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Recent content by .Arkkwolf

  1. .Arkkwolf

    A true, and final goodbye. One long awaited for.

    I'm proud to call you my friend Ethan, THIS MADE ME CRY! The letters were so cute, I didn't know you were gonna write this much??? <3 what a slay nearly five years it has been.
  2. .Arkkwolf

    Jan Kims Art Portfolio

    Every time I view this thread I can't get over how diverse this portfolio is, the different styles really show your level of technique. Literally blows my mind! Awesome work <3
  3. .Arkkwolf

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Main Character Syndrome

    I used to actively refer to any students fighting ghosts as having main character syndrome when I was in the shrine. This is gold, and the drawings PEAK (seriously love this)
  4. .Arkkwolf

    The lost pages. || Kaoru Jin-Ryuk Hattori

    This is so cool! I seriously love the creativity of this, feels like a really neat diary :3
  5. .Arkkwolf

    Emiko Tokugawa | Please share all screenshots

    I looked through most of my old SS, unfortunately, I couldn't find the really old ones (Grade-12 Emiko), but I did find this silly interaction from when Akiyo was a maiden. She was truly an inspiration to the community, and brought so much to the table in terms of qualityRP, sincere OOC...
  6. .Arkkwolf


    -1 too many roles, not to mention it would be odd as a stand-alone role not apart of a faction. If anything why not let school librarians also manage the city library? I believe for a time this was an aspect of the server.
  7. .Arkkwolf

    best family in srp GO!

    Saiky has my heart, but I'm gonna say Kaeda (not biased). Lore families in general are slay!
  8. .Arkkwolf

    help need for a biography heh

    Hello ^-^ firstly very slay you're making a biography for your character. To begin, it depends what kind of biography you want to make. Some are fully typed with images, while some are made on apps like Canva (I use this one often and its really customizable). Its also really helpful to...
  9. .Arkkwolf

    Show me your character's best glow up through-out the years

    Had to go WAY back in order to make this! This is my longest running character and she's still alive (just shelved but might make a return soon).
  10. .Arkkwolf

    What character role has the most aura

    Director or Architect (I see these sometimes and I think it looks awesome ^-^)
  11. .Arkkwolf

    SRP Question - New Player Edition

    "How do I earn money?" & "Where do I get food?" "How do I get [insert faction/whitelist role here]?" "How do get housing?"
  12. .Arkkwolf

    Hanae Kaeda 花恵 - 嘉枝 [The Matriarchal Historian]

    LORE REVIVISION || Hanae Kaeda -Updated Relations (feel free to dm/reply to this post if I missed your character) -Lore Revision - completely rewritten backstory, with similar concepts, but a more consistent theme to the Kaeda Lore (including the addition of Umeko Otori-Kaeda) -Post retitle -...
  13. .Arkkwolf

    I cannot :( my original forums account from way back when still exists with the name (I lost the...

    I cannot :( my original forums account from way back when still exists with the name (I lost the password...)
  14. .Arkkwolf

    Lets sing the ABC’s

  15. .Arkkwolf

    Crovantist Introduction

    ooc toxicity, mods ban him! (what a silly goofy)