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Recent content by daiizydayz

  1. daiizydayz

    Oh, dearest SchoolRP...

    we will miss you ten, thank you for the amazing memories and best of luck with everything ♡ o7
  2. daiizydayz

    hai alec

    hai alec
  3. daiizydayz

    hi alec

    hi alec
  4. daiizydayz

    Item Request | Daiisy_

    hei i lost two of my furniture items please help (·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ) items: - Carpet "Persian" - Table Set "Baking" evidence : carpet evidence baking set evidence tysm!!
  5. daiizydayz

    Crovantist Introduction

    is that Cro or am I trippin'?
  6. daiizydayz

    The Delicacy of the DeLucas | Yamato DeLuca-Hanazono Biography

    I don't know this character but I love him already, W biography
  7. daiizydayz

    Library Upgrade

    -1 It defeats the purpose of the librarian occupation.
  8. daiizydayz

    KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura's Current Handbag Craze?

    I love this, W report!!
  9. daiizydayz

    move onrain to discord

  10. daiizydayz

    What would your character order from McDonalds?

    I feel like I'm making this a harder question than it probably is, but; Nahri Ryu: spicy mccrispy, a medium fry, and a water Asao Uemara: an m&m mcflurry Taiyo Onitake: 2 big macs, 2 large fries, 2 oreo mcflurries, 2 hashbrowns (his twin would kill him if he didnt buy two of everything)...
  11. daiizydayz

    I'll teach you after I figure it out ..

    I'll teach you after I figure it out ..
  12. daiizydayz

    ◞ Viktoriya Trusova; The Biography ◟

    I love this .. live laugh Viktoriya MacAlasdair
  13. daiizydayz

    Now an Ex-Media Team

    o7! Thank you so much for everything you've contributed!!
  14. daiizydayz

    Auction House app on Phones!

    -1, I agree with jaelya's point