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Alistarstruck's Year Late Introduction


Level 8


"Well, well, well. . ."
Well well well, look who it is! If it isn't the silly man you might have seen running around randomly or hanging out with random people, Alistarstruck! Hey guys, after a whole year of being shy and thinking about it, I've finally decided to hop on the Introduction train! Why now? Because Kinyuun told me to. Anyways, have a few sections of stuff you should, might already, or don't know about me!

"So Who is this weirdo?!"
Great question, my imaginary friend! My IGNs are Alistarstruck and Altistarstruck. (guess which one is the alt account, bet you can't!) As for what I prefer to be called, it can be pretty much anything as long as it isn't feminine. Ali is what most call me, but my IGN is based off my middle name, Alistair! So Alistar or Alistar also works as a main name. Some just call me Star or Starstruck, which is fine too! I chose the IGN do to the play on the name and my personal connection with the night sky!
Who am I actually as a person? Well, I try to be as kind and open as possible, though I'm not perfect. I don't ever want to make enemies on SRP or start drama of any kind, I just want to chill out with new friends and make some fun roleplay situations for everyone!

"Okay but let me find him IRL"
Okay so obviously I'm not going to tell you my address. BUT, I do live in Eastern America as a 19 year old college(ish) student trying to learn coding while working at a Mcdonalds and taking classes on the side. I use he/him pronouns both in and out of game and I LOVE to find new topics to research on! Please be patient with me! I am slow; I have ADHD and while yes I do get the zoomies and hyperfixate, my processing and reaction time are heavily slower than yours might be.
I am happily in a relationship! I have been with my high school sweetheart for three years now, with both of us going into college and still strong on our relationship. I am dating @TheMuffinMam , who isn't online very often but you might see them around with me! I'm probably the only reason they're on SRP, haha! Outside of that, I do love to RP both on Discord and on SRP, and I love to meet new people online and bring new experiences for myself and others! I do VC sometimes, but I'm usually muted unless it's with people I truly trust and am close with. I am a trans man who gets major dysphoria because of my own voice, so I don't usually talk unless I have to!

"So what does he do on SRP anyway?"
I roleplay! Obviously. Roleplay and make friends, try to work on my attributes that feel like I'll NEVER reach 100% to, and hangout with people who offer good RP experiences or are just fun people to be around in general! (Good news: That's most of you <3)
I have tons of characters that I play. But a noteable few are Tsukaimon Ichiyama, the head of a family and ex-teacher! Amei Ichiyama, his sister and current Karakura History Teacher; Evelin Löwe, a Priest who worships the Kami of Mercy and Compassion (which says a lot about her as a person); and finally, Touji Huxley-Kennedy! He's the Vice President of Photography club and a character I related to more than all of my other ones! These are just a few examples, I have plenty more that are important in their own ways!
As a Teacher of SRP, my goal is to give greenies a warm welcome and offer a lending hand to get them started as they learn the mechanics of our beloved server! Along with this, I also want to teach people ICLY and OOCLY about the history of our Island, including lore that may seem to bulky or tough to read normally when it comes to the lore documents worked on by our amazing Lore Team!
As a Priest, I want to offer everyone a warm welcome to the shrine and indulge myself in the Shinto religion in the best way possible. A lot of good friends of mine told me to go for shrine, and so when I began studying for it, I found a hidden passion for Shintoism and the Monastery that I hadn't before! I began to spend ALLL of my time there; I still do! Now, I rarely do anything else but hang out at the Monastery on my main account. You'll most likely find me there! I certainly don't plan on leaving it anytime soon.

"Why did he join SRP???"
The first day I ever logged on the server, I was going through an emotional moment, hit with extreme loneliness despite my irl friends and family. I need something to do, so I went on youtube and found a random guy who simulated a school in minecraft. Curious, I decided to look up school roleplay servers and stumbled across this masterpiece! Been here ever since! The first month or two I wasn't on as much, but that quickly changed after I made friends!

"Okay cool but who are his friends anyway?"

I have a lot of friends and amazing people I know that I met through SRP. I will follow off of Kinyuun to note down some of them here that caught my attention, and those that I think highly of!

Twink Dragon (My first SRP friend! You introduced me to the server and your friends, that led to me making more characters and diversifying myself, stepping out of my comfort zone! Not only did you help me get used to the server, but you helped me improve OOCLY with my social anxiety and low self esteem. It's thanks to you that I'm where I am today, and I think of that every moment I can!)

Anaflektoras (Look at this guy. Smh. Love you dude, you became a close friend too and introduced me to a new style of music that I still listen to this day!)

SleepyGhostly & Erebus/Hadez (The great Huxley family server that is still somehow around to this day! You guys brought me into a server with good faith and I hope I didn't let you down because that server changed my life for the better. Getting to play Touji in a family that wasn't just an IC one, but felt close to one OOCLY too warmed my heart and SRP experience in ways you'll never know. Ly guys <3)

RippedZan (I met you irl once goober. You and your wife are amazing, me and Muffin miss you guys and I'm really glad to have met you! You're one of my closest friends on SRP! Can't wait for you to get back from Inactivity, and for us to meet again irl soon too! Ly guys :D)

DarkEclipic (Hi Liz! When I first met you, I was kinda scared of you LOL, especially when you joined VC. I don't know why, I think it was just random anxiety for me, but I'm really glad I met you!! You've helped me out so much and I hope we never grow apart! You and Zan mean the world to me, I hope we could all meet up IRL one day too :D)

Kinyuun (You inspired me to do this, and my format is slightly inspired of yours! You're a really cool person and I hope our friendship continues to blossom, I wish you luck in your cosmetology career <3)

Crovantist (Little shi- kidding man. Ily. First time I met Ezio, I was like, "oh another asshole character on SRP", and then got gaslight icly into believing he wasn't an asshole and then fell in love with his character design oocly after meeting you in VC and getting the honour to play his daughter. You're a really good RPer, and you're so much smarter than you might believe. Don't let silly jokes bring you down man, we all love you so much <3)

Xaavia (BESTIEEE, ilysm you and Nok inspired me to go for shrine, and I was ecstatic when I got it! I miss seeing you around on SRP but I know that we're still friends and that's all that matters to me. I'm glad I got to know you through Cro and Twink, because we clicked ong)

TobiOnToast (HEY YOU, SURPRISE! Yeah, you're on here. We don't rp as much as we used to but the relationship between Touji and Jackie is one I'll never forget. I love them so much and it brought me closer to you oocly, you're a good friend and I would NEVER ask for anyone different to create a character like Touji with. x)
Rexi (YEAHH you're in here too!! Idk WHAT happened but when we first got in VC together something just clicked, you're a really fun person to be around and I hope we can hangout more in the future!! )

Aania (Heyyyy my fellow arsonist. You're such a fun and goofy person to be around, you're definitely considered a good friend in my book! I enjoyed seeing those pictures of your trip :D)

Radicalrainbow (YOUUU, YOUUUU BESTIE YOUUU!! ILY!! No seriously out of everyone here you're one of the people that stuck around the longest and that means the world to me. Despite our periods of not talking as much, I hope you and I never lose the friendship we have! I still do hope to visit you someday!)
Wolfworksdemon9 (Yeah don't think I forgot about you, you goober! I don't see you as often, but you're a really smart person and I cannot wait to see where you go. I hope you know how cool you are!!)

Kota (YEW!! YEW inspired me to interract with shrine more. YEW inspired me to interact more with the teacher faction. I LOVED and looked forward to your no-sleep classes, and the VCs with you are certainly burned into my memory! Ly man, stay strong king and keep fighting those sleep demons (but like seriously, please sleep more))

If you weren't mentioned here, I promise it's not because I don't think highly of you or hate you or anything like that. There are just so many amazing people I've met on SRP and I want to thank each and every person I've met, and I only hope to create more memories with more people on SRP! Ily all! <3

"Okay this is way too long im not reading this"
Alright, TLDR!
Name: Alistar/Alistair, any variation of my IGN works!
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Roles: Teacher, Shrine, Adult, and a bunch of grade characters with two animals!
This is just a small little introduction inspired off of Kinyuun's because I didn't feel the need to do anything big or in-depth!
That's all! Ali out <3


Level 183
Community Team
Lore Team
DarkEclipic (Hi Liz! When I first met you, I was kinda scared of you LOL, especially when you joined VC. I don't know why, I think it was just random anxiety for me, but I'm really glad I met you!! You've helped me out so much and I hope we never grow apart! You and Zan mean the world to me, I hope we could all meet up IRL one day too :D)


Level 29
Because Kinyuun told me to.
I fear that I have this affect on people HAHA
Kinyuun (You inspired me to do this, and my format is slightly inspired of yours! You're a really cool person and I hope our friendship continues to blossom, I wish you luck in your cosmetology career <3)
When coming back to SRP after six long years, your last class was the first one I happened to join. After you left the faction, you were one of the first to wish me luck on my very own application! You always stuck out to me so much, and I’m honestly so happy we’re starting to interact more and more!

I’ll also note that we seem to have such similar qualities as far as our characters go :)) I swear our characters are like carbon copies of one another. Overall you COOKED with this introduction and I’m happy to learn more about you!!! I’ll be seeing you around shrine >:DDD <333


Level 8
Thread starter
I fear that I have this affect on people HAHA

When coming back to SRP after six long years, your last class was the first one I happened to join. After you left the faction, you were one of the first to wish me luck on my very own application! You always stuck out to me so much, and I’m honestly so happy we’re starting to interact more and more!

I’ll also note that we seem to have such similar qualities as far as our characters go :)) I swear our characters are like carbon copies of one another. Overall you COOKED with this introduction and I’m happy to learn more about you!!! I’ll be seeing you around shrine >:DDD <333

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