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PENDING | Taser and Mido'ing Suggestions

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Level 13


What I suggest is for tasers to be tweaked a little bit, I feel like, in some instances, they are pretty overpowered.

You could tweak the first part by making the cops not able to insta-tase. Lets put an example into this suggestion, I was running away from the cops, but I had gotten cuffed, then I had rolled to resist the arrest, in which I had won it. Then I didn't even have time to move, because I was just tased instantly. In my opinion, I had felt that was unfair because even though I had won the roll, I had no time to run. I think that players should have at least five seconds to be able to run.

The second suggestion would be the cops having to do an action to taze someone, just like how every other player has to action for everything, even going behind someone. I'm not saying they have to roll for the taze, because it's a tase. But I feel like they should have to do something like, /me tases. If there are multiple people they're chasing, maybe specifying the person they're trying to taze. For example, /me tases "ONE". But once you do the action, you may shoot your taser.

These suggestions would add a sense of realism to CopRP, since you would be actually making sense, instead of tasing someone out of nowhere, which isn't really realistic, or fair. I also understand that the roleplay can't be 100% real, but I think these suggestions would be fairer to the player being chased, or arrested.

Because if you really look into it, it has come to the point that you have to roll to take out your katana for example, and roll to stab someone. I feel like these rules, should be applied to cops.

You may not agree with one, or both of these, but this is just what I think.

Going to refine my point on Mido'ing. As I had been told from people giving me feedback, I had found out that you are able to have 7 seconds towards still being awake.

But I also found out, towards that point, that during that 7 seconds, you can't do anything, which means, it is very unfair, due to the fact that, why would they give you 7 seconds, if you can barely do anything. It's the same thing as being instantly knocked out, mind as well be instantly knocked out, then being paralyzed for 7 seconds, barely able to do anything.

To change this, you may give the player being Mido'ed at least 30 seconds to react to the Mido.
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Level 13
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I fully agree on the insta tazing part, but not for the action one as that's gonna be very hard to keep up with.

I do feel however that the EMS should get their mido fixed

1. they dont have to roll for it, it is instant honor|
2. it is instant KO.
3. you don't gain any permission on them and no mug permission on the weapon

its like they're assasins or somethin-
Yeah, I feel like my second point is pretty flimsy, but the point of insta-tasing part shouldn't be allowed.

Adding onto your point, I do fully agree on you being able to mug their injections, and they should have to roll for their supposed mido'ing, as it is very over-powered, and shouldn't be allowed, they act as if it is like a Glock of some sorts, not even the police-force has a weapon, that can insta KO.

Again, I do feel like my second point is pretty flimsy, and would be kind of unfair, but the first point is very true.


Level 133
I feel as if cops and gangrpers should have equal power in some sense. I understand the reasoning behind it but it gets to the point where people dont even feel like rping with cops.

I feel as if gangrpers should start detailing everything they do more. Seeing gangrpers walking up and doing /me stabs carotid isn't even roleplaying in my eyes. It's not contributing to the story, it's not fun, and its certainly not real rp. As someone who details even against opponents that are almost impossible to detail with (cops) I want gangrp to be something that is realistic while also being fun. At the moment modern gangrp is just kids going around flexing their kill count and thinking they're better than others for doing /me stabs carotid and /roll 150. Let me explain something to you. There is no skill at all in GangRP. There is a way to make it an actual skill but for some reason nobody does that besides a select few like me. I'm going to suggest something to any gangrper thats actually reading this. Learn p2l. It adds fun, realism, and a lot more to your roleplay experience. You're not better than someone for doing /me stabs carotid. You're basically seeing whoever types it faster then saying that you're a better gangrper because of that.

In all honesty I'm thinking of making some kind of post on how GangRP should work in my eyes. It's not going good right now and I consider it shameful that players are acting like this.

I honestly feel bad for every CopRPer out there in modern day SchoolRP. You get claims of "Oh my god you metagamed!!!" almost daily. You guys have to put up with a struggle only because most modern day gangrpers lose their characters and get salty about it. The reason I'm actually writing about CopRPers though is because you guys take a huge part in GangRPers detailing more. I know a lot of people have wanted this and you guys probably get annoyed about it. I feel as if you should either have to action to shoot your glock/tazer or roll. I understand why this hasn't been done yet but for GangRPers to actually be able to have fun with rivalries against the KPD this will need to happen. I feel that one of the main reasons for GangRPers not detailrping when they fight cops is because they literally cant. By the time they're done typing out a whole detailed action they could've probably been shot like 100 times. I'm not complaining against the way the police work or anything, I'm just trying to make SchoolRP a fun and fair place to roleplay.

I feel that GangRPers should have a rule in place so they're forced to detailrp while they're in the middle of gangrp. Though, for this to happen I feel that police need to become slightly less overpowered. This will give a chance for both GangRPers and CopRPers to have fair rivalries and fights against each other.


Level 9
I dont have much of a say in this because I am an officer, but here is what I think.
For your insta tazing, it is a bit unfair if I were the person who won the roll. But if tasers are nerfed more than they are right now, it wont be fair on the officers side.
But if we do an action to taze people, lets say we are chasing someone and we had to type /me tases [rpname], the person would be long gone by the time we have typed it, and they can just say they didnt see the action in chat. Plus officers are still so outnumbered in most situations, if you balance the power between cops and gangrpers, cops will never win in any situation at all.
If you were to add realism to CopRP, if an officer's life is in danger they will have a radio or panic button to alert every officers in the radio, and a lot would show up in no time, and for that those who is attacking the officers will get shot on site. So unless theres something added to it, realism is off the topic here.


Level 13
Ok I’m going to explain the mido a little so you guys understand a little bit about it.

1. We only can use it if people are getting violent like very violent like when pulling out katanas and kuris. Or attacking us in some way.

2. It isn’t exactly instant KO as you have 7 seconds until you go down.

3. It shouldn’t be muggable for several reasons, it was taken off the BMD for a reason. The only reason why EMS has it is because they have it irl, another thing is that EMS don’t have actual weapons or fighting experience/training unlike Gangrpers and Cops. Mido is literally our only way to protect ourselves or patients from harm.

4. We have to be EXTREMELY close to you, basically we have to be close to you to even use it.

5. Another thing is that mido isn’t a weapon, the reason why it doesn’t give you ANY perms is because it’s not causing any harm to your character.

6. You are only out for 5 OOC minutes with a maximum of 15 minutes OOC, basically we have to do everything in 5 - 15 minutes OOCly or else we cannot mido you again and you wake up, the facts are that we only can use mido 3 times since overdose things.

7. The EMS have no chance in fighting back against gangrpers or people attacking them in any other way, if it were to be nerfed it would have to be very small changes or else basically every EMS would be useless to treat any patient with Gangrp situation or just any gangrp situations at all.

8. Within EMS we have rules about using it, that are pretty booked.

Overall the EMS aren’t using it to kill you or harm you in any sort of way and again they can’t defend themselves in any other way like you guys, that’s why there’s no perms though it used to be. If you have any questions/concerns about mido feel free to go to the hospital discord and go to #help.


Level 13
Thread starter
Ok I’m going to explain the mido a little so you guys understand a little bit about it.

1. We only can use it if people are getting violent like very violent like when pulling out katanas and kuris. Or attacking us in some way.

2. It isn’t exactly instant KO as you have 7 seconds until you go down.

3. It shouldn’t be muggable for several reasons, it was taken off the BMD for a reason. The only reason why EMS has it is because they have it irl, another thing is that EMS don’t have actual weapons or fighting experience/training unlike Gangrpers and Cops. Mido is literally our only way to protect ourselves or patients from harm.

4. We have to be EXTREMELY close to you, basically we have to be close to you to even use it.

5. Another thing is that mido isn’t a weapon, the reason why it doesn’t give you ANY perms is because it’s not causing any harm to your character.

6. You are only out for 5 OOC minutes with a maximum of 15 minutes OOC, basically we have to do everything in 5 - 15 minutes OOCly or else we cannot mido you again and you wake up, the facts are that we only can use mido 3 times since overdose things.

7. The EMS have no chance in fighting back against gangrpers or people attacking them in any other way, if it were to be nerfed it would have to be very small changes or else basically every EMS would be useless to treat any patient with Gangrp situation or just any gangrp situations at all.

8. Within EMS we have rules about using it, that are pretty booked.

Overall the EMS aren’t using it to kill you or harm you in any sort of way and again they can’t defend themselves in any other way like you guys, that’s why there’s no perms though it used to be. If you have any questions/concerns about mido feel free to go to the hospital discord and go to #help.
I'm wondering if you're able to use your weapon, inside of that 7 second time stamp. As in are you able to do something, before you go down?


Level 13
Yeah I get you, but with your 2. point, the EMS act as if it is INSTANT, as they just stab you, and you're done for. I probably just say that they do not enforce that rule, with the 7 second thing
Actually it’s usually up to you guys to RP it out since there’s not much we can do within that 7 seconds. I usually wait a bit before I do anything seeing if they’ll RP it out but yeah. If anything just RP out the last 7 seconds but again it doesn’t give u any perms so. If you see any hospital staff not doing it just dm a higher up or feel free to dm me and I’ll just send a quick reminder that’s a thing. But yeah you can RP something out but remember during those 7 seconds you are feeling super sleepy.


Level 13
Thread starter
Actually it’s usually up to you guys to RP it out since there’s not much we can do within that 7 seconds. I usually wait a bit before I do anything seeing if they’ll RP it out but yeah. If anything just RP out the last 7 seconds but again it doesn’t give u any perms so. If you see any hospital staff not doing it just dm a higher up or feel free to dm me and I’ll just send a quick reminder that’s a thing. But yeah you can RP something out but remember during those 7 seconds you are feeling super sleepy.
Alright thank you, but yeah, if you already have permissions on that specific hospital staff, I imagine you can stab them, if you're quick enough. But adding onto Kana's point, since DetailRP takes a bit, do we have to abide completely by the 7 second rule. As in, once the 7 second timer starts, are you able to add some time to that, since you had already started your action when it had first started. This question might seem a little bit confusing.


Level 13
Alright thank you, but yeah, if you already have permissions on that specific hospital staff, I imagine you can stab them, if you're quick enough. But adding onto Kana's point, since DetailRP takes a bit, do we have to abide completely by the 7 second rule. As in, once the 7 second timer starts, are you able to add some time to that, since you had already started your action when it had first started. This question might seem a little bit confusing.
Nope I understand what you mean completely. But I’d assume if it’s a bit over then it doesn’t matter but if it’s over maybe 30-40 seconds probably not? I’d have to ask my higher ups if I’m being honest, if you do have perms already on that hospital staff I would assume you could but if you want I can ask and get back to you on that with more of a definite answer.


Level 13
Thread starter
Nope I understand what you mean completely. But I’d assume if it’s a bit over then it doesn’t matter but if it’s over maybe 30-40 seconds probably not? I’d have to ask my higher ups if I’m being honest, if you do have perms already on that hospital staff I would assume you could but if you want I can ask and get back to you on that with more of a definite answer.
Sure, if you'd like to take a bit out of your time. My discord is exua #1155


Level 13
It makes a lot more sense to me now, but i feel like hospital staff dont fearrp at all because of it
The thing about that is that the hospital staff are trained to stay calm in situations like when kids jump off the roof or when a stab happens. If we aren’t calm we cannot treat any patients at all, I understand we may have to fearrp if we are threatened but usually we cannot fearrp because the only reason we are involved in those situations are if someone is hurt, can’t really fearrp while you’re focused on medicalrp.


Level 133
I dont have much of a say in this because I am an officer, but here is what I think.
For your insta tazing, it is a bit unfair if I were the person who won the roll. But if tasers are nerfed more than they are right now, it wont be fair on the officers side.
But if we do an action to taze people, lets say we are chasing someone and we had to type /me tases [rpname], the person would be long gone by the time we have typed it, and they can just say they didnt see the action in chat. Plus officers are still so outnumbered in most situations, if you balance the power between cops and gangrpers, cops will never win in any situation at all.
If you were to add realism to CopRP, if an officer's life is in danger they will have a radio or panic button to alert every officers in the radio, and a lot would show up in no time, and for that those who is attacking the officers will get shot on site. So unless theres something added to it, realism is off the topic here.

I understand that completely. I can see where you're coming from but what I'm saying is GangRPers need to change so cops can change. If we want CopRP to turn realistic there needs to be some kind of rule in place to stop those things from happening. For example, instead of a GangRPer being allowed to do "/me stabs" they're forced to do a detailed action or the situation gets voided. For this to happen though, cops will also need to be nerfed a bit to make it fair for all players.


Level 183

- A response will be given to this after further discussion amongst our team, thanks for the feedback.​
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