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Prison Visitations Rule Amendment


Level 28
Community Team
Event Team
What's your Minecraft Username?: MinisterFudge
What's the title of your suggestion?: Prison Visitations Rule Amendment

What's your suggestion?:
Sometime around Nov 2023 the following rule was introduced
- By default, all felony offenders won't have authorization to be visited.

The effect of this change was: that characters who commit some felony are not allowed to receive visitors in the KPD visitation area unless the arresting officer decides it's okay whereas those who perpetrate lesser crimes are allowed visitors just fine.

This change was made, as I understand it, to prevent felons from abusing the visit system to pass combat permissions.
Looking at the list of server rules, I can see why this may have been the case:
9.3j Arrested: If a police officer has arrested your character for a felony, you may majorly assault them.
This is the only time the word 'felon' appears in the thread: RULES TERMINOLOGY AND SERVER RULES

But you can't really accomplish this major assault if you're in jail. So I suppose this policy about visits came into play when people started informing others ICly via the visitation room (perhaps in their gang) that 'so and so arrested me, seek them out and hurt them'​

Unless I have been misinformed: it was not an IC change to the law by the government, but a change made to deal with an OOC issue. If it is an OOC issue it should require an OOC solution, such as a new rule for the relevant faction, and not the current situation leads to the awkward IC reality that most of Karakura's felons get locked up and simply aren't allowed to receive a visit from their friends and family.

My suggestion is as follows:
- Immediately end this rule introduced in 2023
- Institute a new rule that reads
something like:
"Characters who are in prison and have been convicted by Karakura's Court for a felony, as well as defendants in the custody of the Karakura Police Department because they have been arrested for a felony, must not pass any combat/kill permissions during this time, especially not during visits"​

"Felons may not pass any combat permissions while in police custody"
- Require KPD officers overseeing visitations to stress this rule to felons who request a visit using /looc rather than having a blanket policy that just forbids these visits 'by default'. Put a sign [OOC Notice] in the visitation room further stressing this new rule.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Karakura needs to stop its blatant human rights violations
ON GOD!!! :sob: Got people out here attending RALLIES and signing PETITIONS, crying about how they can't see their family members/friends, and we got the Mayor out here promising to talk to the Mainland about the ICCPR.
Love that for us, but it's WILD.

Creates more opportunities for RP rather than prohibiting/limiting the opportunities. It seems preferable to allow visits to happen on this condition, with this new OOC rule affecting the visitation system, rather than to simply cut off an entire group of people's access to the system out of fear of some abuse.

Just make the abuse against the rules and have this explained before a visit. After all, it is unrealistic in the extreme to forbid an entire class of offenders from receiving visitors unless the arresting officer, personally, is cool with it. Players who would break this rule anyway, in my opinion, would find some way of passing permissions that breach *another rule* (i.e. they don't care about the rules anyway, allowing visits and having this rule would make virtually no difference other than to allow players who respect server rules to simply RP out a prison visit).

The alternative (the status quo) simply sees the person playing the part of arresting officer have absolute discretion over whether a visit is allowed ('do you want to expose yourself to the risk of permissions being passed or not?') which does not sound like something that would happen often at all.

Also, the KPD already has enough discretion to deny a visit. They can't be forced to do it just like hospital staff can't be forced to facilitate RecoveryRP. This rule just seems unnecessarily blunt and serves only to make it harder for characters in KPD custody to receive visitors than should be the case because even if you DO have an officer ready to facilitate a visit, they have to check if the character is a felon and if they are then the officer has to know whether or not the arresting officer authorized the visit... it just sounds messy!
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Level 29
+1 because I hate perm passing and another +1 because felons deserve visitations (yes i get 2 votes (bc theres 2 of me (im mentally unwell)))
Karakura needs to stop its blatant human rights violations


Level 46
Lore Team
It'd be good for RP since it could add a chance for more rp while jailed, even if it's for a felony charge. Of course, they could do something where it depends on the behavior of the character after or while jailed, but I think it'd be nice to have either way!


Level 67
Japanese prisons typically tend to be strict in terms of visitations. Since there are no prisons in Karakura, just holding cells in the police station, that means every inmate gets sent to a national prison in the mainland.

Typically, the only people who can visit felonious inmates are family members, lawyers, and Shintoism priests (don't ask me why that's the case..)

All in all, just make it so felons can be visited by family members or their lawyers, without allowing friends or non-relatives to visit. I think that's a fair compensation.


Level 10
-1 the perm passing would go crazy. I think there is a reason why felons aren't allowed visits considering they are felons for a reason


Level 67
-1 the perm passing would go crazy. I think there is a reason why felons aren't allowed visits considering they are felons for a reason
I don't believe you read this at all, as the suggestion implies that they should add visitations for felons with the exclusion of being able to pass permissions during the visit.


Level 10
I don't believe you read this at all, as the suggestion implies that they should add visitations for felons with the exclusion of being able to pass permissions during the visit.
My bad, i must have missed that part. Though i still believe that Felons are felons for a reason. Hence the lack of visitations. Therefor my point stands


Level 81
Community Team
Event Team

I didn't completely read it all the way, but as dark said, if felony people were to be allowed visitors it should only be limited to family members, lawyers, and spouses (or other roles such as priests). Essentially, felon individuals are usually dangerous and a lot of times officers won't have to deal with them longer, which is why the arresting officer can decide if they can be visited or not. If you want to prisonrp you can always ask a KPD member!! Besides that, it would really only make sense for family and/or lawyers to visit. (I mean, most felony sentences are done in aggressive ways, which is also a reason why they shouldn't be visited!) Do note if this is to be put in place (family members, lawyers, spouses, priests only), you would need to be ID'd and/or have proof of your relation to the individual.

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