players online

Recent content by philbertman42

  1. philbertman42

    when the world needed him most, he refused to appear (ion wanna)

    when the world needed him most, he refused to appear (ion wanna)
  2. philbertman42

    Official SchoolRP Time to Real Time Calculator

    i can only turn it to like a 90 degree angle, what do i do
  3. philbertman42

    Official SchoolRP Time to Real Time Calculator

    downloaded the script and ran it on my browser is this normal
  4. philbertman42

    Bail or release notification

    Back when I was playing my first teacher character and I got arrested for the goofiest of reasons all the time, random people would always bail me out; usually I was online when it happened, since I would be bailed almost immediately after being arrested (back when this was an option). One time...
  5. philbertman42

    Location rebrand to america

  6. philbertman42

    Automated Class System

    Unpopular opinion here, but I think that most of what our teachers / professors are currently doing could be accomplished by NPCs. To be more specific, any non-roleplay oriented activity (such as lectures, written assignments, and even most quiz games) could probably be automated. Of course, it...
  7. philbertman42

    Who is/was your favorite character to roleplay on ?

    Asuka Deguchi, 100%. There are very few times where I'm not enjoying myself when I play her, because she's silly and dumb and the unresolved trauma in her life makes her quirky and funny haha. I do like playing my more grounded character as well, but sometimes it's fun to just turn my brain off...
  8. philbertman42

    Make the tutorial more new player friendly.

    This could be done with two simple steps (which honestly I assumed had already been implemented a long time ago): 1. Add a disclaimer which recommends new players to do "/rules" and "/faq" as part of the tutorial 2. Update "/faq" with SRP's new(ish) "Knowledge Base" page, which replaced the old...
  9. philbertman42

    forums suggestions

    After you post your suggestion, you can edit the message in its entirety if you'd like to remove the questions or change their formatting; as an example, here is a thread where I ignored the format entirely (because TBH it's kind of crusty)...
  10. philbertman42

    Volleyball Court speed boost

    I agree with this, but almost nothing else from your response. We need to understand that not everybody who uses the volleyball plugin knows each of its intricacies, and that the beginning and end of some players gameplay is just left clicking the ball over the net; not everybody needs or wants...
  11. philbertman42

    SRP Joining Reason

    I'd been into roleplaying in minecraft for a while, though before I initially found SRP in 2016 I just frequented my favorite creative server's crappy local plot chat roleplays. I didn't start actively playing SRP until around mid 2018 however, since that's when I grew out of roleplaying on...
  12. philbertman42

    Adding a system of daily quests to SRP

    Daily quests only work in most games because the objectives are built into its core mechanics. You can't inject missions that have nothing to do with the regular gameplay loop without those missions feeling like arbitrary chores. I'll use Hypixel Bedwars as an example. Its daily quests are...
  13. philbertman42

    srp speed !!

    coming from a guy who has grinded to 100% more than a few times, i think speed (and all the other attributes) are kind of cringe because it requires you to spend hours of time not roleplaying on the roleplay-oriented server, just so you can run slightly faster. It'd be cool if attributes had...
  14. philbertman42

    how do i even get popular.

    as literally the most popular and well-renown player on this server, philbertman42, you don't want to be popular like me. Crowds of adoring fans cheer my name every time I enter the server, which means that I can't spend time doing what really matters (AFKing at plaza as I wait for school to...
  15. philbertman42

    Record suggestion