players online


Level 13


Hey! I'm Celine. Both my work and personal schedule are always fluctuating, so I may be on at odd times of the day. My timezone is GMT/UTC-9 and I'm flexible to meet others if we have a large difference. This forum is to find preferably longterm roleplay, I don't mind if you're newer to detailRP—I want to find people and more opportunities for my characters. Longterm also doesn't mean consistent, though it is favorable. If at all interested, my IGN to send friend requests to is ElignoreYou and my discord is moonceline. Here are the characters I play often! If you want to know more about their backstory to gain an idea of which character(s) you'd like to interact with mine, I have it spoiler-ed; in case you'd like to find out IC.. Though the brief introduction should provide a lot


Riko Mori
Librarian — 48

Of stardust and ocean's tide she is made. Riko's walk is heavy, weighed down by two prosthetics, her eyes narrow harboring age and distrust. She has unbound hair that falls past her hips in a silver river that devours light. Clutching a simple wooden cane, she stands tall, as though in defiance of her impairment. The mountains weren't enough to contain a woman of spite.

A woman who is often too tired to be kind. This doesn't prevent her from being civil, far from it — she balances German bluntness and Japanese politeness. Riko exudes a certain security that can only be developed through life's challenges. With a sound head atop her shoulders, Riko often provides words of wisdom when right at the school library—even making it so far as becoming a mentor for a small handful of students. Reserved in nature, it will take a great deal of time to gain closeness.

!! Do not take IC — subject to change but unlikely !! In Riko's youth, she was a dancer. Coming from a wealthy, suffocative family who resented she wasn't a son, it was her release. In between her parent's standards and tip-tying on an image they wanted to keep, she has always yearned for something different. In a tragic loss of self, Riko was involved in a shady accident which resulted in both knees shattered, rendering her a retired dancer.
Riko didn't have the opportunity to find love naturally, instead she was arranged to marry a Swiss German man. Despite a half-absent affection, he gave her freedom she didn't previously have. Ultimately, the marriage didn't stay strong forever; they divorced with one child, Erik, who kept the Finster title. After an act of gang violence on her daughter, Hana, Riko moves to Karakura to stay close. Weeks later, she finds a position at the Karakura School library.

Choji Ikeda
College M — 22
Of tar and polish he is made. (WIP)
Rather than hearing him first, you see him. Alluding to blindness, his foggy eyes occasionally dance. Choji's disposition doesn't stop him, he has quite the habit to splurge on fashion. He's most passionate about music, always listening with one earbud in.

!! He's still a work in progress — his personality and defining traits may change (blindness won't). I really want to find more people to help me develop him through in character interactions

!! Do not take IC !! Young and naively in love, Choji applies for college at Karakura to follow his partner. They had met online and often sent thoughtful gifts through the mail. Choji has a supportive father and an absent mother, who he doesn't speak to anymore. While his dad wants the best for him, he's quite old and doesn't yet understand queer relationships - which Choji had. Even so, the two share a deep bond — in fact, it was him who Choji had called when his boyfriend didn't make an appearance at the train station. The disappearance of him, shrouded in mystery, left a wound that runs deep in Choji. He's hesitant to allow others close, but grows tired of the loneliness it has brought.

Melora Monroe
College M — 22
Of Pantone and Tagetes she is made. Melora stands feebly at 156cm (5'1) with a mute and avoidant demeanor. Her natural red (3A) curls bring attention as someone who is not fully native to Japan. Freckles plaster Melora's body similar to how constellations fill the night sky. Her figure is soft, pudgy, and homely with no sharp edges at 64kg (140lbs).

A wallflower artist whose thoughts race. Melora is timid, she blooms in spaces she feels comfortable. If you happen to catch her around deeper relations, she animates. Though shy, Melora wants to find people she connects with — it often ends with lengthy, awkward conversations. Her passions extend beyond art, Melora has found a nostalgic love for the bowling alley near the shopping district. Sometimes she even goes alone, when she finds the remarkable time that she isn't studying. Open minded and very empathetic, Melora is simpler to become friends with, though closeness will be found with a great deal of time (probably).

!! Do not take IC !! Melora has always had a strong relationship with family, even after the loss of her older brother, Hiro. She hoped to find a greater resolve to her grief by attending school where he did, in the city where he past. Afraid of change, it took Melora a long time to gain comfortability within the Karakura limits and its peculiar residents. She was always a deeply emotional child, often crying at sad parts of a film or hearing that someone has had a rough day. Her grandparents, kind natured and kindred spirits thought it to be a gift. Even when they didn't have the energy to calm her down in their old age, Hiro was always there. Struggling with selective mutism until very recently, his passing roughened Melora; she's only now tapping into the ability to freely cry as she once did. This sometimes creates scenes where when she sees something heartwarming or feels a great deal of gratitude, she weeps.

Cat — 7

Of lion's pride and jests he is made. This cat trots with a jovial step, his worn-out collar reads 'Simba'! The number on his tag is partially torn off, only displaying the local area code, "030". He seems to be one of Karakura's strays with a thin layer of grime over his long, unkept fur. Loosely tied to his collar, a red bow calloused and ripped by time.

A prideful, middle age cat who finds joy in being a communal pet. He follows what had given him the best attention, animated performances. It doesn't take much to befriend him or find closeness, he lives to meet others.

!! Do not take IC !! Life was turbulent, unkind. Surrounded by only love after a harsh street life, he became anew. His role at home was an onlooker. Though, he quite preferred the term protector. Simba adapted to the quaint lifestyle with his beloved owner. The home was built upon harmony, two elders, one adult, and a rather quiet pre-teen; he fondly looks back at those times. He moved with his owner to Karakura in hopes of a better education. There, the owner met a tragic fate. Homeless, the cat faces the streets. In the present, he's an entertainer, undergoing a midlife crisis. Finding himself in heists with other critters, he might not have the best rep with other animals... But! With humans, he's a street performer and couch-surfer.
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Level 10
Hihi!! I'd love to roleplay with you sometime, and I'd love to help develop Choji through roleplay! I'm Khrizanthemums on SRP. I love to detailRP when I'm not half-asleep, so I was delighted to see this post!


Level 18
Omg I'd love to be apart of this. I have various characters and will definitely send you an f request when I get back on! (ill send u a dm soon frfr <3)

Here are my characters for reference, just so you know!

HS Swim | Fuyuka Tada
Peculiar Grade-12 | Kaijin Sumisu
Lawyer | Yusaku Fukuyu (Faer025 - Alt)

PS: Ur characters look nice <3


Level 13
Thread starter
Omg I'd love to be apart of this. I have various characters and will definitely send you an f request when I get back on! (ill send u a dm soon frfr <3)

Here are my characters for reference, just so you know!

HS Swim | Fuyuka Tada
Peculiar Grade-12 | Kaijin Sumisu
Lawyer | Yusaku Fukuyu (Faer025 - Alt)

PS: Ur characters look nice <3

I'm excited for you to reach out! Thank you for the character compliment, here's a list of tailors who worked on the photo references:

Riko Base: whozits, no longer tailoring (I think) Though a very similar style comes from ZrleRiko outfit: memerchan, Euphoria
Choji base: bheom, in MisfitsChoji outfit: bheom, in Misfits
Melora base: whozits, no longer tailoring Melora outfit: whozits, no longer tailoring

I usually frequent on auction or put in requests for:
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Level 82


Hey! I'm Celine. Both my work and personal schedule are always fluctuating, so I may be on at odd times of the day. My timezone is GMT/UTC-9 and I'm flexible to meet others if we have a large difference. This forum is to find preferably longterm roleplay, I don't mind if you're newer to detailRP—I want to find people and more opportunities for my characters. Longterm also doesn't mean consistent, though it is favorable. If at all interested, my IGN to send friend requests to is ElignoreYou and my discord is moonceline. Here are the characters I play often! If you want to know more about their backstory to gain an idea of which character(s) you'd like to interact with mine, I have it spoiler-ed; in case you'd like to find out IC.. Though the brief introduction should provide a lot


Riko Mori
Librarian — 48

Of stardust and ocean's tide she is made. Riko's walk is heavy, weighed down by two prosthetics, her eyes narrow harboring age and distrust. She has unbound hair that falls past her hips in a silver river that devours light. Riko's shoulders bear the burden of tossed souls at sea; the mountains weren't enough to contain a woman of spite.

A woman who is often too tired to be kind. This doesn't prevent her from being civil, far from it — she balances German bluntness and Japanese politeness. Riko exudes a certain security that can only be developed through life's challenges. With a sound head atop her shoulders, Riko often provides words of wisdom when right at the school library—even making it so far as becoming a mentor for a small handful of students. Reserved in nature, it will take a great deal of time to gain closeness.

!! Do not take IC — subject to change but unlikely !! In Riko's youth, she was a dancer. Coming from a wealthy, suffocative family who resented she wasn't a son, it was her release. In between her parent's standards and tip-tying on an image they wanted to keep, she has always yearned for something different. In a tragic loss of self, Riko was involved in a shady accident which resulted in both knees shattered, rendering her a retired dancer.
Riko didn't have the opportunity to find love naturally, instead she was arranged to marry a Swiss German man. Despite a half-absent affection, he gave her freedom she didn't previously have. Ultimately, the marriage didn't stay strong forever; they divorced with one child, Erik, who kept the Finster title. After an act of gang violence on her daughter, Hana, Riko moves to Karakura to stay close. Weeks later, she finds a position at the Karakura School library.

Choji Ikeda
College M — 22
Of tar and polish he is made. (WIP)
Rather than hearing him first, you see him. Alluding to blindness, his foggy eyes occasionally dance. Choji's disposition doesn't stop him, he has quite the habit to splurge on fashion. He's most passionate about music, always listening with one earbud in.

!! He's still a work in progress — his personality and defining traits may change (blindness won't). I really want to find more people to help me develop him through in character interactions

!! Do not take IC !! Young and naively in love, Choji applies for college at Karakura to follow his partner. They had met online and often sent thoughtful gifts through the mail. Choji has a supportive father and an absent mother, who he doesn't speak to anymore. While his dad wants the best for him, he's quite old and doesn't yet understand queer relationships - which Choji had. Even so, the two share a deep bond — in fact, it was him who Choji had called when his boyfriend didn't make an appearance at the train station. The disappearance of him, shrouded in mystery, left a wound that runs deep in Choji. He's hesitant to allow others close, but grows tired of the loneliness it has brought.

Melora Monroe
College M — 22
Of Pantone and Tagetes she is made. Melora stands feebly at 156cm (5'1) with a mute and avoidant demeanor. Her natural red (3A) curls bring attention as someone who is not fully native to Japan. Freckles plaster Melora's body similar to how constellations fill the night sky. Her figure is soft, pudgy, and homely with no sharp edges at 64kg (140lbs).

A wallflower artist whose thoughts race. Melora is timid, she blooms in spaces she feels comfortable. If you happen to catch her around deeper relations, she animates. Though shy, Melora wants to find people she connects with — it often ends with lengthy, awkward conversations. Her passions extend beyond art, Melora has found a nostalgic love for the bowling alley near the shopping district. Sometimes she even goes alone, when she finds the remarkable time that she isn't studying. Open minded and very empathetic, Melora is simpler to become friends with, though closeness will be found with a great deal of time (probably).

!! Do not take IC !! Melora has always had a strong relationship with family, even after the loss of her older brother, Hiro. She hoped to find a greater resolve to her grief by attending school where he did, in the city where he past. Afraid of change, it took Melora a long time to gain comfortability within the Karakura limits and its peculiar residents. She was always a deeply emotional child, often crying at sad parts of a film or hearing that someone has had a rough day. Her grandparents, kind natured and kindred spirits thought it to be a gift. Even when they didn't have the energy to calm her down in their old age, Hiro was always there. Struggling with selective mutism until very recently, his passing roughened Melora; she's only now tapping into the ability to freely cry as she once did. This sometimes creates scenes where when she sees something heartwarming or feels a great deal of gratitude, she weeps.

Cat — 7

Of lion's pride and jests he is made. This cat trots with a jovial step, his worn-out collar reads 'Simba'! The number on his tag is partially torn off, only displaying the local area code, "030". He seems to be one of Karakura's strays with a thin layer of grime over his long, unkept fur. Loosely tied to his collar, a red bow calloused and ripped by time.

A prideful, middle age cat who finds joy in being a communal pet. He follows what had given him the best attention, animated performances. It doesn't take much to befriend him or find closeness, he lives to meet others.

!! Do not take IC !! Life was turbulent, unkind. Surrounded by only love after a harsh street life, he became anew. His role at home was an onlooker. Though, he quite preferred the term protector. Simba adapted to the quaint lifestyle with his beloved owner. The home was built upon harmony, two elders, one adult, and a rather quiet pre-teen; he fondly looks back at those times. He moved with his owner to Karakura in hopes of a better education. There, the owner met a tragic fate. Homeless, the cat faces the streets. In the present, he's an entertainer, undergoing a midlife crisis. Finding himself in heists with other critters, he might not have the best rep with other animals... But! With humans, he's a street performer and couch-surfer.
looks at Choji and Riko ..
I am Zankokuna Ai! IGN is _ImHere4You_ :3
may we meet in roleplay!!! I look forward for seein your chars <33
(i don't have discord sdksmksmd)


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
Feel free to say hi if you ever see one of these people!!!!!

Sefu Tanaka | ADULT
Kyo Mizukawa | Grade-12
"Viti" Noboru | Grade-12
Imai Saiky | Grade-12
Rome Koronasuba | College [M]


Level 44
waddles in.. detailrper over here!

i will send a dm sooner.. or later.. im shy..

BUT your characters look so cool, I can already imagine my college character (Tatsumi Tojo) to likely interact with Melora or Choji
I may even be able to have some interactions for Riko on my highschool character (Hiiro Shimamura) :>


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
If you ever see me around always welcome to come rp with me, or you’re always welcome to dm me asking to roleplay! My characters are:

Adult - Koizumi Saiky
Adult - Kairi Kaseya
Shrine Priest - Sakura Harukichi
Adult - Rini Kōraru
Adult - Yume Tachitsu
Duck - Quill


Level 43
With detailRP, I usually struggle to start it - but if given it I will almost always return it!!
My characters are:

Shrine Maiden: Charlotte O'Sullivan
Grade-12: Kokomi 'Koko' Akiyama

I mostly use Charlotte, and am almost always at the shrine, do visit!!


Level 29
I do DetailRP but I dont append msgs 24/7 sadge. Normally I go with the flow with typing something out (anything) and doing more simple detailRP, rather then having it refine. And If I do detailRP I usually Copy/Paste the messages.


Level 7
I just started getting back on after a year and a half and id love to detailrp! If you ever see Nishi Nakiyama feel free to say hello

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