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Heartbucks - Anais C. L. Jimenez Benitez


Level 137

• Review took place Sunday, August 26th. •

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Anais C. L. Jimenez Benitez
Food Critic & Shop Owner
Permission was GIVEN to make this thread by DrownYourself and several staff.

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Something to listen to here
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Anais C. L. Jimenez Benitez
Log 237
" I marched down to the office, as usual, getting several texts about a familiar shop deemed, by the owner, 'Heartbucks'.
I went down there, not expecting much as from the last shop I criticed, but upon arrival I was frozen in place. The café looked absolutely stunning! Who knew such a poor and deadbeat town like Karakura can have the money to build this?
I had a conversation with the owner, I was quite shocked my name would go around that fast, as she knew me as the critic who made the article on Kiyouri Café. The owner gave me permission to make an article about their shop, and so I will be overnight. "

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The food tasted quite decent. Nothing too bad, nothing too good.
I liked the style they had going though, the interior and exterior.
I ordered a BLT, Sushi Box, Iced Coffee, Onigiri, Ham and Cheese sandwich, and Bacon.

63% / D-

It was decent. I didn't like it, nor did I dislike it.
The structure was decently made, the chef seemed to have worked on it for a few minutes.
The spices were scarce, I didn't see so many additions on the food. Biting into it took quite a while though, it seemed to be taken out of the freezer right when I ordered it and cooked for atleast 30 seconds.
Good food, just warm it up more.
There were several bumps in it though, seeming it was store bought and not actually fresh straight out the bucket.
Rating this one a D-, reason for a D is because it was actually decent. They can do better, and it was most likely a big misunderstanding.

The Sushi Box
A+ / 100%

I hecking love sushi. And this was most likely the best thing out of my day.
Perfect structure! I saw no ridges, crinkles, etc. There was a PERFECT amount of spices and wasabi.
The sushi consisted of Chicken, Wasabi, Kelp, and Rice. The chicken was really good. Well cooked too. The kelp was only a tad bit too dry, but I can always handle that. The wasabi was about a teaspoon, nicely patted around the chicken. The rice surrounded the entire piece, making you see none of the ingrediants inside. Kind of like a rice ball surprise.
"TL;DR", this meal was absolutely stunning. Great job.
Rating this an A+.

The Iced Coffee
B- / 83%

It was well made. The Iced Coffee consisted it's main ingrediants, ice and coffee, and a few other additions to it as well.
The whip cream on it was a tad bit odd and the straw looked crooked and used.
But writing this got me to think about it more, so the score on the paper will be different than the score here.
There was a nicely patted spice around the whip cream. While tasting it, it tasted like cocoa.
I drank the entire thing, it really gave me a kickstarter. I liked it, but they can always do better.
It felt a tad bit warm, still cold, but a tad bit warm.
Rating this a B-.

The Onigiri
A- / 91%

Nicely structured. There was a tad bit too many spices on it, making it a bit too visable.
The Onigiri was honestly pretty good.
Writing this, I remember how it went. Therefore it dropped a few percentages.
Overall, the Onigiri tasted pretty good, maybe not good enough, but it was still pretty good.
I feel like they could have done better with the spices and added more "fun" to it. It looked pretty bland, but we aren't always focusing on the look of it.

Rating this one an A-.

The H&M Sandwich
C+ / 78%

Pretty decent. The structure was also pretty uneven though. I saw it too much of a fast food lookalike. It would trigger a lot of people with OCD.
Tasting it, I was honestly a bit shocked. There was the perfect amount of ingrediants. Although, it was a bit TOO cold. I expected it to be warmed up more. This wasn't exactly my favorite piece of food in there.
They can always do better, and I am sure they always go quick when making these. So I'll rate it a C+.

The Bacon Strip
C- / 73%

Honestly, kind of disappointed in this piece. There wasn't as much "pizzazz" in it as I thought. It was a tad undercooked.
I shouldn't really have expected much though, it was just a strip of bacon.
Therefore I'm going to make this one short and say they could've done way better.

Rating this one a C-.

The Shop
It was stunning. Everything was very spaced out, the seating areas, the worker areas. I liked the interior more than I did on the exterior though. This is what I expect to see from the rest of the shops in Karakura.
Very well done.
I expect to come back here and have a more in depth conversation with Zaryia and see what the average worker's job is like.

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The shop will get a B- from me.

Safety: B- / 84%

Health: C+/ 79%

General Grade: B-
General Grade (%): 89%

Recommendation: Come to the shop! From experience, everything is very tidy and clean.

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Anais C. L. Jimenez Benitez
"Very well done, Heartbucks."

Was this acceptable enough? Will I not get some rude comments for the grading on this shop next time?


Level 231
Kinda ironic that you've judged every other restaurant shop (Which is active) except for your own.


Level 137
Thread starter
Well, what other active restaurant shops are there? Because, I ain't seeing any
Mhm mhm, I see what you're saying.
why would one critic go and critic their own shop when they can just do their job as an owner.

And it isn't my fault barely no other shop is active mate, tell that to the owner of them.


Level 231
Mhm mhm, I see what you're saying.
why would one critic go and critic their own shop when they can just do their job as an owner.

And it isn't my fault barely no other shop is active mate, tell that to the owner of them.
not blaming you for other peoples failures


Level 65
I MEAN....

shouldnt you like,,, be more active,,, with UR shop??? idk man,,, it never opens..

also not to mention these are rigged because u hate kitty and love drownyourself or whatever


Level 231
How are you even supposed to mark food? All of it comes from the same area, so it makes sense for it all to taste the same


Level 137
Thread starter
I MEAN....

shouldnt you like,,, be more active,,, with UR shop??? idk man,,, it never opens..

also not to mention these are rigged because u hate kitty and love drownyourself or whatever
idk man i swear i could've made a schedule for when im on and when im not lemme check

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