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Compensation for commands broken


Level 29
What's your Minecraft Username?: DioSamaa
What's the title of your suggestion?: Compensation for commands broken

What's your suggestion?:
after the plugins get fixed, I believe the players who played during this time should get recompensation somehow, as allowances haven’t been working, or the daily reward man. we’ve been sent into the Great Depression! thanks - Dio

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Helps out the economy for the playtime we had but didn’t get our benefits for.


Level 29
Thread starter
-1, Deal with it. Plugins being broken doesn’t stop you from doing anything
it does..? G-12s who don’t have a job, basically got their main source of income removed. now you have to beg for money, if you want to buy smn currently and used your money. Not very fun.


Level 45
There are still plenty of ways to make money, learn to tailor, write for people, join a faction, fish. The devs are actively trying as hard as they physically can to fix these bugs but it takes time, patience is necessary


Level 29
Thread starter
There are still plenty of ways to make money, learn to tailor, write for people, join a faction, fish. The devs are actively trying as hard as they physically can to fix these bugs but it takes time, patience is necessary
Again. I said for g-12s who don’t have a job. Also, fishings currently broken, another plugin. I’m not asking for to be fixed faster, I’m just asking after it’s fixed, it would be nice for compensation for missed opportunities.


Level 45
Why comment if you don’t have any positive things to say..? Just because you have enough time to play this game and get jobs, doesn’t mean others do. Have some decency..
I apologize, I was not trying to be rude however I just don’t think it is a good idea


Level 15

I don't think the server economy would appreciate everyone suddenly having hundreds of thousands in their pocket.

We aren't entitled to anything, would it be nice? Yes. But is it necessary? Absolutely not. These issues will get fixed soon, staff are working on it but it takes time. You just need to wait.


Level 42

Listen to me people who say „It’s not good for economy” „Get a job” „Deal with it” „Broken plugin doesn’t stop you from making money” are you guys aware that for some players, allowance is the ONLY way to pay rent for their apartments…? If plugin was broken, WE should get compensation. We deserve it, as economy will not be affected since we didn’t get allowance at all. If you go to work and you do not get paid for each month, would you ignore that as well? And i’m saying that as Builder (and beginner auction tailor) who actually makes money and i was AFFECTED by plugin issue (and now we don’t even have /rewards)

We deserve some compensation.


Level 42
Why comment if you don’t have any positive things to say..? Just because you have enough time to play this game and get jobs, doesn’t mean others do. Have some decency..
Having no positive things doesn’t mean you can’t give your opinion. While i don’t agree with @SkiXD they have still full right to comment, even if it’s not positive; as long as it’s constructive.

However dear SkiXD, It wasn’t constructive. You’re just saying get a job :shrug: which is not SOLUTION. Some players pay for their apartment only from given allowance. Developers are working on it, yes. No one says we want it fixed NOW, suggestion is about compensation for missed opportunity to gain money. Also, not everyone can tailor. Not everyone can build or make arts. Fishing plugin is also broken. Do i need to say more? We understand that plugin was bugged, it’s fine and i don’t rush anyone to fix it, but we need compensation. It’s not devs fault, bugs will have place everywhere and everytime.
Last edited:


Level 18
Developers are working very hard to bring the plugins back up to speed, making comments such as the ones stated in the thread is not necessary and can seriously demotivate the hard workers. Keep in mind this is a friendly community and people are to remain respectful within suggestion posts. We ask for patience and respect while it is being repaired.

There are many alternative ways to gain money through IC means other than relying on fishing and allowance and those are applying for IC shops which you can check the town discord for, auction flipping/selling items or applying for a job! ^-^


Level 42
Developers are working very hard to bring the plugins back up to speed, making comments such as the ones stated in the thread is not necessary and can seriously demotivate the hard workers. Keep in mind this is a friendly community and people are to remain respectful within suggestion posts. We ask for patience and respect while it is being repaired.

There are many alternative ways to gain money through IC means other than relying on fishing and allowance and those are applying for IC shops which you can check the town discord for, auction flipping/selling items or applying for a job! ^-^
But no one blames developers… Idk if thats about me, however i was saying loudly that they are doing just fine and they can take time. But we still need compensation, that would be fair for players. And keep in mind that applying for IC shops and jobs takes a lot of time (and auction method is useless now, auction is broken as well)


Level 4

When I was a new player allowance was the only thing which made me able to pay the rent.
Auction Flipping? Sure, isn't auction broken atm?
Now tailoring, yeah, good luck learning current SRP shading style fast enough to pay your rent while being a new player, not to mention that the issue is even worse if they have no F+, so they have to spend a lot of money on apples.
IC job? Yeah, that's a good one, altho shops aren't hiring that often not to mention you have extremely low chance if you're a new player without any rank, relevancy or experience and skin fitting the SRP standard.

Of course developers need to take their time and that's completely fair, no rush, but compensation is something which I find weird people are against, please, how unwelcoming we can be towards new players?


Level 145
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Keep the conversations here peaceful and respectful, everyone is entitled to an opinion, and if we can not accept that, I will simply lock this thread, we are a community, act like one.


Level 330

Many other games offer their playerbase compensation for downtime or game-breaking bugs; While I agree with this suggestion, I don't think giving people money and inflating the economy will help all that much. Maybe they could be granted public custom items relating to this season (i.e.- Tom Brown's beanie, or perhaps some other sort of compensation)

The point here is that the community isn't particularly a fan of these bugs. I won't deny that developers are working as hard as they can to fix these bugs. I'd dare to say that they're just put in a completely new environment (there aren't that many RP servers out there) and therefore need some time to adapt and rewrite some of the outdated code that was left by staff and developers. That aside, people making (objective and respectful) complaints about these bugs is compeltely reasonable. Adding this compensation would help descalate their frustration and make this transition somewhat smoother


Level 110
Community Team
Lore Team
Here to give so economic insight.

Spawning in more money or paying 'compensation' amounts,—it is already a mystery how you would even calculate a fair exchange rate of the amount of money paid in compensation—doesn't actually help the economy, if not break it even more.

An example:
Right now, every player who is [grade-12] or higher gets an allowance of ¥1,000 per 30 minutes, which is ¥48,000 per day.
If, due to this compensation pay, we up the amount of ¥1,000 to ¥10,000, everyone will make ¥480,000 on that day.

- This is a price increase of +10%. If the price increases by +10%, so will the inflation because if you know players will have 'more' money, why not raise your prices to earn a little more yourself?

Because the inflation rises at the same rate your wealth does, this essentially doesn't change anything; you just made the ¥ more worthless.
If an auction item used to be ¥20,000 then after the increase, it will be ¥200,000. Which is still 41.67% of you total allowance you earned that day.

- "Okay, but it would be for just one day, so it doesn't matter and you can save money!"
If this is your thought process, then I hate to break it to you but:
1. Not only are you not the only person who thought of it, meaning if you all save money, the economic state stays relatively the same.
2. Inflation doesn't lower as quickly as it rises. Especially since players will still have money they had before this increase; some people might not be willing to pay ¥200,000 for an auction item after the allowance is brought back to ¥1,000, but maybe settle at ¥100,000. That is still more than a more than 50% increase of the original price.

To give you a TLDR like this is Reddit:
- Spawning in money during an 'economic crisis' does the complete opposite of its intended goal; it will cause more harm than good through inflation.

So, that is why I'm giving this a big -1 WHEN IT COMES TO PAYING COMPENSATION IN FORM OF MONEY.

I do agree there should be given some other form of compensation to the players for the recent issues and bugs the server has been experiencing. — I commend the devs for the hard work they've been putting in, but the players still are very logically upset and frustrated with the ongoing bugs and malfunctions


Level 29
Thread starter
Here to give so economic insight.

Spawning in more money or paying 'compensation' amounts,—it is already a mystery how you would even calculate a fair exchange rate of the amount of money paid in compensation—doesn't actually help the economy, if not break it even more.

An example:
Right now, every player who is [grade-12] or higher gets an allowance of ¥1,000 per 30 minutes, which is ¥48,000 per day.
If, due to this compensation pay, we up the amount of ¥1,000 to ¥10,000, everyone will make ¥480,000 on that day.

- This is a price increase of +10%. If the price increases by +10%, so will the inflation because if you know players will have 'more' money, why not raise your prices to earn a little more yourself?

Because the inflation rises at the same rate your wealth does, this essentially doesn't change anything; you just made the ¥ more worthless.
If an auction item used to be ¥20,000 then after the increase, it will be ¥200,000. Which is still 41.67% of you total allowance you earned that day.

- "Okay, but it would be for just one day, so it doesn't matter and you can save money!"
If this is your thought process, then I hate to break it to you but:
1. Not only are you not the only person who thought of it, meaning if you all save money, the economic state stays relatively the same.
2. Inflation doesn't lower as quickly as it rises. Especially since players will still have money they had before this increase; some people might not be willing to pay ¥200,000 for an auction item after the allowance is brought back to ¥1,000, but maybe settle at ¥100,000. That is still more than a more than 50% increase of the original price.

To give you a TLDR like this is Reddit:
- Spawning in money during an 'economic crisis' does the complete opposite of its intended goal; it will cause more harm than good through inflation.

So, that is why I'm giving this a big -1 WHEN IT COMES TO PAYING COMPENSATION IN FORM OF MONEY.

I do agree there should be given some other form of compensation to the players for the recent issues and bugs the server has been experiencing. — I commend the devs for the hard work they've been putting in, but the players still are very logically upset and frustrated with the ongoing bugs and malfunctions
Again, this isn't real life. It wouldn't make the yen less valuable, unless we have some sort of uprising with shop owners. BMD's always have the same money. Yen is always going to be spawned in, as every 30 minutes, with an average of 200 players online, thats 200 thousand yen, being put into the economy. What they could do, is put out a limited time code - and perhaps post it to the starting message, which grants the user 10,000 yen. It seems reasonable, as the code would only be active for around 2 days, and it would just progress the economy around 5 hours of playtime - assuming you are a g-12 - , which is less than most people have played during this downtime of /rewards, and the daily rewards man. Then, greenies who did not like playing during this time, could have some money to use from the past time. Shop owners wouldn't raise prices, as its a one time 10,000 yen boost, and isn't going to mess with the economy that much, as it would be around ~1 million yen given out, assuming 1000 people used the code during this time. Some cars are more expensive than that, and it would help out new players a lot, given that most can't use /feed, or were saving up towards a new item they wanted. I'm not stating that they should raise the allowance per 30 minutes, as that would cause some inflation, but a 1 time thing would be more of a stimulus check, for missed payments. Yen gets taken out of the economy, throughout various things, such as buying cars, black market supply drops, and vending machine, NPC ran shops, and so much more. It would help the economy, a little bit, as no one would be raising prices for such a relatively medium one time drop, but newer players could have a bit of a better experience after the past days we've had without the basic money grants. Rich people on the server wouldn't care about this amount, and would consider it as a minor event, but greenies, g 10, 11s, and newer grade 12s would appreciate and or benefit from this a lot. I'm not asking for some out of proportioned amazing yen boost, like 50-100k, just a ease of life benefit. Another option we could take, is giving out a nice cosmetic, for a limited time. That would be equivalent to the 10,000 yen, and would mess with the economy even less, as everyone who was active would have it, and there would be no demand as the supply was given to everyone. Again, this is mostly for newer players. I've had around 4 greenies ask for money loocly, as they couldn't afford the vending machines. Just a jumpstart, while the devs work on fixing the plugins, and the players can relax for a bit.

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