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Recent content by Joe.exe

  1. Joe.exe

    Purchasing Character Slots

    I see what you mean, I thought everyone could buy whatever they wanted. Maybe it's because I'm omega rank
  2. Joe.exe

    Purchasing Character Slots

    This is a really good suggestion, but we can already do this for $7 (if I remember correctly)
  3. Joe.exe

    Allowing us to delete comments from OnRain posts

    +1 Yes, I think it is necessary. Not everyone will like these comments, even if it's IC. Or, if your character doesn't like the comment, The character(you) can delete it, just like we do in real life.
  4. Joe.exe

    New Subject: Computer Science

    I am a computer science student and I can tell you that it is not easy and boring, especially in the context of RP, where we cannot guarantee that everyone will be interested. I want to say that SRP is a roleplaying server, not academic. Of course, I'd also love to hear what you'd do to make it fun?
  5. Joe.exe

    Dawn of the Androids - Synthars (Robots)

    If I understand correctly, you mean to create an "Academy City" inside "A Certain Magical Index"? And use these bots? No, it's not feasible, the technology is not at that level yet, and I can't imagine how these bots would cause chaos to the existing RP on the server.
  6. Joe.exe

    Joe_Kurumi | Maiden Application

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name): Joe_Kurumi What is your discord username?: joe_kurumi What is your timezone?: PST Describe your activity on the server: If I remember correctly, I joined SRP in early 2021 and joined the Council in May of that year, until I left in mid-2023 due to my...
  7. Joe.exe

    Okinawa Cultural Event (Or what ever Island they want to name it)

    I think this happened once before, I think it was... Paris?
  8. Joe.exe

    Faster Swim Attribute ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)

    +1 I don't remember how I got through 50% and now I'm only at 60%, the rest are all 100% (except for that average) Swimming is different from speed and jumping, the rest can be increased at ordinary times, but swimming will not
  9. Joe.exe

    cars turned into items

    IGN: Joe_Kurumi items: Black Mercedes - SuperFast Engine™ - Huge Tank - Racing Brakes cars are almost full of gas. Additional Notes: I want to use my car, so I right-click on the ground and my car becomes an item... Vehicle upgrades are extremely expensive, please be sure to return my...
  10. Joe.exe

    Crowbars being legal

    Probably because the crowbar can be used to break down doors.
  11. Joe.exe

    Missing item

    IGN: Joe_Kurumi item: Cherry Blossom Fan evidence: additional information: Sorry, I forgot that we can't right click on an item to open our School Planner.
  12. Joe.exe

    /feed command for people without ranks - PREVENTING Pay2Win

    We are talking about F+ Rank /feed, the one you listed is not F+.
  13. Joe.exe

    /feed command for people without ranks - PREVENTING Pay2Win

    You are quite right, /feed is definitely p2w, but that is the function of rank, if there is no exclusivity, believe me, many people will not buy rank. (Are Tags, Gadgets, Pets, Models, Nicknames attractive? For most people, of course not! Chat color? No need! Ads? I can totally block them with a...
  14. Joe.exe

    バケツ罰 (baketsu batsu) – Holding the Bucket as Mild Disciplinary Action

    +1 Yeah, that sounds cute, I agree.
  15. Joe.exe

    Missing item

    IGN: Joe_Kurumi items: Pink Smartphone (Jelly) (It should be a pink phone with a jellyfish on the screen.) (This name is most likely wrong, sorry I don't remember the exact name of this phone and I couldn't find its details in all my screenshots.) Additional Information: I right-clicked on the...