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tayfun's AMA


Level 137
Do you plan on trying any other factions besides Government? (You’ll always be the best Attorney General)


Level 146
How do you explain the meteoric rise of Goemon Asogi?
(And which future storylines are begging to star him?)


Level 80
Thread starter
Do you plan on trying any other factions besides Government? (You’ll always be the best Attorney General)
I've tried the Employee faction, even though it wasn't quite my cup of tea. Still, Cam is a dope faction lead. If I ever leave the Government faction (which I honestly don't think I will at the moment), I would heavily consider joining the KPD, News or Shrine factions!
Also, bless your heart :') You're one of the first three lawyers I've trained, and I'm so proud of that, still.

what pushed you to stay put in gov faction?
My general love for it. I maaaaayyyyy have joined SRP with the intention of joining the Government faction, not gonna lie. And I made it! And I helped effect a lot of changes within the faction!

How do you explain the meteoric rise of Goemon Asogi?
(And which future storylines are begging to star him?)
Honestly, I wouldn't know how to explain. I just had him be open to everyone (and he still is, just walk up to him in character). For a long time, he was my only character, and I figured that the best way to engage with the community is through him. And here we are! Goemon is a surprisingly beloved character, and I appreciate allllllll the love for my baby boy.
Right now, he's focused on fatherhood! Well. A child that was kept secret from him just entered his life, so...
Also, his parents are coming to town. Things are getting intense for the Asōgi family clan's patriarch. No matter what status you hold, your parents can and will humble you.
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Level 107
as the biggest tayfan, (and the biggest asogi family nerd) I have a few questions.

Who is your favorite character?
What was your original idea when creating the Asogi family? Did you expect it to get this big?
What other faction would you join other than Government?


Level 80
Thread starter
Who is your favorite character?
God, that's so difficult to answer. Goemon will always hold a special place in my heart, as he's my first, but dammit, all my other characters (i.e. Ayame Banjīkusu, Aria Saiky, Yoshihisa Busujima and especially Mei Asōgi) managed to squeeze in there, too. I think it's very close between Goemon and Mei.

What was your original idea when creating the Asogi family? Did you expect it to get this big?
To be honest, the idea first came to me, when my friend, Corvinus (also known as Donut0001, as it is his IGN), first joined SRP. We had Goemon and Daisuke, Corv's character, be brothers. And as we kinda freeballed the lore, I figured we should keep it somewhere. Which kind of made me consider maybe inviting more people to partake in the little project, and here we are, with 38 members!

What other faction would you join other than Government?
As I said, I'd heavily consider joining the KPD (which Government faction members are rightfully precluded from joining), Shrine or News factions.

Thank you for your questions, user wethecreature :)


Level 80
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How is it being the attorney general
Honestly, it's awesome. It puts me in a position where I can make changes and set standards not only for my department, but also the faction as a whole, hopefully for the better. I do plan on resigning at some point, though I don't know when exactly. All stories must end!


Level 61
Honestly, it's awesome. It puts me in a position where I can make changes and set standards not only for my department, but also the faction as a whole, hopefully for the better. I do plan on resigning at some point, though I don't know when exactly. All stories must end!
That’s so cool! You’ve been here for a while, it would be sad to see you go at some point.

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