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Pending fifumi | Reporter Application


Level 18
Community Team
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
fifumi | no alts

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

@caysterr | I do have both! However, there will be times I am unable to speak in calls due to my living situation.

List your timezone and country:
MST/GMT-8:00 | USA

Describe your activity:

Due to my current circumstances I'm at home practically all the time. So as you can assume, I spend far too much time on video games then I should if I'm not doing school work. Anyways... my typical availability is as follows;

Most of my time spent on the server is spent, as the server name suggests, role-playing with friends. This can range from planned lore and essays upon essays to just silly slice of life style scenarios! Along side that, I also have an IC I'm a part of family that I spend quite a bit of time planning and hosting occasional events for as well as writing chunky lore pieces. I am also a tailor! I spend ALOT of my time making skin for players on the server, of course in exchange for currency. It's something I do enjoy, though!

I've been involved in a few other factions before this. The first being faculty where I taught as a history teacher! It was a lot of fun, but I quickly got bored and burnt out. There wasn't as much interaction within the faction besides with the students, alongside that I wanted to move on to other things after a few months of teaching. It began to feel repetitive, though I thrived in the chaos of my classes..

After that I joined football. It was a lot of fun being a part of a team and being able to take part of events you don't usually get to as a normal student on the server. But, unfortunately I made the decision to leave due to wifi issues and trouble with the plugin. I felt as if I was holding the team back. I do think that this will be different though. From what I've seen the role of reporter comes with a lot of creative freedom I'd absolutely thrive with along with more potential IC interactions!

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
My motivation to apply for reporter is the potential IC experiences the position offers, as well as continuing to further indulge in my own passion for writing. I'm always looking for new experiences and scenarios in role-play, and I believe being a reporter would provide that. Along side that, there would be ample opportunity for more dynamic and engaging interactions with other players. Conducting research as well as interviews would act as a catalyst for these interactions! Journalism is also something I have yet to dip my toes in even with all my experience, and it would be something I'd love to learn more about as well as grow upon my writing skill well at it.

Along side that, I adore aesthetics, designs, and putting things together. I deeply enjoy the creative process and I think this opportunity would make a lovely outlet for me! That includes screenshots, formatting, graphics, organization, researching, the writing and the bunch. I worked for my old schools monthly newspaper in the past, and its still something I'm fond of today. I loved making things for the community and sharing work I was proud of, it was one of the most liberating feelings I've felt- and that's why I continue on with writing even outside of RP.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Writing has been and always will be a large part of my life. I've been in AP English since freshman year, and I've always excelled in my reading and writing courses way before middle school. There used to be times when I was young when I would sit in bed in the middle of the night and write my own story books with my 3DS acting as a flashlight. Not much has changed since them, except now I'm writing on a screen instead of a flimsy book made of folded up printer paper. I intend to continue with my passion for writing, even into the future as an English teacher and perhaps one day, an author.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I am aware of the set of rules provided and will adhere to them.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I don't believe I am above anybody else. I trust that the faction-lead will accept applicants who best meet their expectations and needs. That being said, I am committed to doing the best I can with my reports- as it would be something I'd deeply enjoy doing. Alongside my motivation for more IC interaction and extensive OOC background in writing! I'd like to think that would give me brownie points.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand that I must stay neutral with all reports.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I am confident I'll be able to stay active, as previously mentioned I'll be stuck at home for a while, so I believe I'd be able to completely the quota!

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I imagine work as a reporter to be an interactive process. First you'd have to make a decision on a topic, which should usually be something of interest to the general public. Afterward's you would decide how you're doing the report. An Interview? An essay? Graphs? Graphics?! Or maybe, a mixture of them all. But you'd need sustenance to fill these things out, so you'd go search for it! This may include interviews with citizens, students, maidens, EMS workers, faculty, or perhaps simply finding books on the topic or informational websites. You'd gather all the information required and move on to the next step, which would be actually writing your report, which would afterwards be met with formatting it to your liking.

[!] The application paper carried the faint scent of chamomile tea, with brown stains trailing along its surface. [!]

Full Name:


Preferred Name/Nickname and Title:
Lián | Miss

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
Fashion Magazine, Blog

People’s Daily [人民日报]
Position: Intern | Employed 2015 - 2018

Xinhua News Agency [新华社]
Position: Journalist | Employed: 2018 - 2024

[!] A small note was put off to the side of the application; I've ran my own blogs and websites in the past as well! [!]


Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication [Donghua University, Shanghai, China]
Bachelor of Fashion Management [Donghua University, Shanghai, China]
GRADUATED: July 3rd, 20XX


People’s Daily [人民日报]
Position: Intern | Employed 2015 - 2018

Xinhua News Agency [新华社]
Position: Journalist | Employed: 2018 - 2024

Nationality and born location:
Chinese | Shanghai, China

[!] Stapled onto the paper neatly was a copy of a green card, reading Yû Lián [!]

Phone Number: 030-529-2552

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
[!] The writing was pristine, as if the woman had to trace the letters from a screen. Perhaps she had. [!]

I am a woman who strives for excellence and gives my all in everything I do. I am passionate about what I do, and I intend to make use of my passion and carry my career further.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
My goal is to write about what people want to know. That may be the latest trends, public opinions on certain personalities, or how people feel about different styles. My aim is to capture the buzz, the drama, the things that will keep readers engaged and interested. I'll always be open to stepping outside of my comfort zone, I believe that limiting yourself isn't where the excitement lies.

What are your expectations for the job?:
I value a healthy work and life balance, as well as a supportive work enviroment. I hope to have time for personal commitments while also being productive at work, and the same would go for my colleagues. I hope to have a good relationship with all of them and offer them feedback and criticism as prompted.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Chinese, JSL, Japanese, German


#1 - General report.


#2 - Interview.

Adult Unemployment in Karakura
Karakura Reporter Application | Self Interview

* How do you spend your days when your not working?
"Hobbies! When your not concerned about making a living it's almost like a whole other world opens up for you. You have a lot more time to indulge in your own interests and spend time with family and friends. I've found that the time I've spent unemployed have been some of my happiest days due to this."

* Do you choose to remain unemployed, or are you having trouble finding employment?
"It's not that I choose to remain unemployed, but it's not that I have trouble finding a job either. I decided to take a break from work upon moving to Karakura to give myself time to adjust to the new culture and spend time with my family I haven't gotten to meet yet. I do think that finding a job here can be challenging due to its competitive nature, but I see it as doing the best you can. If you can meet the standards, great! If you can't, that's just too bad."

* Has unemployment affected your relationship with your family or friends?
"No, not at all, actually. My family is very supportive of me and my aspirations. I've even been freeloading at my mothers and nephews place since I've arrived. They know I want to do something with my life, so they aren't to disappointed or phased about my temporary unemployment. Besides, I have plenty of other family members who simply sit around and do nothing at their grown age who they spend their time bickering with."

* Do you feel like you’ve had more time to focus on personal growth or self-improvement?
"Definitely! I think that has been one of the biggest things about my time spent unemployed. I've gotten to indulge in myself and explore my hobbies and passions so much more than I could when I was employed. There was also a lot of self-reflection on my past company, I had much to look back on and examine, and I've only learned and grown during this time spent away from responsibilities."

* How do you manage your finances and budget while not working?
"Manage... Well, I don't have to do any of that, honestly. My family is pretty well off. If I need or want something they'll get it for me, and they know I'd do the same for them if they were in my situation. It's not like I have any bills to keep up with yet, and food is always in the house, so I've been fortunate."

* How do you keep a sense of purpose during this time without a job?

"I don't think having a job itself gives you a purpose. At least in my opinion, that is. My goal in life is to just live it and learn, explore, and grows as situations and people pass."

* What has been the most rewarding part of being unemployed, if anything?
"Definitely the free time, like I stated before. I've had so much time to reflect on myself and my life and more time to spend on my hobbies and passions. It's been a lovely couple months."

* What has been your biggest source of support during this time?

"My family, of course! They've done nothing but support me since I've landed in Karakura, going as far as to give me food and shelter. They have been a lovely bunch and I hope to repay them in the future. They've been the best thing I could ever ask for in my life and I am beyond grateful to have them."

* Are there any personal habits or lifestyle changes you’ve made during this time that you think are positive?
"I don't think I've made any particular changes besides not getting up to go to work everyday. Of course, not including my previous statements."

* Have you ever felt more pressure or judgment from others about your unemployment status?
"I have, but it's always been passive-aggressive, nothing outright. It's actually pretty common with most people when I talk about my job status. Well, it really depends on the person. Some kids look at you and think your some good for nothing adult just because you've been unemployed for a little bit, and the same goes for some older people themselves. If your not in school and don't have a job, some people see you as inferior."

(sorry if they seem lackluster I have so many good ideas but I wanna save them for actual reports for the community hehe.. I swear I can do more!!!)


Additional Information:
Thank you for your consideration!

Sincerely, Casey

Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application. However, we preferred other applications this time around, so we have chosen to place you on pending!

- The next time a faction member leaves, you will be DMed about the spot opening
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application​

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