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Accepted akselskott4lyfe | Psychiatrist Application


Level 6
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cherae’s ems application.gif
"Fifth times the charm!" - Mei AND Noah

for while you read

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
akselskott4lyfe (applying)
cherae (main)
cherades (alt)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
Honestly, my activity on the server is a bit crazy to hear. . If I'm home, I'm online. It's that simple. It's a rare occurrence that I willingly choose to not be online when I could be. My friends say that I have a problem(?), but I don't really see it that way. (I'm just really dedicated, right?)

If I had to rate my activity, I'd give myself a 9. Giving myself a 10 just feels too much, but it's definitely a close call... I'm online literally every day, ranging anywhere from five hours to twelve/ thirteen hours sometimes. My activity has stayed as such since around June of 2024, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I've gotten pretty good at making time for the server, even when I've got other things going on.

Outside of SRP, I do have some external responsibilities I'd rather not get into on the forums publicly, though if you're curious, I am willing to discuss in DMs. Besides this, I am a full-time student, but it hardly interferes with my time online since I only take one in-seat class a semester, while the rest are all distanced learning classes. Additionally, to note, I'm actually getting married this year in April..... so during that month I will be a pretty busy gal. . Though I fully intend on returning in full swing post-wedding!

During my time on the server per day, I'm rarely AFKing. Even if my game is just open on another monitor while I work on something else, I am still attentive to what's happening around me. That being said, there are occasional moments where I will actually AFK, especially if I have company over or need to step away from my computer for a bit.

What is your time zone?:
My time zone is CST! (GMT-6)

List your current and past applications:


List your current roles on the server:
akselskott4lyfe - [Bear] | [Grade-12]
cherae - [College][M][Volleyball] | [Grade-12] | [Grade-12] | [Grade-7] | [Grade-7]
cherades - [Governor] | [Adult]

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
It's going to sound a little silly, but I actually got my start in roleplaying on Roblox when I was younger. It was easy to get into and accessible almost anywhere I went. I had a lot of fun with it (Well, as much fun as a 12 year old can have on Roblox I guess...) Though, as I got older, I transitioned to a roleplay group on Instagram. . Which is where I picked up the basics and really started to get into it. In 2020, I discovered SRP and fell down the rabbit hole of more detail-focused roleplay. Which I've loved!

Within SRP, my experience is both broad but simple. I've actually been a part of the EMS faction before.. Granted, it wasn't for a long period of time or anything. . But, it gave me some valuable experience to build off of. Most of my time on SRP has been dedicated to the JockRP side of the server. I've been on the College Volleyball team for over a year and a half now! As of (somewhat) recently, I joined the Government faction and have definitely enjoyed my time there. I was accepted in July 2024 and have no intentions on leaving anytime soon. Through it, I've gained more AdultRP experiences I wouldn't be able to gather anywhere else. In a whole, it added a new layer of experience to my time within the community.

Every faction I've dedicated time to has been such a fun time. If given the chance, I'd love to be able to relearn EMS and really give it my all this time.

What is your motivation for applying?
In all honesty, I just miss the faction so much. When I was apart of it before, I didn't fully appreciate how fun it was, and took it for granted. Although that was most likely because I was incredibly busy back then. Now, I've got more time to dedicate to the server. . Almost too much time. I've been feining for the white-tiled building since my return to SRP about a year and a half ago. (If you couldn't tell from my multiple back-to-back applications). After a while of getting denied, I finally decided to take a break from applying, but trust me, I never stopped wanting to rejoin. I'm pretty sure I'm actually down bad for the EMS faction at this point.

Beyond just missing the faction, my motivation to apply; specifically for the psychiatric department, stems from my love of being a good listener. I've always been the type of person that anyone and everyone can talk to. Whether it's about their problems, emotions or just random thoughts. . I genuinely enjoy being there for others. Additionally, OOCly, I’ve taken multiple psychology classes, and I’ve absolutely adored them. If pursuing psychology full-time was a more realistic career path for me, I’d do it, no questions asked. But, unfortunately, that’s not the direction I’m able to take in real life so SRP is the closest I can get to experiencing something close. I'd love the opportunity to create interactions that fuel both my love for psychology and detailRP.

When it comes to the actual EMS faction, I love the roleplay experiences that can be gained from it. Getting to work alongside KPD is something I'd love to do since I'm unable to be in KPD itself. (Government faction swag). Not to mention, I'd get to meet so many lovely people and be part of such a cool group! (Not glazing). I've also got a good chunk of friends within the faction who absolutely love it and have told me to apply over and over. . Hearing them talk about it just makes me want to jump back in even more. So here I am. . Applying for the fifth time, ready to give it another shot. Not that I'm desperate or anything. . . . .

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)
I am applying for Psychiatrics! (If being accepted as a doctor is what's able to get me into the faction, I am willing.)

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
(This is to gauge at your current understanding of the faction prior to acceptance)

As of this moment, I know my knowledge is probably not the best. . It's been a few years!
With that being said, I know that the hospital, like KPD, works in ranks. . Making your way up it is the goal, right?

TraineeTrainee is the entry-level rank of the hospital staff, essentially, the 'babies' of the faction. They're still in the learning phase of it all, undergoing training and before they take their exam to move up. During this stage they're not able to do a lot of the hospital's responsibilities, but there is still some for them to do. Shadowing the higher-ranked staff, assisting with minor tasks, learning how to handle patients on their own; just the little things. The training stage is crucial for building a foundation of knowledge for the hospital. It all starts here and only goes up from here. . No one stays a Trainee forever!
ResidentMoving on up the ladder - We have the Residents. These are the ones who have successfully completed their initial training and passed their exam. They now have more responsibilities around the hospital. This is the stage where members can truly start to work on their skills and gain experience. Handling patients more directly while continuing to expand their knowledge of the faction. However, the learning never really stops. . And residents are expected to continue improving under the guidance of the higher-ranked staff.
Senior ResidentThey grow up so fast, huh? Senior Residents. . They've progressed beyond basic residency and are now taking on more advanced roles and responsibilities around the hospital and specifically their department. By this stage, they've developed an understanding of what they need to do, and are working more independently now. This role is somewhat considered a stepping stone toward higher leadership positions, being there for those around who need help on minor tasks - rather than something that would require higher assistance.
AttendingWow, lookie here! You're officially out of your residency and a full blown Attending staff member within the hospital. Realistically speaking, this means that they're fully board certified and able to work completely on their own. By now, they're expected to work efficiently and in full-confidence of their decisions with patients and clients. They should have a deeper understanding of medical procedures and hospital operations, allowing them to take charge without needing oversight of higher-ups, nor would they need approval to complete activities.
Clinical SupervisorWelcome to the big leagues! (Not you, seonha, keep scrolling.) Clinical Supervisors act essentially as mentors and guides to the lower ranks. . All whilst somewhat managing the hospitals functionalities. They assist in training the newer members, answering questions so they don't have to go all the way up the chain of commands. . They also work close with their clinical leads, keeping them in the loop on important matters, and offering support to them when needed. It's an important job, and crucial when maintaining hospital structure.
Clinical LeadThis is the big guy per departments. They are as high as they can get in the chain below the Hospital Director. No matter which department they're apart of, the Clinical Lead ensure that everything within it is running properly and smoothly. They oversee trainings, supervise when needed, making sure that standards are being met and the faculty are functioning at their best abilities. Additionally, Clinical Leads act as the right-hand-man to the Director as well; basically being the bridge between their department and leadership.
Hospital DirectorOkay, okay! So, YOU are cool! (Glazing cause Alex hates me). This role is in charge of quite literally everything. The one pulling all the strings. The Hospital Director is responsible for overseeing the entire faction. They're the ones managing the promotions, quotas, logistics, etc. . Their main job is to just ensure that the hospital is succeeding and not falling to piecing under their control. This is the highest ranking position within EMS, and it requires exceptional leadership and organizational skills.

The Paramedic's Department Ranks:
(Not gonna lie I really struggled trying to do this so take it with a grain of salt.)

Advanced ParamedicAdvanced Paramedics are the step up from the regular Paramedic. They've had more experience, training and overall time out on the field. With their knowledge, they're able to help the ones that don't know so much, without them having to go up so high in the ranks for information.
Deputy Chief ParamedicDeputy-Chief is a lot like what Clinical-Supervisors are. They're the right-hand-man to the Chief paramedic, running trainings and working with the new ones into the field. They ensure that the department is running properly, and keep constant communication with the Chief.
Chief ParamedicThe big guy once again! They're the ones running the entire Paramedic department. Essentially the same thing as a Clinical lead but just for Paramedics. They keep close contact with the Hospital Director, keeping information going back and forth so everyone is on the same page.

And. . Then there are the actual positions people apply for, each unique in their own ways and have their own fun activities.
PsychiatristThe mental health professionals of the hospital, they focus solely on the brain. . Specializing in diagnosing and treating psychological disorders. Their primary role within the hospital is to conduct therapy sessions with patients, sometimes routinely seeing them as clients, but often as just a one time thing. They could see people for all kinds of reasons, such as trauma, mental health disorders, or sometimes its simply just because they needs to talk. Additionally, Psychiatrists play a vital role working alongside KPD in ways other roles cannot. They conduct monthly psychological evaluations on the officers / detectives to ensure they're still up to serve the law in Karakura. Beyond the therapy sessions, psychiatrists are also responsible for prescribing medications to help with disorders. Alongside all of this, it's their responsibility to handle the notes and paperwork per session or whatever they do.
DoctorThe Doctors are the backbone to the hospital, handling a variety of medical activities. Ranging all the way from simple check-ups to preforming major surgeries. Their responsibilities include diagnosing illnesses, monitoring chronic conditions, and providing treatment for patients with injuries or diseases. They're also responsible for taking and interpreting x-rays and medical tests. While doctors work within the hospital, they're often handling emergency situations after the paramedics bring them in. Their role is crucial for ensure the citizens are receiving proper medical care.
Paramedic Paramedics are the first responders to the medical emergencies that don't get the chance to make it to the hospital. We love them! They're trained to handle stressful situations, and to immediately care for patients, stabilizing them enough to transport them to the hospital for further care. Because of this, paramedic's also frequently work alongside KPD. Often going on patrols with them and responding to emergency calls across Karakura! This role requires quick action and thinking. . Assessing injuries on the spot and making life-saving decisions out in the field. Paramedics are the ones ensuring patients make it back to the hospital alive.
VeterinarianWho doesn't love animal care? Veterinarians are the hospital’s specialists in animal care; treating Karakura's pets and strays in need of medical attention. Much like human doctors, they can diagnose illnesses, preform surgeries, treat injuries. . All to ensure that the animals are healthy enough to return to the outside world. Karakura is very chaotic and unpredictable. . And Vets often have to deal with the various cases of injured street animals or something beloved pets in need of immediate care. Doing everything they can and properly, keeping both pets and their owners happy.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yurrrr. . . I will be at all trainings as long as I'm available!

In-Character (IC) Section

* a HUGE shoutout to Nolan (nolanorsomething on discord) for getting this art done in time for me to post this... *


Character’s Full Name:
"Francesca Ferrera."

- An Italian accent laced in her pronunciation. It was a simple response to the simple question. Not much else for the brunette to give other than a forced, polite smile while maintaining her eye contact.

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
"Female, and I prefer she/her pronouns."

- Her polite smile remained intact as she settled into the little interview. Each word precise and clear, despite Japanese not being her native language; it was still somewhat new to her in general!

Character’s Age (if accepted):
"I just turned twenty-seven. . on New Years Eve, actually."

- There was a slight hesitation in this response, the useless knowledge of her exact birthdate wasn't asked, but it was a silly fun fact that brought a note of lightheartedness into her voice.

Character’s Academic Background:
"I earned my Doctorate in Psychology, with a minor in Pre-Med last year. . . It was a taxing experience but, I'm proud of myself for succeeding so young."

- She seemed to lean forward slightly with this one, the topic peaking her interest. Her response hit without missing a beat, and Francesca's tone remained consistent throughout her answer. Even when she rambled the last part. It was almost as if she had came prepped and practiced for this.

Character’s Nationality:
"Italian, born and raised."

- The smile that Ferrera wore seemed to shift into something sharper, and it happened willingly. She was proud of her heritage and wasn't afraid to show it in her response.

Character’s Marital Status:

- A quick flick of amusement crossed her face. The brunette's voice carried a hint of finality in it. She had long since made peace with that decision, as of course it was made by choice. Rathering dedicate herself to the books, than relationships.

Character’s Religious Denomination:
"I was raised Catholic. . . but, as of now I have a happy balance of my independence and my faith."

- This question seemed to catch Francesca off guard, quickly drawing in a slow breathe before she could get the answer out. Her expression sharpened once more and her words were softer compared to her previous responses.

Character’s Spoken Languages:
"Fluently? Italian and Japanese."

- A flicker of curiosity danced in her eyes as she leaned forward again. The undeniable accent in her response was more revealing of the first answer long before the question was asked.

Character Backstory (Optional):

* 800 words :) *

The Ferrera twins were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. The Italian world of tradition and elegance was their livelihood on the family's historic vineyard; residing in the beautiful Tuscany. This was all secured many upon many generations before Francesca was even a thought. Their carefully crafted and signature red wine being recognized across all of Europe filled the family with rich meals each night. Sundays were sacred to the Ferrera family, dedicated to their beliefs and one another. Cementing their place in both the Catholic church and their community. The twins attended a private school not too far from their family’s home and both learned a love for knowledge - Young Frannie never knew how much she would come to love.

Though, darkness festered beneath the facade the family put up. Her father, a man driven by outdated morals and determination to keep a legacy he married into, ruled the household with an unforgiving hand. Francesca's mother, a Ferrera by birth, had married him with dreams. Over time, however, her mother's voice was drowned out by her husband's will to lead. As the eldest son, Lorenzo bore the brunt of their father's ambitions, while Francesca, his twin sister became his shield. From a young age, Frannie took on a role far beyond her years. . Protecting Lorenzo became all that mattered to her, no matter what it took. She was his confidant, his source of strength to keep going. Their bond grew unbreakable as they navigated these issues. Even to this day, the twins still stick together throughout everything. They depend on each other like they’re connected in ways that are unexplainable.

Yet Francesca's own burdens were no less severe. 'Not enough.' 'Do more.' 'Be better.' These mantras became internalized to her, driving herself to protectionism. She buried herself in books and academic pursuits. . Finding most peace in knowledge and structure. She learned early on that it was a safer option to stay in the background. While Lorenzo was defiant, she kept her head down. Socializing never came naturally to her - Not because she was shy, but because she didn't see the point in opening up to people who wouldn't understand. (Ironic, isn't it?). The preference of silence over small talk and observation to participation was formed early on. .

What started as a survival skill: watching her father's moods and outbursts, soon became something she excelled at. Francesca could read a room like it was a romance novel. The slightest shift in body language, the flicker of an eye, or even the tightening of a jaw; she noticed it all. It became a habit, a hobby even. . To quietly dissect people's emotions by breaking them down on miniscule levels. She even began to keep notes on everyone around her. This skill was just the beginning of her path towards her career field. But, even with her talent for understanding others, Frannie kept her own walls miles high. She rarely let anyone see past her exterior. Believing that vulnerability was a weakness only to herself. She'd learned the hard way that people leave, they hurt, and they disappoint - and she wasn't about to give anyone that kind of power over her.

At sixteen, everything seemed to crumble on the perfect vineyard. What involved rage, glass shattering, and arguing ended up being the turning point in the Ferrera family's lives. Years of pent up anger lead to Francesca's explosive fury towards her father, only inspiring her mother to finally take action. That night, their father was exiled from the estate. . His name was completely erased from their family’s history. The vineyard finally became a place of recovery, where Francesca's mother and grandfather worked to heal the damages. Despite the newfound peace, Francesca's scars were already far too deep. She grew into adulthood driven by the need to fix anything and everything. Dedicating herself to the study of psychology with the intentions of helping with trauma and family dynamics. She earned her doctorate at the age of twenty-six, surrounded by those who watched her grow up a little too fast.

When Francesca and Lorenzo finally made the big move to Karakura, Japan, it was the stepping stones to their new lives. Her first check on her to-do list was sending in a perfected application to the local hospital. Determined to put her degree and past to use. Using it as a fuel to the fire of healing others. All she wanted was to end the cycle of suffrage in children and family issues. She couldn’t fail. . She almost refused to do as such. Because if she did fail, all it meant was everything her father told her growing up was actually true. Francesca refused to let him be right - Even if deep down she felt as if he was right all along.


What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
"My specialty is family therapy, with a strong focus on working with children and adolescents."

- A pause from the brunette, the corners of her mouth lifted into a gentle, yet genuine smile. As if everything she had worked for was finally about to work out. She allowed the silence to hang in the air for only a moment longer before continuing:

"I chose this focus because I understand the weight of it all, and how it affects people for their entire lives. . . Families are just complex ecosystems. Each relationship effects the others, for better or worse. I believe that healing one part of a family can set them all on a much healthier path. ."

- Her expression softened, voice remaining steady despite the weight of the words being said. It was clear in her tone that this truly meant a lot to her.

"As for the children, they're still forming themselves in the world. Shaping into who they'll become. Intervening early, when they feel lost or in need of someone to just listen? That's powerful."

- Francesca took a moment to adjust her posture; her shoulders rolling back. Full confidence in her answer. Her past shaping her for this moment, this chance to succeed. Her composure remained intact throughout the response, even when she began on a little rant about it all. It all goes to show her dedication towards the field.

"Every family has some struggles - Some more than others. But, the right tools like communication. . Can heal wounds that some outsiders don't see. Helping shape a mind, helping strengthen a family. . That's the reason I chose this path. It's about creating a safe place for healing to begin."

- She nodded once, signifying the finality of her statement.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
"I've had relevant experience throughout my education and training. . While I was pursuing my doctorate, I completed internships focusing on family therapy. . Which involved real world sessions under supervision of a licensed psychologist. I worked mostly with children and adolescents, helping them navigate anything ranging from anxiety to complicated family dynamics."

- Ferrera leaned forward in interest yet again. The slightest of glint in her eyes as she spoke thoroughly with a determined mindset, the tone in her voice remaining calm. Talking about her achievements wasn't always her strong suit, typically chalking it all up to luck or external factors. Yet here she was powering through without a slip-up.

"I know my primary focus is psychological care, but my minor in Pre-Med gave me a pretty good foundation of medical knowledge to sharpen my approach to things. As well as being a little more of help in the worst situations, or if an emergency were to happen."

- She nodded once more, another question answered to the best of her abilities. The smile on her face only growing as she thought back over her careful words. Thrilled with the approach she chose. You go girl!


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
* I had the HARDEST time with this question and spent like two hours alone trying to figure out how to word it... *

Curated with composure, Ferrera is a modernized reflection of 'The Black Swan'. Striking, poised, refined. . And her appearance is carefully maintained as such. Dark brown hair, long enough to meet her waist, was either kept in a precise bun or styled in a simple blowout. Despite coming off as a person who has everything put together, Francesca can never seem to keep control of her bangs, they perpetually fall into her piercing blue eyes. Now, those eyes just might be her most defining feature. They're the kind that seem to just see right through a person without a lick of effort. Retaining the color of a deep ocean, they stood out against her sun kissed skin. Standing at the height of 5'6" (167 cm), she remains quite average in that department; but, her physique is well-kempt. Proof in the pudding that she strives off taking care of herself. Typically taking daily walks around the town or yoga in the morning. Francesca tends to gravitate toward tailored clothing, almost always dressed impeccably. . Even when an event calls for casual, you'll hardly ever see her in jeans and a t-shirt. Everything about her appearance is put together, the walking image of of control.


Francesca Ferrera is often perceived by others as a woman of many contrasts. In social and outside work experiences, her reserved nature and preference to sit back and observe can often lead to misunderstandings. People who don't know her well usually interpret her quietness as snobbery, and the walls she's built up make her seem difficult to approach. Francesca is simply a puzzle. . A beautiful, impossible-to-figure-out puzzle. Yet, there's still an undeniable pull about her. Some feel the allure of her quietness, while others remain intimidated and stay away.

Patients of hers and the hospital will generally have a more nuanced perception of her. In sessions, Dr. Ferrera makes her ability to listen deeply known. While her calm demeanor can often come off as cold, it always eventually comes back to feel reassuring. Her clients feel safe under her care, as she takes them all under her wing - She'd do anything for them, and that fact is known before their first appointment. Many describe her as someone who 'just gets it' without needing much explanation. She's a good listener and able to advise on just about anything.

Her colleagues at the hospital would perceive her as someone who puts their career above all else. Her professional detachment is often mistaken for somewhat of a lack of warmth. . Though it is easily recognized that it's more about determination and discipline rather than anything else. That being said, her tendency to keep her personal matters locked away leads others to feel that she is rather distant and unwilling to form connections to others. Even when that's the furthest thing from the truth.

How does your character act around the hospital?
Around the hospital, Francesca is know for her quietness. She keeps mostly to herself, rarely initiating conversation with her co-workers unless she is approached first; to which of course she would respond with courtesy and kindness. Despite her reserved nature, her passion for the job she does shines through the moment a patient walks through the door. Even if it's just to ask a simple question - Those who seek help get to see her as an entirely different person. . Gentle, patient, welcoming. She greets them with a warm smile, and tries to be as calm as possible, no matter the circumstance. Always prepared to answer all sorts of questions or to offer reassurance. All she wants is for people to be heard and feel cared for without a lick of judgement.

When the days are slow, Dr. Ferrera dislikes idle time spent wasting away doing nothing. She'd rather be up tiding up the breakroom or front area. . Or often organizing her notes or wiping surfaces down to prevent contamination. (Isn't the flu going around?) Seemingly, she's in her own world. . A simple tune in her head getting her through her free time. Even when taking a short moment to breathe, her mind is always working on something.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
By now, it's a pretty clear cut answer. Francesca works far better on her own rather than with others. Independence is her comfort zone, where she feels in control and free from needing to navigate social interactions. She thrives in solitary tasks that require her full attention. . Her sharp mind, endless work ethic, not to mention her self-discipline. . They all make her highly productive when left to her own devices.

When working with others, she is still capable of getting things done professionally, but collaboration just doesn't come naturally. She tends to avoid small talk and struggles with trusting people enough to fully relly on them. . Group settings tend to drain her energy. . And she finds it challenging to balance her perfectionist tendencies with the unpredictability of others. However, Dr. Ferrera does understand the importance of teamwork and how it can strengthen her own abilities. . Especially when it comes to the benefits of her patients. Everything she does at the hospital, it's for them. The patients are all that matters to her. So, if getting work done with others has to be done, she WILL do it. . She just will internally complain about it!

hai -- thanks for taking the time to view my application. .
i kinda worked myself dead on it. (its 6 am and i'm just about finished)
<3 - rae

(Last Updated: 08/01/2025)
Last edited:


Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. We hope you're excited to hear that you've been accepted as a Psychiatrist! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles. You will also be contacted over Discord in regards to receiving an introduction to all of the information you will need as a worker, your duties as a Hospital Worker and receiving the necessary equipment to follow through with said duties.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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