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tayfun's AMA


Level 80
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Favorite roleplay moment on SRP so far? :3
God, what a question. There are so, so many contenders. I'll just whip up a list. They're not in order. Just things I'm thinking of off the top of my head.

The funeral of of Aiko Asōgi-Ōtsuka:
This one was so rife with emotion. Your boy shed a manly tear or two. Everyone's RP was top notch here. Also, some loose ends were finally tied up! Goemon and his brother, Daisuke, made up. His mother and sister at last made an appearance, and shit was tense. Sōseki Asōgi-Ōtsuka (played by Kami/goegrieeveur/jauheliha/aspenlover69) did an absolutely astonishing job on the obituary.

Goemon and Avery Asōgi's wedding:
God, this was a lot of fun. The ceremony itself, along with Goemon & Avery's vows were adorable. The KPD shooting their tazers into the air was very shocking, but also hilarious. It was refreshing not to have any RP drama on that day, to be quite honest.

Ayame Banjīkusu's DID being triggered to precipitate a switch:
My poor baby. I felt so sorry while RPing that one out. I was a little anxious about this, seeing as I wanted to treat the topic of dissociative identity disorder with the respect and sensitivity it deserved. Mental illnesses aren't gimmicks, y'all.

Any scene with Goemon Asōgi and Percival Niiyama:
My boy houndrats always fucking kills it. A lot of the scenes are so rife with tension, it's astonishing. Goemon wants to save Percival, even if he's beyond that point now.

News drama:
The investigation into Kazuo DeLuca's case for Goemon to get him off with a plea deal, finding out the news scandals were all interlinked somehow, partaking in a manhunt for a reporter. God, that was peak investigationRP. Shoutout to Aania, Allen, DarkEclipic/Liz, Eco, Violet, Angel and Addy for that one. Everyone was cooking.
Edit: I would kill for another case like this.

Nathaniel Blackwell's birthday bash:
Nathaniel Blackwell getting beaten nearly to death by a spirit and the subsequent gathering at the hospital, wondering whether or not he'll survive was so tense. While my character would love nothing more than for Blackwell to get what's coming to him, I personally didn't want him to die. All of it was roleplayed out amazingly by all parties involved, i.e. Spork, Asya, Oli, RandomlyAccepted, and many, many more.

"My beloved daughter, my greatest failure":
Any scene with Goemon and his former adoptive daughter, Blaire Togomi-Muroto, goes so hard. Shoutout to ImPuggyBTW on that. I was hella sad to see Man'en disband, by the way.

Goemon's panic attack:
Ohhhhh, this was a spontaneous choice, but man, this was so much fun to rp out. It was 5am for me at the time, and Goemon had a lot of intense encounters. All about his aunt, about the man who killed his uncle. Ohhhhhhhh, this was so good. Shoutout to myself, actually.

Goemon Asōgi's growth as a character in total:
I've talked about him in great detail, but man, I can't help my pride for my character! He's grown so much, from a hot-headed junior lawyer, to a competent, albeit still hot-headed and impulsive Attorney General, to a good father, a respectable family patriarch (we could leave it at that), a man driven by empathy, with a desire to do better. Does he still show some less than desirable character traits? Yeah, but he's working on them. Ain't no one's perfect.
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Level 80
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if your characters represented a colour, what colour would they be and why?
I'm gonna go off of vibes here.

- #835dfc fits Goemon pretty well. Historically, the color purple has been associated with nobility, aristocracy and all. It reflects his social standing. What's more is that it also indicates Goemon's melancholy; Dude used to suffer from major depressive disorder! The color I listed is not overly purple, and yet very vibrant. Pretty balanced; Like Goemon.
- #62c867 suits Mei Asōgi nicely. She embodies style, grandeur and draws attention wherever she goes; All a sign of vitality, generally associated with that color. I also like to think that it suits the fact that Mei is compassionate; despite her assertiveness. Yes, she might threaten to dropkick someone, or even fight someone, but even then, she's considerate.
- #742222 fits Aria Saiky a bunch. It's a rather deep maroon shade, complex, much like the boy himself. While he's a social recluse who desires connection, but struggles with them, his inner world is all that more intricate. The color moreover illustrates some of the melancholy he's meant to embody. It's not as vibrant, as intense as other reds, which indicates how subdued it is - much like the Saiky.
- #f77339 suits Ayame Banjīkusu, due to the fact that it's bold, energized, fierce, but also has this little touch of creativity. I haven't played her in a while, but I miss her so much.


Level 174
News Lead
Government Lead
News drama:
The investigation

The only thing that could counter this situation. Was Annabell Sturm escaping the KPD through the help of EMS and officers. Deaths were faked, logs were faked. The commissioner never found out about it. It was beautiful. IT IS A CRIME IT WAS VOIDED. IM STILL MAD (@Ecocide )

Now an important question.

Thoughts on wasps?


Level 80
Thread starter
The only thing that could counter this situation. Was Annabell Sturm escaping the KPD through the help of EMS and officers. Deaths were faked, logs were faked. The commissioner never found out about it. It was beautiful. IT IS A CRIME IT WAS VOIDED. IM STILL MAD (@Ecocide )
Bet it would've been better if I was there >:) (don't mind my vanity, vanity my beloved)

Thoughts on wasps?
Fuck 'em all. I hate wasps. All my homies hate wasps. I will wear a beekeeper suit just to dropkick a wasp's nest.

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