Level 1

What is your Minecraft Username?:
What is your timezone?:
Please provide your Discord tag:
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
These are on a different account because I lost the login to the account and couldn’t recover it. | Accepted✩-moonboops-judge-application-✩.56284/ | Denied | Accepted | Accepted | Accepted
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m rather active on the server. If I were to rate it, it would be an 8 out of 10. When I’m on the server, I’m on with friends or the highschool swim team or the other sports teams. I roleplay quite a bit and I like interacting with people and making new friends. Every once in a while I won’t be on the server just to take a break and so I don’t get burnt out. I also tailor on the server when I have the motivation and time to.
List your accounts and roles on this server:
moonboops - My alt and I have no roles on it
spxcegrl - My main account. I am on highschool swim on this account
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
What is your Minecraft Username?:
What is your timezone?:
Please provide your Discord tag:
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
These are on a different account because I lost the login to the account and couldn’t recover it. | Accepted✩-moonboops-judge-application-✩.56284/ | Denied | Accepted | Accepted | Accepted
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m rather active on the server. If I were to rate it, it would be an 8 out of 10. When I’m on the server, I’m on with friends or the highschool swim team or the other sports teams. I roleplay quite a bit and I like interacting with people and making new friends. Every once in a while I won’t be on the server just to take a break and so I don’t get burnt out. I also tailor on the server when I have the motivation and time to.
List your accounts and roles on this server:
moonboops - My alt and I have no roles on it
spxcegrl - My main account. I am on highschool swim on this account
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
What is the student council and what do they do?:
The student council is a group of students chosen to govern the student body. They are the bridge between the school staff and the students. One of their most important responsibilities is making sure that the concerns of students are heard by school faculty and SLT, on top of that, they also ensure the safety and comfort of the students. They are there to help students when they need it and make them feel safe and comfortable while they are at school. Student safety is one of their top priorities.
Next to student safety, they also support the school in various ways like fundraising and planning and/or hosting events for the school. The student council also supports clubs as well and may help them with event planning and overseeing their club as a supervisor. Council members can also help teachers as well, by assisting in their classrooms by handing out things or keeping the students in check, making the teachers job a little less stressful.
Student council also deals with student discipline like school faculty and have to hand out detention along with breaking up fights they may see and diffusing situations between students if they can’t on their own and also help out with detention after school.They also uphold school rules and values.
Overall, they are to be role models for their peers and the students around them. Being a student councilor is a big responsibility for any student but it can be very fulfilling and rewarding. They are the leaders of their school and the school spirit. They are to represent the school they attend and keep up the spirit for it.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
Friends mostly, though I’ve had an urge to reapply after I left. I really do enjoy council and I wish I could’ve stayed longer. I left because I was in school and couldn’t dedicate too much time anymore. I am not in school anymore and have more time to dedicate to the student council. I became president in August 2021 and left after about a year. I enjoyed my time as president and wish I had more time to keep going and leave the impression I wanted to leave. Even if I am not president now, I know I can still leave one as a member of the student council. I made mistakes too while I was in council and I have learned what I can do better. I know two people that are currently in council that have encouraged me to give it a shot at applying again. I also have someone outside of council that has encouraged me to apply, especially when I wasn’t sure I wanted to and has always told me to go for what I want.
I was class secretary in highschool and was involved in SGA (Student Government Association) because I was a representative. I attended meetings and helped them with events. I was also in FFA (Future Farmers of America) in middle and highschool and in middle school, I was a chapter officer. I attended several leadership and teamwork workshops as well while I was part of the chapter. I love anything leadership and teamwork wise and I do enjoy helping people and being a role model for others.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am very aware of that.
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
The president is the highest role someone can achieve while on council and they are elected within the council. They are the leader for the council and advise members on concerns or questions that may have. They oversee every member and all the responsibilities they have, along with what the council does and is doing. They manage and oversee meetings too and correspond with councilors and school faculty. Presidents have exceptional leadership and teamwork skills and are responsible for managing the council overall and all operations.
Along with managing the council, they represent their councilors and what the student council stands for and their values. They are to give their councilors support with everything they do. They also cooperate with school faculty to organize events for the student council.
Vice President
The vice president has the similar responsibilities as the president. They assist the president in council operations and member management. When the president is absent, they assume all the responsibilities and are in charge of the council until the president returns. They are also elected within the student council.
Council Members
The members make up most of the student council. Along with the president and vice president, they help students and faculty members when it's needed. They also coordinate and work alongside other councilors in a team setting. I think the most important thing with council members is they are a direct outside representation of the council since they make up the student council as a whole, so the most important responsibility they have is upholding the goals and values of the student council. They should be able to communicate that efficiently, like every member should. They are role models to the students and represent them. They are also responsible for communicating concerns of students to the president and vice president of the council and communicating to the council for clubs too.
Senior Leadership Team
SLT oversees the student council and its members and makes sure the president and vice president are running the council effectively and fulfilling responsibilities. They are needed as advisors for the council when they need it and they are what the council goes to when they want to plan events for the school. SLT listens to the council's concerns as well.
School Faculty
Along with SLT, they are a primary support group for the council. Councilors can help them in various ways either by supporting them when they are diffusing situations and breaking up fights, or helping teachers with their classes and class management.
A student council isn’t a student council without students. They are role models and voices for students and support them as much as they can. Students can also go to council and express concerns about something happening in the school or when they need help with something, either that be directions if they are new or if they have general questions about the school and student council.

While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
Listening to the question, Sea nodded and brought her hands to her lap. “Well I would give any disruptive student a warning first but during an assembly? Because there are several things going on and not to cause anymore disruptions to everyone else, I’d pull the student aside and tell them that they need to quit it or they’ll be given detention for constant disruptions and to remain respectful of everyone around them. If they continue after several warnings, I’d issue a detention and advise that they be removed from the assembly to prevent further issues from happening. I’d also apologize to everyone affected and tell them that it has been handled.”
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
“This is a simple one. I’d just alert other council members and school faculty that a student ran after I threatened detention, and refused to take their mask off. Because I can’t see their face, I’d describe their clothing to the best of my ability and make sure to include any other unique characteristics, like if they have a prosthetic I can see or any visible scars.” Sea sat up tall and smiled, she seemed confident in herself, but maybe not confident enough.
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
Her eyes wandered around her, a hard question indeed and one that needed a long answer. “First I’d get the teacher's attention and talk to them about it after class. I’d tell them that I would keep a close eye on the student and keep a mental list of the disturbing behavior they are displaying. I’d advise that maybe a school counselor should talk to them and that this could be because of mental health issues. I’d also suggest maybe reporting the student to SLT or the police just in case these behaviors are violent in nature. For the verbal threats, detention could be issued and the staff in there made aware of the situation.” She cleared her throat. “Safety is my number one priority and I would make sure this student doesn’t harm any students and teachers, even if that means they need to be isolated in a room for safety reasons, though they could also be a danger to themselves.”
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
“I think every student has the right to protest and voice their concerns about something, especially when it affects a large group of them. Before they can protest, I’d tell them that it must remain peaceful and they should not be harassing and assaulting students. They are to keep their protesting outside of classrooms and they need to stop when classes are in session. I’d ask faculty and councilors if they can follow and monitor the protesting students to make sure that nothing happens and that they are there just to monitor and not join the protest, even if they agree with it or not. I’d make the group aware of this and tell them that if it does get violent and disruptive that they will have to stop and if they continue they will be banned from doing so. I don’t want to punish them as I don’t want to give the impression that students aren’t allowed to do this and discourage students from speaking up about topics important to them.”
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Sea took a good moment to talk about this. The chance that this would happen isn’t high, but it was still a possibility. “I think my reaction would depend on the situation. If I am doing something that is against what I’ve been trained to do, then I’d stop it and apologize to the faculty member and tell them that I wouldn’t do it again. But, if I am doing something I am certain doesn’t, then I’d go to one of the presidents and tell them that I had a faculty member tell me I did something that went against my training. I may also bring it up with SLT and let them handle the teacher and let the president tell SLT about it.”
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
Capture The Flag
The whole premise of capture the flag is that opposite teams have to capture each other's flag to gain points. The team with the most points wins a round and there can be multiple rounds.
4 teams will be made, 2 for one match, 2 for the other. They will be made of students of various grades and non-sports members are encouraged to join the event. Each team will have a flag. That flag has to be picked up by the opposing team and taken back to the other team to be counted as a point. The flag could be an item that is simply carried and when /grab is done successfully, they have to drop the flag and it to be returned to where it was. The round will then be restarted and the game will continue. There would be 10 rounds and you’d need 10 points to win the match. The winning team of that match will then play against the winning team of the other two teams. The winning team could win yen or items.
Concession stands should be built to sell drinks and snacks that watching students can buy to enjoy while they are watching the game. The game could take place outside on the baseball diamond or the football pitch. There would need to be a referee for the game and this can be an SLT or faculty member. Players will be needed to run the concession stands and the sports teams could also help plan the event as well and give their input.
I think this would be a fun event to do for the school. I feel it would encourage students to work together. It may also encourage players to try out for sports and get more involved with teams. It could help some people also build teamwork skills as they would have to cooperate with the members on their team to win.
Ask A Councilor Day
You know those panels where people can come up and ask a panel of people on a stage various questions? Well that's this but student council style.
This will take place in the gym on the stage. A microphone will be on the floor in front and students can come up and ask any councilor, any question. The councilors will first come out on stage and a table and some chairs can be placed on the stage. They will all introduce themselves by giving their name, if they are in college or highschool and anything else they would like to share. Then students can come up and start asking questions. They can ask anything about student council to something a little more personal like hobbies. The council member then has to answer them to the best of their ability. If a member is too uncomfortable to answer a question publicly or they don’t know how to answer it, the student is allowed to either ask another one or ask another councilor the same question,. If not then it will go to the next student in line. Students are only allowed to ask one question and they cannot ask another one unless the councilor cannot answer the first question. Faculty can also be allowed to ask questions as well, but this is more geared towards students.
This event could help strengthen the bond between students and the student council. It may also give clarity to students that have concerns or questions for the student council and gives them a chance to voice those concerns. It also gives the council the chance to share their ideas, goals, and values to students and faculty alike. I also thought this would be fun since students could also ask councilors questions to get to know them more like hobbies and a little insight into their lives as students and people. Council can also leave an impression on those in the gym and those that asked questions.
While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
Listening to the question, Sea nodded and brought her hands to her lap. “Well I would give any disruptive student a warning first but during an assembly? Because there are several things going on and not to cause anymore disruptions to everyone else, I’d pull the student aside and tell them that they need to quit it or they’ll be given detention for constant disruptions and to remain respectful of everyone around them. If they continue after several warnings, I’d issue a detention and advise that they be removed from the assembly to prevent further issues from happening. I’d also apologize to everyone affected and tell them that it has been handled.”
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
“This is a simple one. I’d just alert other council members and school faculty that a student ran after I threatened detention, and refused to take their mask off. Because I can’t see their face, I’d describe their clothing to the best of my ability and make sure to include any other unique characteristics, like if they have a prosthetic I can see or any visible scars.” Sea sat up tall and smiled, she seemed confident in herself, but maybe not confident enough.
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
Her eyes wandered around her, a hard question indeed and one that needed a long answer. “First I’d get the teacher's attention and talk to them about it after class. I’d tell them that I would keep a close eye on the student and keep a mental list of the disturbing behavior they are displaying. I’d advise that maybe a school counselor should talk to them and that this could be because of mental health issues. I’d also suggest maybe reporting the student to SLT or the police just in case these behaviors are violent in nature. For the verbal threats, detention could be issued and the staff in there made aware of the situation.” She cleared her throat. “Safety is my number one priority and I would make sure this student doesn’t harm any students and teachers, even if that means they need to be isolated in a room for safety reasons, though they could also be a danger to themselves.”
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
“I think every student has the right to protest and voice their concerns about something, especially when it affects a large group of them. Before they can protest, I’d tell them that it must remain peaceful and they should not be harassing and assaulting students. They are to keep their protesting outside of classrooms and they need to stop when classes are in session. I’d ask faculty and councilors if they can follow and monitor the protesting students to make sure that nothing happens and that they are there just to monitor and not join the protest, even if they agree with it or not. I’d make the group aware of this and tell them that if it does get violent and disruptive that they will have to stop and if they continue they will be banned from doing so. I don’t want to punish them as I don’t want to give the impression that students aren’t allowed to do this and discourage students from speaking up about topics important to them.”
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Sea took a good moment to talk about this. The chance that this would happen isn’t high, but it was still a possibility. “I think my reaction would depend on the situation. If I am doing something that is against what I’ve been trained to do, then I’d stop it and apologize to the faculty member and tell them that I wouldn’t do it again. But, if I am doing something I am certain doesn’t, then I’d go to one of the presidents and tell them that I had a faculty member tell me I did something that went against my training. I may also bring it up with SLT and let them handle the teacher and let the president tell SLT about it.”
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
Capture The Flag
The whole premise of capture the flag is that opposite teams have to capture each other's flag to gain points. The team with the most points wins a round and there can be multiple rounds.
4 teams will be made, 2 for one match, 2 for the other. They will be made of students of various grades and non-sports members are encouraged to join the event. Each team will have a flag. That flag has to be picked up by the opposing team and taken back to the other team to be counted as a point. The flag could be an item that is simply carried and when /grab is done successfully, they have to drop the flag and it to be returned to where it was. The round will then be restarted and the game will continue. There would be 10 rounds and you’d need 10 points to win the match. The winning team of that match will then play against the winning team of the other two teams. The winning team could win yen or items.
Concession stands should be built to sell drinks and snacks that watching students can buy to enjoy while they are watching the game. The game could take place outside on the baseball diamond or the football pitch. There would need to be a referee for the game and this can be an SLT or faculty member. Players will be needed to run the concession stands and the sports teams could also help plan the event as well and give their input.
I think this would be a fun event to do for the school. I feel it would encourage students to work together. It may also encourage players to try out for sports and get more involved with teams. It could help some people also build teamwork skills as they would have to cooperate with the members on their team to win.
Ask A Councilor Day
You know those panels where people can come up and ask a panel of people on a stage various questions? Well that's this but student council style.
This will take place in the gym on the stage. A microphone will be on the floor in front and students can come up and ask any councilor, any question. The councilors will first come out on stage and a table and some chairs can be placed on the stage. They will all introduce themselves by giving their name, if they are in college or highschool and anything else they would like to share. Then students can come up and start asking questions. They can ask anything about student council to something a little more personal like hobbies. The council member then has to answer them to the best of their ability. If a member is too uncomfortable to answer a question publicly or they don’t know how to answer it, the student is allowed to either ask another one or ask another councilor the same question,. If not then it will go to the next student in line. Students are only allowed to ask one question and they cannot ask another one unless the councilor cannot answer the first question. Faculty can also be allowed to ask questions as well, but this is more geared towards students.
This event could help strengthen the bond between students and the student council. It may also give clarity to students that have concerns or questions for the student council and gives them a chance to voice those concerns. It also gives the council the chance to share their ideas, goals, and values to students and faculty alike. I also thought this would be fun since students could also ask councilors questions to get to know them more like hobbies and a little insight into their lives as students and people. Council can also leave an impression on those in the gym and those that asked questions.
Personal Information
(in character)
Sea Jidaisho
Phone number:
How would you describe your personality?:
“I’d describe myself as confident, though sometimes I don’t feel that way. I also mean business and I won’t put up with people standing in my way. I will reach goals I have, even if it takes months for me to achieve them as I think the reward is worth it. I believe I can get through every obstacle and barrier in my way and come out victorious. I also love making new friends and consider myself a friendly and outgoing person. I do have some weaknesses though, like sometimes its hard for me to express emotions and that's something I am actively working on.”
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
Sea seemed to wear polished looks and liked dresses a lot. Her hair is dyed blue and has a wavy texture to it. Her eyes are painted grey. Freckles dot her face. She also stands tall at 5'4", making her above average in height. Her soft appearance and glow are in contrast with her personality.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
“I think my willingness to push through anything and everything sets me apart from other applicants. I don’t see many people with the strength I have and I don’t know many people I do. Pushing through things takes a lot of perseverance and discipline and that's something you need for student council. We have to have a lot of discipline to be able to stay calm under pressure when dealing with situations like fights and disputes. I will do anything to help the council move forward with my strength and resilience.”
Why do you want this position?:
“I want to make an impact on Karakura Highschool and change students' experiences at school. School is supposed to be a safe environment that encourages learning and growth along with teaching students life skills. I want to make the school as safe as I can and help those in need. I see a lot of troubled students and even though I am not a school counselor, I still want to give support and guidance to students that need it most. Student council also gives me the ability to learn new things about myself and strengthen my current skills and abilities.”
What interests you the most about student council?:
“A lot actually, but I like that I get to contribute and give back to the school. I want to give back to the school that I’ve attended for four years and have grown to love. My love for it also gives me a reason to join the student council and give back in return for what the teachers and faculty have given me and have taught me over the amount of time I’ve been here. I know student council is a big responsibility and I am willing to take and commit to that responsibility. It also seems like a lot of fun and rewarding too.”
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
“To make it a fun environment, I would actively engage with students either by saying hello or simply asking how their day is. I’d also advocate for events and maybe some days where we give out stuff like candy and small snacks. For safety? I’d just pay attention to my surroundings and maybe start an anti-bullying campaign to spread awareness for bullying and how to help victims of bullying. I’d offer support to those affected by assault and fights and make sure I deal with disputes in an effective and timely manner. Those that cause harm will not go without punishment and I will make sure they get the correct one too.”