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Adding a system of daily quests to SRP


Level 331
What's your Minecraft Username?: YonioTheNacho
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adding a system of daily quests to SRP

What's your suggestion?:
A lot of people lack motivation to play SRP constantly, and that's because they don't stay online for long enough for a roleplay opportunity to appear. However... we all know that waiting AFK for a long time is boring, so why not spice it up?

My suggestion is to add daily quests that reward the player with money and items and that anyone can carry out regardless of their role. Examples of these quests are:
- Running 1000 metres
- Visiting three hotspots in the map
- Obtaining a Mountain Ruby
- Paying someone 5,000 yen
- Catch a Rare fish

Each of these quests would have an assigned reward, and once all daily quests are completed, Tom Brown can reward you 10,000 yen for your efforts, thus providing a somewhat-consistent method of earning money.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will add an appealing way for new players to earn money while having fun exploring the map and using the server features.


Level 73
Yeah, no, SchoolRP is a roleplay server— not a mi****me with daily quests to complete for extra reward quite frankly. I don't think it's necessary nor do I find a problem with the server's current retention rates! We already have a lot of players on a daily basis.


Level 66
Neutral -1/+1
While i understand why people may be against it, because this is Roleplay server not a RPG, from the other hand a new way to obtain money would be nice, especially for poor people and new players. I’m more into +1 .


Level 34
Not a fan of this suggestion. As somebody whose "motivation" for SRP is beginning to wane, roleplay opportunity is not an issue.

The quest examples you gave seem more like chores, and most of them don't exactly even promote roleplay (apart from the "Give somebody 5,000 Yen" one, which one could argue would be out-of-character for most characters on the server). As has been said before, this is an RP server, not an RPG server, and I'm kinda surprised you were the one who came up with this, considering your experience, Yonio.

The road to player retention is by giving people more roleplay opportunities server-side, not through some roundabout Free-To-Play App attention grabbing (SRP ain't Farm Merge Valley folks), but that's not a discussion to have here.


Level 29
Can't really cheat player retention. If there's nothing to do roleplay-wise, I doubt many would stick around just to do quests. I can't say for sure since that's around the time I myself joined, but SRP seemed to be in its peak around lockdown and covid in general, and now we're just seeing the slow but expected decline of players after a boom like that. Maybe player retention would improve if SRP orchestrates another pandemic?


Level 146
Daily quests only work in most games because the objectives are built into its core mechanics. You can't inject missions that have nothing to do with the regular gameplay loop without those missions feeling like arbitrary chores.

I'll use Hypixel Bedwars as an example. Its daily quests are winning a game, playing 3 games, breaking 3 beds, and getting 15 final kills. Each of these things are achievable within regular gameplay, and players can manage to do this in a reasonable amount of time without going too far out of their way to do it.

The only thing from your list which I would consider to be already part of roleplay is "visiting 3 hotspots," but even then you would need to go out of your way in order to accomplish that (unless you already frequent those places, which most players don't). I don't think there is any quest that you could implement into SRP without it feeling cheap and artificial.

In my opinion, most RPG mechanics are outside of the scope of SRP, and it's likely for the best that is stays that way.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
As good as this suggestion is, I don't think this is something that should be added. Or if it is added, have it be like a 'roleplay' reason behind it


Level 121
Not a fan of this suggestion. As somebody whose "motivation" for SRP is beginning to wane, roleplay opportunity is not an issue.

The quest examples you gave seem more like chores, and most of them don't exactly even promote roleplay (apart from the "Give somebody 5,000 Yen" one, which one could argue would be out-of-character for most characters on the server). As has been said before, this is an RP server, not an RPG server, and I'm kinda surprised you were the one who came up with this, considering your experience, Yonio.

The road to player retention is by giving people more roleplay opportunities server-side, not through some roundabout Free-To-Play App attention grabbing (SRP ain't Farm Merge Valley folks), but that's not a discussion to have here.
While I agree with you, I think this suggestion could more work with newer players if given proper quests, alot of new players usually have a problem with money and since most of the time they dont get a F+, they spend alot of money on food items.
Like Yonio said, this could be a way of getting money daily, especially for newer players as older players tend to not have a problem with money


Level 45

Im negative one/neutral because this would make people find the game as a chore, therefore making new players possibly find SRP unenjoyable as you have to do quests to earn money. Therefore this could make it more harder for new players to find motivation to play SRP to begin with.

Furthermore Shop employee applications are open quite often, which in reality is an easy way to gain money. You apply as if you were applying to a store Irl with reasons etc and with any luck you get hired. Therefore I feel like money will always change when u apply for a job ICLY, so money in terms of new players I can semi see as to why you'd want this however medium-older players shouldn't need stuff like this as in reality they could apply for a faction for money.


Level 116
a big fat +1
we need more daily things to do
and imagine like, running 5000 blocks with your friends as a hike? thats a rp opportunity right there


Level 13
Adding daily quests to SRP would be a game-changer. Right now, a lot of players get bored waiting around for roleplay opportunities, but daily quests like running 1000 meters, catching a rare fish, or visiting hotspots would give everyone something fun to do. Even though SRP isn’t an RPG, these quests fit perfectly by encouraging players to explore and interact with different features of the server, making the gameplay more exciting. Definitely worth a +1!


Level 116
Adding daily quests to SRP would be a game-changer. Right now, a lot of players get bored waiting around for roleplay opportunities, but daily quests like running 1000 meters, catching a rare fish, or visiting hotspots would give everyone something fun to do. Even though SRP isn’t an RPG, these quests fit perfectly by encouraging players to explore and interact with different features of the server, making the gameplay more exciting. Definitely worth a +1!
visiting hotspots would be perfect!! imagine more roleplay at the shrine, zen garden, pier, and family store~


Level 163
This idea seems cool, however, this is a RP server not an RPG server like Wynncraft for an example. Adding quests doesn't seem necessary in my opinion. If SRP was based in the RPG category then it'd make sense for this sort of idea to be implemented. SRP is focused on the roleplay precisely not going around getting daily quests for rewards. Not to forget that /rewards is already a thing where you log into the server every day and claim your free money by typing in that command. It's a slice-of-life roleplay server. People can go explore hotspots, catch a rare fish, and running 1000 meters whenever they want. They don't need quests as a 'motivation' or 'encouragement' to explore the map.

Another issue when it comes to roleplay opportunities to arrive is going AFK. How are you going to get an RP opportunity when you're AFK? If someone wants a roleplay opportunity then go out and run around on the map, approach people and say hi, etc. There are plenty of ways to get an RP opportunity, its not impossible even if it feels like it.

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