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Due Time


Level 39
Hello everyone! Most of you in this lovely community have zero clue about who I am, and I guess that is okay since I have not talked with many people in this community. For the ones who spoke to me and knew me personally, you probably also know that I have been considering this for a long time now. I am Miamorchito, one of the many people on this server.

SRP has been my comfort zone for a long time. I was more than lucky to meet the people I am friends with, and I proudly say I speak with people all around the globe, and it makes me feel joy in this crazy life I am having. But as the title says, I reached my due date, and I do not think that SRP is giving me the joy that I once had when I started. Some of you already noticed some changes in the way I talk with you, and I am sorry about it; I am just struggling a little with all that is going on. I try my best to be a happy person and make you guys laugh.

This is a goodbye, with the hopes of seeing you in the near future, either in real life or on the server. I am writing this not to tell you that I am leaving because I really do not like talking about this, but because I really could not leave without expressing my gratitude to the ones who spent something that could never be bought with infinite money: Time.

I know she is no longer in SRP, and as a matter of fact, she has not been on for a long time. Back in 2021, this person was one of the most important ones for me because I just arrived in America and I was alone. I had no family or friends in the country at that time, and of course, I was scared. I was not able to talk with my grandfather because he did not know how to use a phone, so I could not tell him how I felt. We not only spent time roleplaying, but we also talked about life, and I cannot say how much I loved those talks. Thank you for your time.

Your character played a crucial role in most, if not all, of the things I did. The disappearance of your character for almost a year made me join GangRP and open a revenge arc on my character, which I absolutely loved. This made me understand not only how SRP works but also helped me engage more with the community, and all of that was indirect because of you. I am grateful for the time we had, and I am happy to know you are back on the server.

I swear to God. . . Our roleplay experience was so funny. I loved talking to you and hearing: "Goddamit Nicolin" on the VC. Taking that aside, you were there when my character first joined Karakura; you saw him fall into the rabbit hole of revenge, and you saved his life. Then the pressure from the Kaizens to make them date and all of that, just wonderful times. It was wonderful. Thank you.

You. . . You were the first person to meet Michele properly. You introduced me to your friends, Ran and Ashlee, and that opened the gates for my roleplay to start. I am super happy to know I spent time with such an active and happy person like you. After a while, we started roleplaying together, which was very nice, but I am sad to know that I did not give you the time you really deserved. I spent too much time being a Lawyer and too little on progressing our roleplay between Miko and Carlo. If I had the chance to change something in SRP, that would have been the only one. You have always been good to me, and I want to thank you for the time we spent.

Despite the very few moments we spend talking and roleplaying nowadays, back when I started, I always found it a refresher when I was with your character. The number of times I was concerned about what Ran Dawson would do really reflected the appreciation I had for the way you just pulled roleplay out of nowhere, and it was super fun. I still remember the one time (Allegedly) when we committed underage drinking and drunk driving, crashing in front of KPD. We should be in prison for that.

Another person who I do not talk to like I used to. I hope your roleplay experience is going better than the last time we spoke. I loved spending time on our so-called "Bandit Combat Style" and just hanging with each other just to spar, and believe it or not, that actually influenced the way of my combat RP. Instead of just the basic /me puch the back of their head (3-0 KO), how about just doing a lock until they cannot fight anymore? I still use it when I have to fight. Thank you, really.

Sister Teresa. What a character she is. Having Michele and Pierre know her was a game-changer, firstly because you helped Michele with his lore in his religious beliefs and views, and with Pierre because I saw the corrupted side of your character. . . She needs help. I still do not forgive Alois, even though I said I did. And you are never gonna hear about that lawsuit ever again, and I told you it was better to just settle. Anyways, I owe you a swimsuit. . . Sorry. Thank you for spending time with me! (Also, if you are wondering, the lawyer ate Pierre).

I never brought Michele to the Kaizens, but you did bring me with Ji! It was a good run having you as the "father-in-law" and also as a father figure when Michele's dad died. It was also good having you as a brother when I made Ji; making him a Kaizen was a choice I will never regret. The support you gave to my character, even though you could argue it was brief, was unreal. You were there in the good and the bad times, more bad than good. I hope you eventually get into KPD! Thank you for your time.

First opp! I will never accept you beating me in a sparring match; I do not care what others say; that never happened! You guided me whenever I had doubts in this crazy world of GangRP and were more than open to asking for my opinion. I also enjoyed the talks we had and the other ones we did not have. I hope I helped you when you needed it, and I can tell you did motivate me to be on par with you in Man'en. (I failed terribly). Thank you for the time. . . And I am listening to that song list from 2019. Say hi to Plop for me!

"Wait. . . I know who you are. . ." It was my first thought when I saw your name in Man'en and in the Government faction when we met again. You crazy guy! I still can hear your laugh in the back of my head. You were an OP lawyer and an incredible person, and you were a good friend to me. Having you as competition for Attorney General in the Government faction made us closer to each other, and this made me focus even more on trying my best, which is one of the things I am glad of. Thank you for being there and for your support.

Knowing you well ever since you decided to create that little character that you planned on just getting rid of, Zuri, I can tell I was glad to know you at the perfect time. I still remember the calls we made when you were heading back home, and just hearing you yell about how bad the drivers were was so funny. You were also there when I got my lawyer position, and you supported me when I felt blue. You are a real one, and your tailoring skills are God-level! Thank you for everything. (Also, I got banned from Sims 4)

My biggest opp right here. Yeah, you get a shoutout as well. You have proven to be one of the good ones in my life in SRP. I always felt proud of myself when I heard you telling me I was a good lawyer, and whenever you came to me for help, it made me feel like I was doing something right with this adventure. I think that giving my last salary to you was an understatement cause you have proven that you deserve way more than you earn. Keep being an opp, and I will remind you that you are afraid of playing Phasmophobia, but you are more afraid of admitting it. Thank you for everything.

The boyfriend of my opp, and ironically, my stinkiest opp. I can tell you one thing about you: you do not give up. You did not give up when racing to AG, and you definitely did not give up when you were banned. I wish you were not banned at all because I know damn well we would be speaking way more than we currently do. I am just glad we never stopped talking, really, and I am glad to know you came back to the Lawyer position because you are definitely an incredible worker. Hope I hear good things about you. . . Stinky. Thank you for being there and for making me laugh.

Our time has been short despite the number of talks we had. You are a special person, not because of your condition, but because of the content of your character. We spent time talking about our time on music and how badly I beat you in chess, and I can tell you that despite our small interactions, their quality is something I am glad to have. You bring joy to people, despite what you may think. Thank you for your time, and I will try my best to be around and tell you that you are a little person despite you being 8'11 or something.

We need more Kaz & Ji moments. Another opp, but this one is a little more compassionate <3. I am glad to have met you in SRP, your character is an absolute pain in the ass, and I am glad I am not your lawyer anymore because I know that if Kaz got into prison, he would have life in prison. You are not quite smart (yk) but you are quite funny, and you were one of Ji's first friends, if not the first friend he had, and I am glad you were the one. Thank you. (Also, I will never explain to you again what a psych eval is; you tested my patience that day).

Pooks. It is time. . . I do not know what to tell you really. You put the trust in me, you showed me unconditional love and appreciation, and you kept being a good friend even though I knew I did not deserve it. I am happy that life placed us together in the photography club and the patience you had in explaining how to edit images when I felt like I was lacking (Needless to say, I still do not know how to do it, but I am still trying). You know that you will be my pooks, even though I am not into guys, but you have a special place in my heart because you deserve it. Thank you for everything, and I wanna see you thrive with that money you are making as a shopkeeper!

Ji's last girlfriend is probably one of the people who made Ji step up his game to become a more professional person. You are, without a doubt, a special person for my character as you helped him with a lot, and I mean a lot, of stuff, and you also were there for me locally whenever I needed it. I feel kind of sad about how roleplay ended up between our characters, but I trust you are taking a great lore opportunity, and I am glad I was part of it. Thank you for spending time with me.

Howdy Partner! Working with you in town faction when you were a Judge, working with you when you started your restaurant, and most importantly, working with you on managing our supermarket in Supermarket Together really reflected the amount of care and fun we had together. You declared to be my opp (when you are not qualified) and yet have the audacity to treat me nice. You are a weird person but in a pleasant and good way. I hope your time wasted on hearing my yapperies was time well spent, because I know it was for me! Thank you.

Despite hating to admit this, I believe that my departure is also because I had been receiving some indifference and passive-aggressive attitudes against me. I just want to say that I do not know if I deserve it or not since that is not my say. But if it makes you feel any better, I will let you know that I experienced the death of the person who taught me everything I know: my grandfather and I was not even there when he awaited for me during his last minutes, just because I did not have enough money to fly back and say my goodbyes. I see my family one week a year, and I just pray nothing bad ever happens to them. People here, in America, already do not like me just because of my accent, the way I look, or just because I am a "Foreigner." So, I hope this makes you guys feel any better: I am paying for whatever I did already, and I will keep on doing it, unfortunately. I try my best to be happy, but I cannot deny that I am also human and that I will make mistakes; I just want to clarify that I try.

By experience, I can tell that I tried my best to give joy to the people who gave me a chance to show them who I was. I only hope I did a good enough job to meet your standards. I hope to see you all tomorrow, and the ones who talked to me to remember the laugh because that is what I want you guys to remember. I place my hand on my heart when I say that I love all who were able to love me.

Push for what is right! And goodbye, School Roleplay, you were a good memory.
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Level 21
o7 dude, it's a shame I never got to personally know you but just you mentioning Wuz was huge, I wish people had more appreciation towards her and towards you. I hope you find what you're looking for out there man, stay strong and push for greater things!


Level 29
Community Team
Event Team
Sister Teresa. What a character she is. Having Michele and Pierre know her was a game-changer, firstly because you helped Michele with his lore in his religious beliefs and views, and with Pierre because I saw the corrupted side of your character. . . She needs help.

Don't listen to him guys, Sister Keating is perfectly innocent...
(This departure does not spark joy)


Level 1
Hello everyone! Most of you in this lovely community have zero clue about who I am, and I guess that is okay since I have not talked with many people in this community. For the ones who spoke to me and knew me personally, you probably also know that I have been considering this for a long time now. I am Miamorchito, one of the many people on this server.

SRP has been my comfort zone for a long time. I was more than lucky to meet the people I am friends with, and I proudly say I speak with people all around the globe, and it makes me feel joy in this crazy life I am having. But as the title says, I reached my due date, and I do not think that SRP is giving me the joy that I once had when I started. Some of you already noticed some changes in the way I talk with you, and I am sorry about it; I am just struggling a little with all that is going on. I try my best to be a happy person and make you guys laugh.

This is a goodbye, with the hopes of seeing you in the near future, either in real life or on the server. I am writing this not to tell you that I am leaving because I really do not like talking about this, but because I really could not leave without expressing my gratitude to the ones who spent something that could never be bought with infinite money: Time.

I know she is no longer in SRP, and as a matter of fact, she has not been on for a long time. Back in 2021, this person was one of the most important ones for me because I just arrived in America and I was alone. I had no family or friends in the country at that time, and of course, I was scared. I was not able to talk with my grandfather because he did not know how to use a phone, so I could not tell him how I felt. We not only spent time roleplaying, but we also talked about life, and I cannot say how much I loved those talks. Thank you for your time.

Your character played a crucial role in most, if not all, of the things I did. The disappearance of your character for almost a year made me join GangRP and open a revenge arc on my character, which I absolutely loved. This made me understand not only how SRP works but also helped me engage more with the community, and all of that was indirect because of you. I am grateful for the time we had, and I am happy to know you are back on the server.

I swear to God. . . Our roleplay experience was so funny. I loved talking to you and hearing: "Goddamit Nicolin" on the VC. Taking that aside, you were there when my character first joined Karakura; you saw him fall into the rabbit hole of revenge, and you saved his life. Then the pressure from the Kaizens to make them date and all of that, just wonderful times. It was wonderful. Thank you.

You. . . You were the first person to meet Michele properly. You introduced me to your friends, Ran and Ashlee, and that opened the gates for my roleplay to start. I am super happy to know I spent time with such an active and happy person like you. After a while, we started roleplaying together, which was very nice, but I am sad to know that I did not give you the time you really deserved. I spent too much time being a Lawyer and too little on progressing our roleplay between Miko and Carlo. If I had the chance to change something in SRP, that would have been the only one. You have always been good to me, and I want to thank you for the time we spent.

Despite the very few moments we spend talking and roleplaying nowadays, back when I started, I always found it a refresher when I was with your character. The number of times I was concerned about what Ran Dawson would do really reflected the appreciation I had for the way you just pulled roleplay out of nowhere, and it was super fun. I still remember the one time (Allegedly) when we committed underage drinking and drunk driving, crashing in front of KPD. We should be in prison for that.

Another person who I do not talk to like I used to. I hope your roleplay experience is going better than the last time we spoke. I loved spending time on our so-called "Bandit Combat Style" and just hanging with each other just to spar, and believe it or not, that actually influenced the way of my combat RP. Instead of just the basic /me puch the back of their head (3-0 KO), how about just doing a lock until they cannot fight anymore? I still use it when I have to fight. Thank you, really.

Sister Teresa. What a character she is. Having Michele and Pierre know her was a game-changer, firstly because you helped Michele with his lore in his religious beliefs and views, and with Pierre because I saw the corrupted side of your character. . . She needs help. I still do not forgive Alois, even though I said I did. And you are never gonna hear about that lawsuit ever again, and I told you it was better to just settle. Anyways, I owe you a swimsuit. . . Sorry. Thank you for spending time with me! (Also, if you are wondering, the lawyer ate Pierre).

I never brought Michele to the Kaizens, but you did bring me with Ji! It was a good run having you as the "father-in-law" and also as a father figure when Michele's dad died. It was also good having you as a brother when I made Ji; making him a Kaizen was a choice I will never regret. The support you gave to my character, even though you could argue it was brief, was unreal. You were there in the good and the bad times, more bad than good. I hope you eventually get into KPD! Thank you for your time.

First opp! I will never accept you beating me in a sparring match; I do not care what others say; that never happened! You guided me whenever I had doubts in this crazy world of GangRP and were more than open to asking for my opinion. I also enjoyed the talks we had and the other ones we did not have. I hope I helped you when you needed it, and I can tell you did motivate me to be on par with you in Man'en. (I failed terribly). Thank you for the time. . . And I am listening to that song list from 2019. Say hi to Plop for me!

"Wait. . . I know who you are. . ." It was my first thought when I saw your name in Man'en and in the Government faction when we met again. You crazy guy! I still can hear your laugh in the back of my head. You were an OP lawyer and an incredible person, and you were a good friend to me. Having you as competition for Attorney General in the Government faction made us closer to each other, and this made me focus even more on trying my best, which is one of the things I am glad of. Thank you for being there and for your support.

Knowing you well ever since you decided to create that little character that you planned on just getting rid of, Zuri, I can tell I was glad to know you at the perfect time. I still remember the calls we made when you were heading back home, and just hearing you yell about how bad the drivers were was so funny. You were also there when I got my lawyer position, and you supported me when I felt blue. You are a real one, and your tailoring skills are God-level! Thank you for everything. (Also, I got banned from Sims 4)

My biggest opp right here. Yeah, you get a shoutout as well. You have proven to be one of the good ones in my life in SRP. I always felt proud of myself when I heard you telling me I was a good lawyer, and whenever you came to me for help, it made me feel like I was doing something right with this adventure. I think that giving my last salary to you was an understatement cause you have proven that you deserve way more than you earn. Keep being an opp, and I will remind you that you are afraid of playing Phasmophobia, but you are more afraid of admitting it. Thank you for everything.

The boyfriend of my opp, and ironically, my stinkiest opp. I can tell you one thing about you: you do not give up. You did not give up when racing to AG, and you definitely did not give up when you were banned. I wish you were not banned at all because I know damn well we would be speaking way more than we currently do. I am just glad we never stopped talking, really, and I am glad to know you came back to the Lawyer position because you are definitely an incredible worker. Hope I hear good things about you. . . Stinky. Thank you for being there and for making me laugh.

Our time has been short despite the number of talks we had. You are a special person, not because of your condition, but because of the content of your character. We spent time talking about our time on music and how badly I beat you in chess, and I can tell you that despite our small interactions, their quality is something I am glad to have. You bring joy to people, despite what you may think. Thank you for your time, and I will try my best to be around and tell you that you are a little person despite you being 8'11 or something.

We need more Kaz & Ji moments. Another opp, but this one is a little more compassionate <3. I am glad to have met you in SRP, your character is an absolute pain in the ass, and I am glad I am not your lawyer anymore because I know that if Kaz got into prison, he would have life in prison. You are not quite smart (yk) but you are quite funny, and you were one of Ji's first friends, if not the first friend he had, and I am glad you were the one. Thank you. (Also, I will never explain to you again what a psych eval is; you tested my patience that day).

Pooks. It is time. . . I do not know what to tell you really. You put the trust in me, you showed me unconditional love and appreciation, and you kept being a good friend even though I knew I did not deserve it. I am happy that life placed us together in the photography club and the patience you had in explaining how to edit images when I felt like I was lacking (Needless to say, I still do not know how to do it, but I am still trying). You know that you will be my pooks, even though I am not into guys, but you have a special place in my heart because you deserve it. Thank you for everything, and I wanna see you thrive with that money you are making as a shopkeeper!

Ji's last girlfriend is probably one of the people who made Ji step up his game to become a more professional person. You are, without a doubt, a special person for my character as you helped him with a lot, and I mean a lot, of stuff, and you also were there for me locally whenever I needed it. I feel kind of sad about how roleplay ended up between our characters, but I trust you are taking a great lore opportunity, and I am glad I was part of it. Thank you for spending time with me.

Howdy Partner! Working with you in town faction when you were a Judge, working with you when you started your restaurant, and most importantly, working with you on managing our supermarket in Supermarket Together really reflected the amount of care and fun we had together. You declared to be my opp (when you are not qualified) and yet have the audacity to treat me nice. You are a weird person but in a pleasant and good way. I hope your time wasted on hearing my yapperies was time well spent, because I know it was for me! Thank you.

Despite hating to admit this, I believe that my departure is also because I had been receiving some indifference and passive-aggressive attitudes against me. I just want to say that I do not know if I deserve it or not since that is not my say. But if it makes you feel any better, I will let you know that I experienced the death of the person who taught me everything I know: my grandfather and I was not even there when he awaited for me during his last minutes, just because I did not have enough money to fly back and say my goodbyes. I see my family one week a year, and I just pray nothing bad ever happens to them. People here, in America, already do not like me just because of my accent, the way I look, or just because I am a "Foreigner." So, I hope this makes you guys feel any better: I am paying for whatever I did already, and I will keep on doing it, unfortunately. I try my best to be happy, but I cannot deny that I am also human and that I will make mistakes; I just want to clarify that I try.

By experience, I can tell that I tried my best to give joy to the people who gave me a chance to show them who I was. I only hope I did a good enough job to meet your standards. I hope to see you all tomorrow, and the ones who talked to me to remember the laugh because that is what I want you guys to remember. I place my hand on my heart when I say that I love all who were able to love me.

Push for what is right! And goodbye, School Roleplay, you were a good memory.
omg tyyy ❤️❤️

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