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  1. Caliri

    Isamu Hayato - 勇 隼人

    bird-man.... kinda edgy.. in all seriousness, he seems cool eek.
  2. Caliri

    hi doing requrests

    hello where is petA
  3. Caliri

    hi doing requrests

    shut the fuck up you shrimp pp sucker
  4. Caliri

    hi doing requrests

    becauuaausue sans is babe
  5. Caliri

    hi doing requrests

    usenrame: caliri skin: what is character doing: being a bitch baby compliment on how good u think my art is: hotot but also mediorcocoocre you fuckigngng ms paint using ass
  6. Caliri

    Scenario - What do you do?

    I would pick A or G. As for A it would just be getting it over with so they like at least kNoW and its done with. As for G, as they say, gotta catch them all, I'll get my epic gamer moment eventually.
  7. Caliri

    Another QOTD.. <;

    question why my future is in some random diary like what the heck
  8. Caliri

    Doing Requests (temp closed) D:

    i love it thank youyuyu. he lookslike a sNACK.
  9. Caliri

    Doing Requests (temp closed) D:

    Username: Caliri | Mari#3021 Your character's skin: Your character's appearance: Hanae Tadao would be a small, fragile-looking male. He would have messy black hair with dull grey eyes. He would have an ectomorph build. His clothing would consist of a denim jacket with a white shirt...
  10. Caliri

    ill shit on your car seat

    ill shit on your car seat
  11. Caliri

    don't you mean your're

    don't you mean your're
  12. Caliri

    imagine getting pushed into the pool by your morhtther

    imagine getting pushed into the pool by your morhtther
  13. Caliri

    SHUTUTUt Up I know what I said sounds wrong out of cONTEXT

    SHUTUTUt Up I know what I said sounds wrong out of cONTEXT
  14. Caliri

    sun eaaater @YouWatanaba_ made it !1! edgy toddler hanae at your service!!1!

    sun eaaater @YouWatanaba_ made it !1! edgy toddler hanae at your service!!1!
  15. Caliri

    Resource Pack Issues

    Use the version 1.13.2 with optifine turned on.
  16. Caliri

    because.. . . . nagitoes.. . ...

    because.. . . . nagitoes.. . .
  17. Caliri


    I don't think you are supposed to be there but ok
  18. Caliri

    Kobayashi Family // BIOGRAPHY

    Was the surname taken from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid or is that just coincidental???
  19. Caliri

    Aria Emerson / Family Biography "エマーソン"

    backstory: He has shoes
  20. Caliri

    Aria Emerson / Family Biography "エマーソン"

    yse totllay happend!!!