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  • Hi Ducks. i have a problem and its that i have been playing on this server for a long ass time now and my rank(im in 7th grade) has still not moved yet. Could u pls fix this? i have been playing before we moved to this server, all the way back to when u could warp into an ender dragon. I really would like it if u fixed this, since i have donated a lot to u and purchased a lot of ranks.
    Make a thread about this in Technical Issues, Ducks won't give a shit about it if you post it here.
    hey ducks my sister got ban for telling other ppl her server address and it got me my cousin and my brother ban for alt please unban us are names are King_Cole_Bear Maverick1212 and yodathewiseman please unbann us
    hey duck, im stuck under one of the houses in front of the school, the one with purple... somehow the game glitched me through the ground, it is not on accident or on purpose. but i dont know how this happened
    Excuse me, I'd just like to ask.. I've already read most of the information about the server, But I just wanted to ask. How do you become a dropout? I'm sorry if I bothered you.. I just wanted to know.
    Hi there! I have a question. I posted my School Employee application about a week ago, and I haven't seen much progress with it. Not asking you to look at it, as it is against the rules (I think).
    So, how long does it usually take to get a response? As in, becoming accepted or denied.

    I've really been enjoying the server! ~ SuspicionEagle
    hello my name is wolfclaw123 i'd like to apply for a possition as a teacher i have already put my application up in the forums i would love to know if i could be any help to the school
    Hey ducks my sister got ban for telling people her server so then I got ban for alt because of her and my cousin did to so can you please unban us are user names are King_Cole_Bear and my cousins name is Maverick1212
    why did you ban me again? Strawberry unbanned me and you banned me again for "bypassing a ban" i didn't bypass anything, i was unbanned but strawberry
    also, when i was banned, the reason was "the ban hammer has spoken!" i don't even know what that means, but i miss playing on your server :(
    hey ducks, my friend oreo_swirl, cookie swirl_ , and i were banned for no reason at all. I have been so upset all day because i love your server so much and i was banned and i did nothing :(
    ur staff is banning people that arent doing anything my friend was banend and she didnt do anything her name is cookieswirl_ and i was banned and i didnt do anything
    cookie swirl is my friend and we were both banned and we don't know why
    Hi i just wanted to say if you need any builers for anything i would love to help. I know there isnt really a post any where about it im just saying if one day you need help ill be here!
    yikes shizai don't like this, it's so old and crigy
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