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Anna's Introduction ♡


Level 0
Hello Everyone! My name is Anna, I've been a frequent roleplayer throughout the years and I've honestly never Minecraft roleplayed. I can't wait to try this out as my first experience! I enjoy roleplaying very much <3
I'm Fluent in Spanish and English, I'm a singer and do frequent private parties and I'm a competitive swimmer with my own team.


Level 178
Being a frequent roleplayer puts you somewhat ahead of many players - there are different pockets of RP happening here - from the detailRP crowd to the streetracingRP crowd; look long and hard enough and you'll end up with the people vibing best with your style! Welcome!


Level 17
Hello Everyone! My name is Anna, I've been a frequent roleplayer throughout the years and I've honestly never Minecraft roleplayed. I can't wait to try this out as my first experience! I enjoy roleplaying very much <3
I'm Fluent in Spanish and English, I'm a singer and do frequent private parties and I'm a competitive swimmer with my own team.
1 month late welcome, do you like the server? :)

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