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Level 78

Masamaru station

Exploration difficulty
  • Entrance: (1/5) / Exit: (1/5)​
  • Entities: (3/5)
  • Enviormental threats: (3/5)
The POI presents remarkable difficulties
for it's exploration.

General description
Description: POI-003 is an abandoned subway station found in the sewers, The subway is located in the sewers. The materials that make this subway station are the same as the conventional stations, mainly concrete of white, gray and blue color palette. The structure is very deteriorated, even unstable, for this reason the floor is covered in debris.

The electrical installation is broken, that's why the station is completely dark and it's difficult to navigate. The layout of the POI-003 is actually the same as the beach subway station, but the stairs leading to surface were boarded up with concrete. So if you have a good espacial sense you may move with no problem.

The station smells with a deep scent of gasoline coming from the fire barrels that are scattered along. Provided that ventilation systems do still work but may not be as efficient as they should be, you should not get near the barrels so you don’t intoxicate yourself.

Zones and structure.
There are three main zones.

The entrance
The entrance actually is not the entry point to the station, but would have been in the past. However that section is sealed in the present. There is a broken ticket check barrier with some security post in front of it. The area of course is deteriorated as the other areas. Past the barrier, there is a hub decorated with a small plot for plants and a working vending machine (The products are rotten).

This hub diverges into two small stairs, each one leading to the left and right platforms respectively. Between those two ramifications there is a small window which gives a view of the rails and platforms.

The platforms
The platforms have the same structural design as any other normal platform would, but it's structure is deeply detered.

The right platform has an access to a non-functional train. It also has some tents and has been covered in graffiti. The train is found in a completly deteriorated state and the control room is inacessible due to the door being broken.
The left platform does not have so many graffitis and is directly connected to the rails. In the further section of the right platform some WC's can be found. The WC's dont work at all and there is no light source inside, in spite of that, there are some graffitis decorating the walls. The rails have some tents and other fire barrels. One could theoretically leave the station by following the rails, but the darkness enveloping the path makes the task impossible.

Entrances and exits
There is only an entrance/exit.
  • Entrance/exit: A cut fence can be found near the sewers of the graveyard. Entering it leads to the station. The hall is midly collapsed. Be careful so it doesn't collapse while youre in there. Some people take away the debris from time to time.

There are a high number of non-human entities overall. Even though it is weird to find humans here, the place has been used as a criminal hot-spot in the past. Yet the criminals are the less of your worries as dangerous Paranormal Entities can be found in the station.

Non-human entities
The vermin have overtaken this place. The most common are rats, spiders and others. None of them are harmful in any sense.

Human entities
Encountering humans is a relatively weird ocurrence down here. However, the Masumaru station is a Urban Explaration hotspot, which attracts some people.
  • KUERT members: You can ask us for help to exit sewers or ask us for food etc.
  • Explorers: they are not harmful, you may ask them for food or help if you want so. This place attacts a lot of people looking for a casual experience of exploration, and sometimes want to do some spirit interactions.
  • Criminals Self explanatory. Some groups choose to use the station as a hiding spot or as a place to do activity like planning or training. They are dangerous and don't like to be disturbed. You know the drill, keep your distance and evade them.
  • During the tragic events that led to the abandonment of the station, some individuals died. This has caused the creation of two paranormal entities, PE-04 (Kajiwara Hanako) and PE-05 (Shibata Saburo). They caused past incidents with strangers. After the incident of Masamaru station of (20/07/2024), we have decided to be very cautious about the place. Some extra recomendations we have are the following: NEVER, go into the rails; NEVER, carry weapons with you into the station; NEVER, interact with trapdoors or doors; NEVER, come into the place if you don't carry any amulet, onamori, ofuda, blessed lantern; if you hear a weird sounds, objects moving, cries for help assume it is not human, assume it is a deadly threat. Also, note that electronics will not work in the presence of ghosts and spirits, if your electronic device glitches out, RUN. If you have no signal, DON'T WORRY, the station does not have signal by default.

Environmental threats
This place is extremly dangerous given three factors for this categorization
  • Collapse threat: The station has been falling apart for decades now on. The roof could fall over you at any moment. At any ceiling activity the POI must be left at sight.
  • Blackout: There is no light at all in the whole POI, traversing through here requieres lightsources. Carry some flashlights when entering here.
  • October: Ghosts get quirky during the month of October. Don't come here during that month.

  • Can't stop the A-train...
  • Terada Akari was the mayor who negligently stopped the station from being mantained properly, this led to the collapse of the station on the 25th of september of 2005. Corruption is always a serious issue.
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Level 175
Love the station! Thank you for the report!

I always struggle with the name, since it has been called differently depending which sources we draw from. Some call it Masamuru station, some Masamaru, some Masumaru… I still look for the most canon descriptor!


Level 78
Thread starter
Love the station! Thank you for the report!

I always struggle with the name, since it has been called differently depending which sources we draw from. Some call it Masamuru station, some Masamaru, some Masumaru… I still look for the most canon descriptor!
I am gonna be honest with you, only today I realised that the name of the station at the POI list, had been wrong all along :( That is how chaotic the mess is!

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