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  1. Popo

    Top 3 gangs ever no bias

    1. Kage — Im6 as the faction lead. 2. Akihito Clan — hebwig, Prosthetics, and Lewk as the faction lead(s). I lowkey can't provide a third one without being biased or controversial, as my third favourite was one with a relatively bad reputation.
  2. Popo

    GangRP Talk

    You implied it, however. I was CrimeRPing on two occasions in the past. I got raided on both occasions, abolishing GangRP wouldn't abolish the KPD faction entirely!
  3. Popo

    GangRP Talk

    Given that I was both a part of the Hospital faction, and actively partake in multiple forms of crime; i.e. GangRP, CrimeRP, etc. I think it's only fair I give my own input in this, whilst being aware that this forum post will just drown eventually under the premise that no one would really want...
  4. Popo

    Do you remember this? [DYRT]

    Likewise. I remember getting chased by a cop around the campus countless times, took them about five minutes before I got tased lol Not too sure if it was taken in 2017 or 2018 accordingly, but I believe late 2018 was the transformation towards the new school that we still have today. okay...
  5. Popo

    Do you remember this? [DYRT]

    I joined in 2017, so that year.
  6. Popo

    In an entirely hypothetical situation, how would you react if you were in some sort of major accident?

    Hello, hello. I was in a car accident on two separate occasions, once in 2020 during my FantasyRP arc— and very recently, hence my in-game inactivity. Chances are (although it's entirely dependent on the circumstances), you will not be able to react when you get rear ended or T-boned by another...
  7. Popo

    Do you remember this? [DYRT]

    When I first joined, the nametag display looked like this (Woah, @Aania as a sociology teacher?! Unbelievable.)
  8. Popo

    AMA | Ask Me Anything! (bheom's qna take)

    How's it like getting arrested?
  9. Popo

    Lnesto Martinez

    I can't explain it. I just went through so many emotions as I listened to this, an absolute masterpiece manufactured and constructed by none other than Lewks. I am in tears. I am happy, I am sad. I am crying, and I am laughing. This is better than Meet the Graham's by Kendrick Lamar.
  10. Popo


  11. Popo

    if you had to be blatently honest, what would've been the worst FailRP/Metagame'd scenario, or act you've done?

    Turns out I did do something like this. I recently (by recently, I mean four months ago) got attacked by the dissolved gang Moichido & Man'en at the time. They had KPS and valid motive to kill my character and instantaneously surrounded him. I stood no chance, my fate upon the battlefield was...
  12. Popo

    if you had to be blatently honest, what would've been the worst FailRP/Metagame'd scenario, or act you've done?

    Metagaming: (FantasyRP) My friend asked for assistance OOCly because he was getting attacked by one of the more refined combatants on the server at the time. I got prepared with a good old friend of mine named Samuel, and headed there. The combatant started arguing that we metagamed but there...
  13. Popo


  14. Popo

    What's a place you think isn't used as much as it should be?

    Forest, Beach, Business District, Zen Garden A lot of these locations tend to have potential for unique roleplay, yet aren't utilised for much besides: 1. Going to the shrine, or fishing. 2. Going to the pier to access the sewers or to buy a Jetski. 3. Renting an apartment/penthouse. 4. Weddings.
  15. Popo


    Much love Erik
  16. Popo

    Kazuo DeLuca | BIOGRAPHY

  17. Popo

    windswake's AMA

    This is in fact the reason I kidnapped four officers and placed them in a secluded sand burrow in the middle of the Sahara desert. Obviously a reference, if you couldn't catch onto it..
  18. Popo

    Unsure! How about you make an AMA yourself?

    Unsure! How about you make an AMA yourself?
  19. Popo

    ZackTimeKiller's AMA!

    Will you marry me again?