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Recent content by CandyAngel017

  1. CandyAngel017

    Loki's (4th) Item Request | APEX...WHEN I CATCH YOU APEX HOSTING..!!

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Coffee table (Right and left halves), Stool, Desktop Computer, Desk, clothes rack, toaster, kettle. EVIDENCE: These screenshost contains all of my items. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Okay, Staff, You're gonna get a kick out of this one. So I made the stupid...
  2. CandyAngel017

    Open college applications (temporarily)

    +1 but i refuse to elaborate why
  3. CandyAngel017

    My furniture is gone..Reduced to atoms | Furniture Item(s) Request

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Coffee table (Right and left halves), Stool, Desktop Computer, Desk, clothes rack. EVIDENCE: These screenshot contains all of my items. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: So during the business park re-design all my placeables got #nuked and then #reducedtoatoms and...
  4. CandyAngel017

    Can I please Have my furniture back :(

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Coffee table (Right and left halves), Stool, Desktop Computer, Desk, clothes rack. EVIDENCE: This screenshot contains 4/5 of my items. I cannot locate screenshots of my table, but that's fine. I can just buy it again! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Usually my...
  5. CandyAngel017

    Loki's Awesome Question (Real, Not Fake.)

    So, I've been a member of the SRP Community for a tiiiny bit. I came in with the surge of players during the pandemic and honestly, didn't expect to form a real connection to it. BOY WAS I WRONG! One thing that's always interested me were the language plugins. I think they're neat and are a...
  6. CandyAngel017


    Mint Koji slayed guys ong.....
  7. CandyAngel017

    CandyAngel suggests something revolutionary (real)

    IGN: CandyAngel017 DATE: 02/14/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to start this off by saying I can completely understand why this is a concern although I can’t seem to understand why a workaround can’t be created. There is such an easy way to do this in my opinion, which...
  8. CandyAngel017

    Please return my Items. I lost them in a wipe my friend did in his apartment (LOL)

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: -Blue Convertable (I, unfortunately, have no idea what the car name IS I just have pictures of me with it.) -Cuddle Bear Hat -Wedding Ring -Neentendo 3ds EVIDENCE: I have these two screenshots because at the time of writing this, I had no other proof...
  9. CandyAngel017

    My car imploded and i want it back

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1966 Mustang GT EVIDENCE: (Inventory opens at around 0:24 mark and you can see the car in it, I even drive it.) I also have a ss of me in the car ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Not gonna lie I had to find out that...
  10. CandyAngel017

    introduction application

  11. CandyAngel017

    Goodmorning everyone. God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem :)

    Goodmorning everyone. God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem :)
  12. CandyAngel017

    love sword do be morphing

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Love Sword EVIDENCE: [screenshot] ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: when will it end.
  13. CandyAngel017

    Ribbon Backpack Glitch

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Ribbon Backpack EVIDENCE: [screenshot] ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: help me
  14. CandyAngel017

    Martin A. Taketa

    martin do be kinda fresh doe.. . .. . . . .
  15. CandyAngel017

    Gun glitch again

    IGN: CandyAngel017 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Sand dashed berf gun EVIDENCE: Screenshot ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It's berf or nothing