that this forum post will just drown eventually under the premise that no one would really want to converse about this.

It's a common misperception held by you three—JeremyLobo, Bald1, and Chunk01—that the Crime faction only engages in gang roleplay. GangRP does contribute significantly to the Crime faction, but that does not imply that the faction functions as a whole because of it. It's also important to look into Crime Roleplay, which has gained popularity recently as a result of GangRP's "downfall" or lack of innovation.

What is GangRP:
Given the current circumstances, the definition of GangRP is open for debate. However, here's how I personally define it. It's the involvement of two or more individuals who participate in Crime under solicited and equal grounds with the same basis; alliance, mutual benefits, or hailing from the same criminal organization. This also means that the black market dealers, and black market associates are GangRPers by technicality.

What is CrimeRP:
CrimeRP is a far more ambiguous and imprecise term. Anything could be the case, but one thing is certain to feel reassured. One person performs CrimeRP (more people in very specific situations; chances are, the people performing it would recognise it as GangRP instead). As a result, CrimeRP is separate from GangRP even though it uses the same principles but adds more complexity. For example, attacking a cop as a group is far simpler than doing so alone as a CrimeRPer.

Making this decision would be chaotic, to put it as simply as possible. I do agree with several of the problems raised in this thread; for example, both the Police and Hospital factions rely on GangRP (albeit they also rely on CrimeRP). Since we're merely eliminating the gang idea from the server, even though this would be a significant and detrimental contribution, the concept of crime would still exist. This means that the server would not lack crime, however, the crime rates within the server would fall a significant amount. Currently, this means that both the Karakura Police Department & the Hospital faction would face another 'drought' phase that could be prolonged.

However, on another note, this also gives the opportunity for more distinct and innovative roleplay. Albeit, removing GangRP but keeping Crime would simply be impossible. If you had to remove GangRP, then you are forced to remove the Crime faction altogether. Otherwise, this will result in people loopholing the rules. Simply said, removing the Crime faction then removes the function of the Police faction entirely (whilst keeping an insignificant amount of roleplay left for the Hospital faction).

Personally, I could never see Josh willingly decide to remove the Crime aspect from the server. Alas, there are also a lot of players who contribute to the Crime faction. However, this does not mean that they're a significant part of the playerbase. School, and all of its factions combined, contribute more to the player count than any other faction.

It's impossible to remove GangRP; as sacrificing the Crime faction entirely would need to be accommodated. In addition to that, just because GangRP is dry or simply unoriginal does not mean you are unable to innovate and improve it yourself. People need to stop encouraging or supporting cookie-cutter street organizations that have been done a million times over. In my own case, I built a character that developed from an egotistical individual that attacks for the sake of doing so— to a character that attacks government workers with a purpose. Although, some of these IC motives could be deemed as 'lackluster.' Regardless, as a participant of the Crime faction, you are always able to ask a person from the Police faction if they wish to roleplay with you. They aren't some scary human beings, and are more than willing to accept your offer dependent on what you have to offer in the first place.

~ Dark
I understand where you are coming from, however I don't believe I stated Crime/GangRP were the exact same, my apologies if I did so.


Level 66
I understand where you are coming from, however I don't believe I stated Crime/GangRP were the exact same, my apologies if I did so.
You implied it, however.
From what we've heard, people have wanted to abolish any form of Gang Roleplay. But do they know the outcome of removing this? A lot of the current playerbase are Gang Roleplayers. So firstly, that would affect the SchoolRP playerbase, dropping by substantial amounts. Then, won't this remove factions? What about the Karakura Police Department. What would be the purpose? There would be no raids, no reason to patrol
I was CrimeRPing on two occasions in the past. I got raided on both occasions, abolishing GangRP wouldn't abolish the KPD faction entirely!


Level 94

Why We Should Keep Gang Roleplay in School Roleplay​

Gang Roleplay in School Roleplay shouldn’t be removed. There are tons of reasons for and against it, but let’s focus on why it should stay.

Back in the Day​

Once upon a time, there was no Gang Roleplay in School Roleplay. Most of you probably weren’t around, but it was a big part of the game back then. There were no weapons or rules, and we ran wild, using pencils—our “Sharpies”—as weapons to “kill” characters. It was chaotic but fun, and we didn’t need rules or gangs because no one complained about the issues with it back then.

How Things Changed​

School Roleplay has come a long way. In the early days, characters were throwaway and no one cared much if they died. But as characters started having more depth and backstory, random killings became less funny and more annoying. That’s when the BMD (Black Market Dealer) and gangs came into play. New rules were set to protect characters from random deaths, leading to the Crime/Gang Roleplay we have now. Sure, many could argue it is not perfect, but it is a hundred times better than what it was before the rules existed.


Sure, Gang Roleplay today isn’t perfect, but it’s way less toxic than it used to be. People often underestimate Gang Role-players. They’re focused on their thing but can roleplay just as well as anyone in other factions. Gang Roleplay is fast-paced, and they adapt their style to keep up. Yes, there are a few dark horses in the community who are toxic, but there are many more who aren't and are typically not given a chance to show that as they as deemed toxic by association.

Why Gang Roleplay Matters​

Gang Roleplay is one of the oldest parts of School Roleplay. Removing it won’t get rid of Crime Roleplay; it’ll just mean more players dealing with crime stuff they don’t want. Without a dedicated group, old Gang Role-players would just mix more with regular players and commit crimes on them instead.

The current rules let people avoid Gang Roleplay if they want, and those who like it have a place to play. Gang Role-players aren’t out to get regular players; they’re just having fun in their way. If a regular player ends up dealing with Gang Roleplay, they probably did something to attract it and are, in a way, part of it.

Wrapping Up​

Keeping Gang Roleplay keeps things balanced and interesting in School Roleplay. It gives people who like it a place to play and protects those who don’t. Getting rid of it would mess up that balance and create more problems for everyone.

I excluded all the effects it's removal would have on other factions as well that's a whole rant in itself. All I can recommend is before hating on it completely, give it a try, it might be far more fun then you actually think it is.


Level 104
one thing idk if its besn said that needs to be is that GangRP is one of the easiest factions to apply for and get your reputation up. its one of the easiest factions to get into [besidds bmd and bmda and allat] and is the core of all other factions. kpd? what they gon do now? ems? whos gon get majored? itll just get obcenely dry and theres no worth in it


Level 146
This thread is a test of my willpower and if I wasn't reading it on my fifteen minute break at work I would have failed it

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