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Recent content by Yume_

  1. Yume_

    The Umbra Of Her World | Silence The Lamb - Chapter 2 Finale.

    what a love letter to a wonderful character. to see her backstory in full, years later & the beginning of her decent into madness. im glad that she's grown beyond the hardships.. for the most part. can't ever take the sharp edge from her eyes and the things they've seen. skylar has always been...
  2. Yume_

    .. i remembered the password to my forums account

    .. i remembered the password to my forums account
  3. Yume_

    Event Purge Event Ideas

    maybe a little ambitious, but make it a weekend long event instead of just a day. that way maybe some rp could actually start and the idea of it being an AU could really develop?? the event server can be opened for a couple days, this does mean that it'd need some moderators on it all the time...
  4. Yume_

    Adding a command for Shrine prayers

    One of my favorite things while I was shrine lead, was watching people pray in vanish. It provides an interesting look into characters! +1 all the way. No reason not to implement this
  5. Yume_

    o7 Cloud

    this is so sweet, thank you. ill still be around the server, but ill be continuing to focus on real life :3 all u shrine faction members make the faction what it is. im glad we uplift each other
  6. Yume_

    The horror | Sewers update.

    I think most of this, like the text prompts, would be better suit custom-written for an eventline. There's a couple things I've thought about before that are vaguely similar and it is probably viable.
  7. Yume_

    KARAKURA NEWS | Weddings in Karakura

  8. Yume_


    The faction activity from the workers themselves will not drop because of the tag color. The change to a green tag didn't promote as much activity as I had hoped
  9. Yume_

    Kitsune Niibu!

    THATS MY BOY!!! He looks awesome, I'm excited to see you wear the mask around :3
  10. Yume_


    It's been mentioned by a few others, but during peak hours, shrine is already flushed out of tab due to low "tab priority" even with the green tag. I'm on the fence on which I'd rather have, my faction members are passionate about the tag color and currently the green tag doesn't benefit us...
  11. Yume_

    REMOVE keybinds - tippie

    copy and pasting emotes never should've been allowed again. It used to be against the rules and we managed Pre written actions r the antithesis to rp imo I think copy and pasting for cheer n whatnot is fine though, but it shouldn't be allowed for combat.
  12. Yume_

    New Factions

    The shrine exists too...
  13. Yume_


    honestly, the best advice I can give you: socialize. Meet people who are in factions you're interested in, get to know them ICly and OOCly. Connecting with other players is the best way to get your foot in the door. Your reputation will follow as you continue to meet people. Don't get too tied...
  14. Yume_

    I.D. Shrine Job Inclusion

    +1 I don't know why my faction is left out of certain things like this, I'm sure it's unintentional but if it could be fixed that'd be awesome. Even just "shrine worker" would be fine for the ID name.
  15. Yume_

    Accepted Ahimotu's Maiden Application

    ACCEPTED Thank you for taking your time to apply. As a team we've come to the decision to accept your application. Congratulations on becoming a maiden, if you aren't already, please join the Karakura Town discord and request your roles.