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  1. Latte

    pay by bank card

    Steals money jk, maybe +1
  2. Latte

    Commission time!!

    Oops I caused the scar on his nose
  3. Latte

    [SUGGESTION] Methods of Transportation | wesnt

    Buses. Once upon a time there was indeed buses in the game, they got removed due to the fact that they 1. took up unneeded space on the map 2. had no reason to be there 3. weren't even fully functional for awhile. While it's a nice idea, like the train suggestion it would simply be too much to...
  4. Latte

    teacher art W.I.P

    Holy moly he's so COOL, absolutely love you art! Hope you get accepted, cannot wait to see em around the school!
  5. Latte

    My Introduction .・゜゜・

    WELCOME!! I love ur name
  6. Latte

    Photo links

    this near impossible to monitor. Anything can be uploaded anywhere and for all you know these images could be spam links, plus how would it even be laid out? What website would you use, how would you click a link on a sign? So much could potentially go wrong with this, just no. -1
  7. Latte

    Should I apply for lore team

    deez, nUTZ
  8. Latte

    The White snake and Her Tamer

  9. Latte

    The White snake and Her Tamer

  10. Latte

    Haha I know Gemi's name, you don't

    Haha I know Gemi's name, you don't
  11. Latte

    DrKatzz Another.. Faculty Suggestion .. haha..

    Sup Halota, I'm responding on Kat's behalf but with my opinion. Starting off, I see your a teacher and am aware you've been in the faction for such a long time now! But how does that allow you to see into the professor side of things? I disagree with the suggestion, yes but stating this is a...
  12. Latte

    [SUGGESTION] Train Station Update | wesnt

    Inhales. First off, Karakura is in no way shape or form a major city (as seen with the various suggestions for a new/bigger map) and well there is simply no need for this, or bullet trains as its a minor TOWN on its OWN island on the east side of Japan, separate for the the government! I agree...
  13. Latte

    [SUGGESTION] Train Station Update | wesnt

    There is a subway behind the plaza... idk I like the subways as they are now, the metro theme is nice
  14. Latte

    Phone Suggestion

    Simple enough, yet with how the current plugin is set up I'm not exactly sure this would work but of course I could be wrong. The commands would be pretty cool if it is possible though, +1 to everything but the reply command cause I think it would get a little confusing. Also add fucking...
  15. Latte

    DrKatzz Another.. Faculty Suggestion .. haha..

    This is a very great suggestion! The only issue I can think of, is potential abuse. The school faction is a very open faction and anyone can join / apply, sure I would hope the SLT are capable of making the right choice but if the Event-Team can't be trusted with a powerful command, I feel this...
  16. Latte

    Super cool suggestion

    +1 I love seeing shrine staff online+
  17. Latte


    I was gonna drop some tips but what the others have said above are exactly my thoughts! Adding to what Eton said, utilize hue shifting to your style such as going up a certain amount of hues and keeping that the same way throughout your entire sha-bang. It's sometimes easier to prepare the...