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Recent content by Imdaalex

  1. Imdaalex

    Accepted Troy's Chef Application Imdaalex

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Imdaalex Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes it's iamdaalex How old are you? (Optional): I am 24 years old What is your time zone?: Central European Standard Time GMT+1 Describe your activity on the...
  2. Imdaalex

    Report on Yonio

  3. Imdaalex


    IGN: Imdaalex VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Sailor Moon Wand EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: have a good day
  4. Imdaalex


  5. Imdaalex

    KARAKURA NEWS | Best Places to Hang out in Karakura!

    I mean you are not wrong these are some good hang out places :D
  6. Imdaalex

    heyoooo how are you all

    heyoooo how are you all
  7. Imdaalex

    Thoughts on my mom?

    LOL this title is amazing keeps this going LMFAO
  8. Imdaalex

    "Remove you're ticket"

    IGN: Imdaalex DATE: 10/25/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The new ticket is good but adding a "Remow your ticket" after you got it done or when you don't need help anymore so you can't make another one if you really need one HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: So we all know...
  9. Imdaalex

    aPP HELP

    click here and you will see a format about what language you want after you got thr format go here to creat your application
  10. Imdaalex

    because they never GET groceries :o

    because they never GET groceries :o
  11. Imdaalex

    irl no

    irl no
  12. Imdaalex

    Looking f-for a b-bf

    K good luck ?
  13. Imdaalex

    Halo Sugimoto's character Biography

    for now :>
  14. Imdaalex

    What is your favourite SRP Moment?

    still troy is my moment :>