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Location rebrand to america


Level 13
What's your Minecraft Username?: CriminalRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: Location rebrand to america

What's your suggestion?:
Karakura Japan is a beautiful setting for something of action I believe the people is too westernized and pretty diverse to be in a setting of japan.

A setting like europe or america will would be more fitting for the diverse population almost all japanese citizens are full blooded japanese which makes it quite an unrealistic setting.

We had not have had a new map in a long time and i believe i beg to differ thats not really good as it makes school rp quite repetitive.

my suggestion is to move School rp to a more western setting like America or other places since srp seems like japan but if it had western culture nobody gaf about japanese culture in this setting anways

How will this benefit the server and community?:
it would make rp a little more realistic


Level 53
If this is successfully implemented, well, it will be a huge project.
At least in the short term, I think the official should not do this, and I also like the feeling of being on the map in a virtual Japan, well... I wish you good luck.


Level 39

I would love to have a more Westernized location. However, there is a lot to consider when it comes to SRP. All the lore, all the houses, the places, the people, would need to change as well. Not to mention, we could potentially interfere with the shrine itself and its customs.


Level 19

The japanese aesthetic can be a big appeal for a lot of people, following that, America isn't exactly any better diversity-wise, and Europe as a setting would be very difficult to get enjoyable and right.

Finally, changing the map would be a massive hassle and incredibly bad for the community. All the lore would need to be re-written, player's would not be able to get their items in storage back, players would lose apartments, factions could become messy because of people not knowing what they're doing, and on that note, the Shrine faction would have to disband as there aren't shrines of that type in America or Europe.

Best stay in Japan imo


Level 106
As much as I love my country, I do NOT think we need a rebrand (again...... it's been at least twice now that they've switched countries in the entire history of the server, not to mention the city changes). Mostly because I love the current story and lore that's been set up for Karakura, even if there are a lot of characters from other countries. A lot of this is more so an add on to what urufu had stated, but also because there's a lot of pre-existing things that would not be better off being moved to a different country. Plus, I love the Shrine itself despite never being a part of the faction, I'd rather it not get disbanded because of something like this, thank you very much!


Level 112
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Trying to get rid of my team's hardwork for the server's lore :(


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team

The reason for the diversity of Karakura is that it's an educational island that people from all over the world go to for education. That's one of the primary reasons /why/ there are ethnicities and races of all although it /is/ primarily Japanese people. So, it is realistic. And, as Rex mentioned, this would get rid of mountains of lore that the lore-team has written over these past few years. Almost everything written is regarding Karakura's location beside Japan. A relocation is not possible - especially given the fact that we're still trying to wrap up and finish lore. This would just put us back at ground zero.


Level 31
love the current map and the culture that’s been worked on the past couple of years. I don’t see a need for a revision on the map; especially considering how long each build takes let alone a whole new map.



Level 117

[Insert obligatory "stop focusing on realism" comment here]

Ontop of this, there are a lot of people who are not domestically from any one country who live in other countries. (look up the definition of Expatriate)

also as a builder, the amount of effort it would take to completely re-do the map is a lot more work than im sure you think it is.

Level design & planning alone can take north of 6 months. Actual build time will take between a six months and 2 years depending on how regularly the build team is working on it.

Ultimately even then, it seriously would make no difference as its incredibly difficult to directly make something look like a certain place at the build scale SRP is at.

I implore you to remove all the Japanese flags on the map and ask someone from outside the community where they think the map is based in.


Level 180
News Lead
A new map or rebranding would've been possible two or four years ago, but now it's practically impossible.

So much lore, character development, stories, and buildings have been created revolving around Karakura. Retconning that would be painful and honestly hurtful to those who put the time and effort into it.

Karakura has a school that is international and is far away from the mainland + it is in lore, that there was a massive westernization in 2017. So, it was never said that Karakura would be classic Japanese.

Big ol' fat -1


Level 2

Massive no for all of the lore, unfortunately.
Perhaps you are not familiar with how deep shintoism (japan's indigenous religion) runs in the server lore, so I would recommend roleplaying with Shrine members! They have many, many stories to share and it opens an incredible amount of roleplaying opportunities. The same could be said of few isolate groups interested in the lore, so you can seek them out as well.
If you don't know where to start, I would be more than happy to share what I have experienced so far (either OOC or IC)!
And of course, with October coming up, even more reason to unravel all this juicy lore ;)


Level 8
-1 but overall 50/50

I completely understand that Karakura is too westernize. The people who play on the map don't really play in respect to the fact their in Japan with some not even knowing the map takes place in to begin with (mostly Greenies). And In some cases, players can sometimes be committing actions or taboos which in game is alright but realistically can be labeled as "Very Unrealistic and Sacrilegious" according to one of my Japanese friends who've played on the server for a bit (it's her words not mine). ICly and OOCly I would sometimes make fun of Karakura for being Tokyo 2.0 with the amount of foreigners and international students present. However changing the map and lore to combat this issue would create more problems then actually solving them with the following:

1. What would be the main elephant in the room, is that this would mess up not only the lore of the map, but a large majority of players who play on the server. They would have to rewrite their lore or alter it to where it'll be more appropriate to the new setting, which to me personally I can do no problem but to others it's really going to mess them up. Plus Karakura itself has been around for a while so the lore with the place itself and the people living there are set in stone. And it's not just the Lore that's a problem, but certain factions could also be effected by it as well, with factions like Shrine likely having the worst of it.

2. An entirely new map would have to be made to set the new location which I am aware that stuff like this takes a lot of time, effort and money to make into reality. Plus it also takes away from what SRP's inspiration which is a Yandere Sim style setting, Japanese HS. And sure having a European or Americanized setting will somewhat make it more realistic, but not everyone's going to roll with it. Some people like being in Japan ICly and OOCly then in Europe or the US.

All and all having to change the setting of SRP can do more harm then good. Personally I do understand your point and I can stand by it, but there's too many circumstances which makes doing it an overall bad idea. Even if it means Karakura has to be the most off putting city in Japan lore wise, it's better then having to compromise everyone's character background/lore or spending extra resources on a new map, plugins and an entirely new lore for set place. Put it simply it's not worth the trouble.
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