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  1. DarkEclipic

    Accepted LightEclipic | Government Application (Governor #3)

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: LightEclipic (Reporter, If accepted I will leave this position) (Other accounts: DarkEclipic[Teacher], WhiteEclipic, GreyEclipic, BlackEclipic) Discord Tag: darkeclipic Do you have a working microphone?: Yes I do! Timezone & Country: CST, USA Links to any...
  2. DarkEclipic

    My Intro!!

    Welcome to SRP!! IF you got any questions, just ask! No question is a dumb one!
  3. DarkEclipic

    Record suggestion

    Neutral This was already something that is being planned for SRP as said in an update post about Character Profiles awhile back and in other suggestions revolving around Profiles. Yea, this is going to take some time for them to fully add all of the gears due to the plugin being made from...
  4. DarkEclipic

    Apartment Reverse Warning

    +1 If we have a warning to extend our rent, there should be something from reversing apartments
  5. DarkEclipic

    Place the mask on skins rule on hold whilst the Mask Glitch is being Fixed

    -1 just make sure to reequip your mask from time to time or take a screenshot of you wearing it
  6. DarkEclipic

    Improving the limited residence edit mode range for houses!

    Neutral I want this to happen SO BADLY. But, if it were accepted Kimi would have to go to EVERY. SINGLE. HOUSE. On the map and edit it's range we are able to build in. I am unsure on what commands he would have to do or what the whole process changing regions are, but you have to admit there...
  7. DarkEclipic

    Revamping the internship system

    +1 I love internships
  8. DarkEclipic

    Apartment/House privilages

    +1 Honestly, I totally agree with this. We already have to make the inside of our Houses/Apartments 'home' like anyway, so why do trap houses exist when it's not 'home' like? You can still hide weapons in a home-like environment if you are good enough at making things work together.
  9. DarkEclipic

    making 11/7 npc ran again

    -1 We already have Mori Mart that is npc ran. This was suggested before and it was denied. Mori Mart has cooking stuff when it's open
  10. DarkEclipic

    Detention Slips Proposal

  11. DarkEclipic

    [Request Thread] ErikFinsters' Custom List [Propose new Customs]

  12. DarkEclipic

    [Request Thread] ErikFinsters' Custom List [Propose new Customs]

    now, this is a weird on. But you know those squeezable pigs that make a oink noise? I love those damned things
  13. DarkEclipic

    BUSINESS | Zennix Corporation

    We would LOVE work for you in whichever event you wish to do!
  14. DarkEclipic

    Shop Advertisement Changes

    1. +1 2. +1 3. Maybe not a teleport STRAIGHT to the shop, but maybe a teleport to the NEAREST train station of the shop, but i don't think it should be RANK exclusive. Neutral 4. +1, but make it for ALL players. It doesn't make sense for Ranked only to have access to seeing what shops are...
  15. DarkEclipic

    4 Questions that I'm begging to be Anwsered

    I would suggest reading the (Click Here>) Rules with sections 6 through 9
  16. DarkEclipic

    It was an honor to write this with you and Kota! Thanks to Rex for letting us!

    It was an honor to write this with you and Kota! Thanks to Rex for letting us!
  17. DarkEclipic

    How do i find a job

    They are talking about the server, not irl
  18. DarkEclipic

    My introduction

    Welcome!! IF you ever have questions, please ask!!!! :D