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Recent content by soratheonly

  1. soratheonly

    Car doors - CrimeRP

    Staff are there to help, and if you contact staff and they get warned they're less likely to failrp again. If they continuously do it, they'll get banned and you won't have to deal with that unless another person were to do it. It's best to just avoid starting stuff with individuals that failrp...
  2. soratheonly

    Car doors - CrimeRP

    ATP just contact staff, and if it's allowed then maybe the person's backup should've been quicker !
  3. soratheonly

    Difficult to play characters

    my hardest to play character is probably Yong-Sun Seong, because she's strict, but she's real. Although she's not exactly hard to play, she has always been my most emotionally realistic character, and to show her change has been the most difficult part.
  4. soratheonly

    ilym jo

    ilym jo
  5. soratheonly

    Bring back police sirens for vehicles

    +1 I especially use the sound to wake people up
  6. soratheonly

    Oh, dearest SchoolRP...

    o7 Ten, I'm glad we got to meet. <3
  7. soratheonly

    lirically because of KPD a bit more of aeesrd now bc of sports (but still lirically at first glance)

    lirically because of KPD a bit more of aeesrd now bc of sports (but still lirically at first glance)
  8. soratheonly

    Better chances on standoffs to kpd and BMD Events

    -1 KPD is not meant to be fought, and even so you can easily win a fight against someone that has a higher roll chance (speaking from experience)
  9. soratheonly


  10. soratheonly

    Radio Indicator (On/Off)

    I would appreciate this, there are many times I had no idea I turned off my radio and I was just sitting in silence for a hot minute +1
  11. soratheonly

    miss u buddy

    miss u buddy
  12. soratheonly

    We listen we dont judge! SRP edition

    we listen and we don't judge one time I threw my tranq at a criminal on accident and because of that I switched my drop keybind to z
  13. soratheonly

    Driving Attribute!

    -1 A car depends on upgrades, but only has to depend on the driver for steering, which is in no way related to its speed
  14. soratheonly

    A true, and final goodbye. One long awaited for.

    i promise to watch your tiktoks whenever u send them <3
  15. soratheonly

    Usernames for viewing descriptions

    +1 it just makes stuff easier, I always right click people to see their usernames and now I can't do it anymore so it'd be awesome to get that back